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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 3)


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Edena, can powers with 11th level magic scry each other? (I would think not, as when people had only 9th they couldn't scry anyone)

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Forsaking (the word, not related to the player - ah ha ha) my typically lengthy and involved post, I made a claim for the immortals of Mystara and left behind my claim for the Church of Mercy.

*edit* What was I thinking? The Immortals don't match me or my intentions at all. I relinquish any and all ideas of claming them :). */edit*

If your list post is correct, then I'll once again chain my claim to the Church of Toril - slightly more familiar territory, I confess. Albeit still a challange.

Let me know if I have stepped into another conflict here :)
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This makes me wonder if O'skoteinos knows something about Valkys' unseelie that I don't...because he seems so eager to get them ;)

Edit-Also I might consider taking Mina instead, but the Unseelie are more of Hellmaster's alignment, as several of you have stated...
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Back again.

Hmm, I though the Church of Toril wasn't conflicted anymore, but I guess it is again. I drop my claim for the Church of Toril and put in a claim for The Republic of Selune. If I can't have an intersphere trading empire, I'll settle for a hub of interstellar commerce.


People please mail eachother and RESOLVE THOSE CLAIMS.
Only after they are resolved the lists can be finalised.
And the convention can get underway.

From Edena`s lists:

Allies on the world of Athas (Tyr, Nibenay, and the other citys of the Dragon-Kings, their Templars, their people, and any allies) PL 5,000

Well, I thought that Tyr is free city, but I assume I conquered it, and its population contributed to 10 000 Red Army pl I have from Athas.

And Edena, you stated that my PC jumped to 100 pl from merging with Red Goo, I assume that my NPC`s also increased from 2 to 10 each?

Shadowlord Baelros, Demon Lord Of Shadow, was looking upon the City Of Tyr, that was no more. Its inhabitants stared in terror, as Red Legions marched against them, in deadly silence, with looks of eternal hatred and torment at their faces. People of Tyr fought desperately, spells of doom and mighty psionic blasts against Red Goo Cannons, Bolts Of Shade, and assault of Shadow Dragons. One of Shadowlords, Lichlord Rhamagaum, was slain in magical duel against strange half-elven woman, whose power seemed to originate from Sun itself, fortunately his soul safely returned to phylactery. But she was defeated by Shadowlord Azorgax, mighty Shadow Dragon who served as a mount of Lord Melkor himself, and City fell to the furious ounslaught. Its inhabitants joined The Red Army, and were now standing before Shadowlords, glowing with sinister, reddish Aura, in complete, unnatural silence, even children, no longer laughing, playing, full of joy, but full of hatred and suffering. Baelros noticed Lord Rivalen coming towards him.

-I have news from Lord Melkor, it seems that transformation of Lunar spirits into Red Warriors is almost finished, soon he will come to Athas, leading forces equal to those that arose when Blood Waste was awakened, our enemies will have a nasty surprise!

Than they both laughed, as Baelros lifted his Black Axe and Flaming Whip, while new recruits kneeled before him, ready to spread oblivion at the command of Shadowking.

Melkor To Hellmaster:

-I like you, you were loyal to me in the past, you shall be rewarded. Soon, with the help of Red Legions, Pantheon Of Glowing Darkness shall rule entire multiverse, and your position in it will be second only to Iuz`s and mine! We WILL have worlds, Hellmaster, ALL of them, their inhabitants will be our slaves, our toys! Stay with us, and you won`t regret this!
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First Post
I claim Mina, and the Knights of Neraka. Together we will usher in a new era, an era of Control.

If anyone else has previously claimed these powers, or if I have 11th level magic of my own and your previous statement was in error, I make no claims.

William Ronald

The Forsaken One is right in that we need to resolve conflicting claims.

There is also something I would like to see everyone do. Try to read up about your faction, and portray some of its members. Anabstercorian, get one or both of the War of Souls books to portray Mina's style of speech and manner. Kaboom, maybe get something with some speeches by some of the Chosen of Mystra.

Or you can possibly check out Bugbear's collection of the previous IRs. The Second IR has a lot of in character speeches. You can find the previous IR threads at http://bugbearslair.homestead.com/GIRA1.html

It will also give you an idea how serious things can get in an IR.

Hazen sends a note to Siobhan Silirevnur and Kalanyr.

"I will be honored to attend your conference. I pray that it will be fruitful and help lead to a better future for Oerth."

"The work to build a better world will not be easy. However, Oerth is well worth saving. Perhaps all of us can reveal our visions for the future of Oerth, and be truthful to one another."

"I will ask two of the Angels to accompany to the conference. The Emperor of Suhfang has asked me to announce that he will likely attend."

Archcleric Hazen.

A second message arrives, bearing the seal of the Emperor of Suhfang.

"Lord Kalanyr and Lady Siobhan,

Your commitment to peace and your courage warms my heart in these dark times. I will attend your conference, as will a delegation from Suhfang. Perhaps we can make a better world for us all. History will judge us for our actions. I pray that they shall judge that we were wise and brave."

Emperor Cho Je Paser of Suhfang.

Hazen, the Kevellond League, and the Angels will continue to help the peoples of Telchuria and the Thrillonian peninsula. (Zelda's faction.) We will send help where it is needed on Oerth. So Aquaria and the AnaKeri nations receive help as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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