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[IC] Underdogs [a core dnd game]


With the owlbear now dangerously close to the group, Mogro's eyes widen as he realizes he will have to engage the beast in actual sword combat. He charges the ten feet forward, pulling his bastardsword from its scabbard, and spins it around in his hand. "You are going to wish you did not come out of woods Mister Bear!" he shouts, and brings the sword in a powerful swing over his head.

[sblock=OOC]Charge attack with bastardsword. +2 to hit, -2 to defense. 1d10+7 damage plus 1d8 for Powerful Charge feat.

And just fyi... there's no 'n' in Mogro's name. :)[/sblock]

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ic - Underdogs

Round 4

Assaq snaps off a shot moments before the owl-bear closes with Mongro. The arrow beds itself deeply in creature's leg. The creature staggers slightly, before regaining its footing and continuing to surge forward.

Before Mogro can seize the moment, the owl-bear is upon him. Mogro only has time to set his feet, ready to meet the creature. It slams into the stout fighter, ripping and tearing with its claws. They come away bloody, but Mogro manages to both remain standing and evade the creatures attempt to snatch him off the ground.

The fighter slashes back with his sword, carving a bloody gash across the creature's shoulder. A decent blow that seems to trouble the owl-bear. And Mogro has survived. He steps back.

"Shoot it," Mogro grunts.

His sister releases her bolt. Standing barely 30 feet away it strikes, but not truly, flashing though the thick coat of feathers and disappearing out the other side.

[sblock=OOC]Assaq Longbow (16+7+11) 24 vs Owl-bear Def (2+5) 7: Hit 15 overkill
* Dam (15+8+3) 26 - Soak 14 = 12 Wounds
* * owl-bear now Severely wounded (-2 on rolls)

Owl-bear Claws (17+9+2-2) 26 vs Mongro Def (16+8) 24: Hit +2 overkill
* Dam (2+2+9) 13 - Soak 10 = 3 Wound.
* * Mogro is lightly wounded (no penalty to rolls)
Owl-bear grapple (7+14-2+4) 23 vs Mogro Def (16+8) 24: Miss

Mogro Bastard (3+10) 13 vs Owl-bear Def (5+5-2-2) 6: Hit +7 overkill
* Dam (7+4+7) 18 - Soak 14 = 4 wounds.
* * owl-bear is critically wounded (16 wounds, -4 to rolls)

Sister Crossbow (19+3) 21 vs Owl-bear Def (20+5-2-2) 21: Hit
* Dam (2+2) 4 vs Soak 14 = 0 wounds.

Apologies for the delay, covaithe. I held off posting this round to give DEFCON a chance to post. I found his post just as I was about to post up the round summary, which entailed a bit of a re-write. I kept the 5 foot step to give Sis a chance at a clear shot.

The Order of Initiative is Assaq, Sister, Owl-bear, Mogro.

And welcome to the IC thread DEFCON. Sorry about the 'n'.[/sblock]
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As Merga's crossbow bolt whizzes toward and past the owlbear, the young warrior hopes that Assaq can finish it off. That last slash he took from the creature's claws hurt quite a bit, and he didn't know how many more shots like that he could take. "Assaq! Hit him high! I'll distract him!" With no shield in his off-hand, Mogro shifts his grip to a two-handed stance and tries to keep the owlbear focused on him. He then waits for his friend to fire his bow.

[sblock=OOC]Should Assaq not kill the owlbear and the owlbear not knock out Mogro on it's next attack, Mogro will perform another attack with the bastardsword. However this time he will attack with two hands, thereby raising his strength bonus.

I also went ahead and named Mogro's sister (Merga) since she'd need a name at some point I figure. This isn't 'Welcome Back, Kotter' where we can just keep refering to the person like 'Epstein's Mother'. :) [/sblock]


Seeing Mogro step back from the wounded monster, Assaq stops his advance and fires two quick arrows at the beast.

[sblock=ooc]Full attack with rapid shot; two shots at +5 instead of one at +7.

I'm confused about the math again in round 4. In Assaq's attack, I assume 16+7+11=24 should be 16+7+1=24, but I can't figure out where the +1 comes from. Also, there seem to be 2 overkill missing in that attack (which is all right, though, since the owlbear somehow acquired an extra -2 penalty against Mogro's attack).

I hope I'm not being a pain about the math. I'm still trying to make sure I've got this GnG thing figured out. Also, that kind of detail really helps me figure out how different circumstances and tactics affect the outcome, which I think are things that it's appropriate for my character to be paying attention to.

And of course no worries about waiting for Defcon; very glad you're here! :)


ic - Underdogs

Round 5

Assaq takes advantage of the opening and releases two arrows in blinding succession. The both strike true, drawing shrieks of pain from the creature. Blood flows from its many wounds, staining its feathers red.

And yet it still keeps coming. The owl-bear lurches forwards at Mogro. But wounded and weakened, its attack does little more than shred the cold winter air.

Mogro's counter strike is not that much more elegant. But it finds it target. The owl-bear crashes to the ground. The mad glint in its eyes fades. The unearthly shrieks turn to small bubbling coughs, fresh blood drips from its cruel beak with each breath.

"Is it dead Assaq? Are you all right Mogro?" Merga asks in rapid succession. She doesn't wait for a reply.

"Borsta!" she cries, before turning and dashing off into the forest from which the owl-bear emerged.

[sblock=OOC]Assaq longbow (15+5+1) 21 vs owl-bear def (11+5-4-2) 10: 11 overkill
* dam (11+3+3) 17 vs soak 14 = 3 wound
Assaq Longbow (14+5+1) 20 vs owl-bear def (13+5-4-2) 12: 8 overkill
* dam (8+4+3) 15 vs soak 14 = 1 wounds.
* * owl-bear is critically wounded (20 wounds, -4 to rolls)

Owl-bear claws (1): automatic miss.

Mogro bastard (3+10) 13 vs owl-bear def (4+5-4) 4: 9 overkill
* dam (9+2+7) 18 vs soak 14 = 4 wounds.
* * owl-bear is dying (24 wounds, unconscious, -8 to rolls)[/sblock]


Assaq draws his longsword and carefully approaches the unconscious creature. When it does not move, he dispatches it with a precise thrust to the throat. He then examines Mogro's wounds. "Huh. Looked worse in the fight," he pronounces. "Still..." He withdraws a thin wand from his pack and makes a pass over the cuts, slowing the bleeding to a trickle. "Be fine by morning."

He looks back at the dead owlbear. "We should take the head. Elders will want to see." He smiles. "Make a nice trophy."

[sblock=ooc]Coup de grace, assuming I can do that. Wand of CLW, 1 charge used, heals 2 wounds. 49 charges remaining.[/sblock]


Breathing hard from the battle, he nods appreciatively when Assq heals him of his injury. However, Mogro becomes quite concerned when Merga dashes off into the trees to find her dog. "Wait! Sister! Don't rush off yet! I don't have my armor on!" When she ignores his plea, he sighs... then shrugs at Assaq and runs off into the woods after his sister. Hopefully she hasn't gone too far.


Assaq grins at Mogro's haste, and settles down to the dirty business of separating the owlbear's head from its neck. Not long after Mogro disappears into the trees, a large gray wolf trots casually out of the woods from a different direction. Assaq looks up and says sarcastically, "Thanks for the help."


ic - Underdogs

Cutting of the owl-bear's head is going to be a grim and messy business. As Assaq contemplates the task, he realises that someone is going to have to come up here to deal with the body anyway. The meat will be taken, if for nothing else for the dogs. The fur and feathers will also probably be used. The feathers, given the rareness of the creature, may even be worth something in town. The question is, does he want to go home with a trophy, or wait for someone else to do it and collect his trophy later?

Mogro eventually catches up with his sister some 30 feet into the forest. She crouches on the ground, clutching the bloodied head of Borsta. She murmurs quietly to the hound. Getting closer, Mogro realises the dog still lives, although only just. Given the wounds, Mogro doubts that the dog will live long without help.

"Do something Mogro."


On examining the owlbear's tough hide, Assaq realizes almost immediately that tougher tools than his longsword are called for. He starts dragging the corpse by its legs to the nearest tree, intending to hang it by its feet from a tree limb to bleed dry and return later with tools and helpers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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