(IR) The 3rd IR, 2nd Turn (thread 2)

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Kalaynr – Done, although I am assuming that you are providing protection for my ambassador in this highly dangerous, contested area?

Serpenteye – Thank you, this will do quite nicely.

Melkor – a Temple, Free Trade and….?

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Edena Shade sent all their reserves to the Western Front, Shadow Throne is almost empty now. Enemies have to face great magical power, terrible outsiders, mighty Shadow Dragons. All Shadowlords are participating in battle, by throwing spells of doom, But Azorgax and Bealros are personally leading troops, no enemy warrior can stand to any of them, enemy escape at the very sight of them.


Drow tech is shared with the following aditions
(All others we are trading with continue recieving tech)

Festy will also share tech with them.

Forsaken will too unless he objects in which case his support is withdrawn.


First Post
Answers to posts above


Edena, have you gotten my 2 emails?


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Edena, question
What is the status of my troops?

((The leader of the orcs sums it up:

The Descendants of the Worms of the Earth are ready and waiting to kill the weaklings of the surface, Sir!))

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Since the Delrunian Army was not attacked I guess we will consider reinforcing our defense some more... More catapults, more towers... more balistae, more trenches... more more more...

((What's left of the Delrunian Army. More than two-thirds of it was killed in the Battle of the Flinty Hills and the subsequent rout.))

Defenders are spread into Artonsamay and Kinemeet with bases in each county as described earlier...


A Fraction of the army is sent to scout Kor and see if the enemy is entrenched, but are hoping to find another big empty county to reinforce. If the county is cleaned out they will move in, if the county is occupied they retreat to Kinemeet to reinforce the border with Kor. If we move in then the forces are spread across this border as well, and similar entrenchment occurs.

((Kor is massively entrenched.))

The forces of Fellreeve are now looking to the north to prevent attacks from the north more than from the south. Forces here worried mostly about attacks from the Fellands. Because of this a 1 PL scouting party is sent to raid the Fellands.

((Noted. Sollir, another of your countries is under attack.))

I am going to bed... so the scouting parties are TO RETREAT if resistance even equal to their force is encountered. After scouts return or secure land catapults begin lobbing every rock they can get their hands on into the Riftcrag... attempting to destroy stuctures and bait the enemy to come out and attack.

((They can't get close enough to the Rift Canyon to do that, and in any case the Canyon is huge ... more than 100 miles long, and a mile wide or more))

William has overall control of my forces that can only be overided by me... and he has COMPLETE control of my forces in the Swanmay army.

((Noted. Williams, take note.))

Messages are sent to allied Spelljammers to reinforce us if they ever have such an ability available. Both here and in the Grandwoods.

((There are none left to help. They are all fighting in the great battle over the Hellfurnaces.))

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Furious at the destruction in the North Kingdom the great armies of the Dark Union chase after the fleeing armies. A highly moblie force of cavalry and other fast units (man, I'm too tired) try to get around and ahead of the main force of the enemies and engage them in combat to pin them down. The God Emperor, Philidor, Xaene, Tenser and Drax is with this force, so is most high level mages in the Union. While the enemy army is stalled by this force the main armies will ram into the enemies from the rear (that sounds kind'a dirty ) and annihilate them. We will not allow them to escape this time. They must die!

((Bad news, Serpenteye. They got away. They have made it back to the safety of Dark Swamp, where they have massively fortified the place ... and it is, in terms of forest and natural hazards, worse than the Grandwood.
Of course, they have a truly large force, unlike the Grandwood.))

Other mages fly invisibly and buffed over the evacuating ships and blast them to the bottom of the sea.

((The Lendore elves are mages themselves. They see your force coming.
They return fire, and use magic to save their ships.
Soon, your mage army is locked in a war of assorted lightning bolts, fireballs, magic missiles, and other spells, lighting up the sky with the pyrotechnics as the Union and the elves fight it out.))

((Some good news for you. Kas has conquered the last of Nyrond.
You now hold the Flinty Hills and Garrel Enkdal.
You have regained all the land lost to the Swanmay Army, although the eastern part of the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi is devastated.))


I have made a post regarding Vecna in the IR Out Of Character Talk thread!

((I am really sorry you are leaving, Bonedagger/Riot Gear.
God knows, you are a good player, and one of the best through all the IRs.
I wish you could stay.
Thanks for making the IRs what they were.))

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The following is OOC:

Emissaries and ambassadors (all human, but very creepy humans) from the IBKSC arrive in each of the following empires capitals (assuming of course you allow it). Embassies are established, and the ambassadors expect to be treat with rights that their positions afford (again assuming you allow it, if not they will simply go home, such a request on your part will not necessarily negate any current agreements between our nations.


The following is a list of people that Iuz has official dealings with. I would ask that you all treat this as OCC information that you don’t know unless Edena rules that your spies learn of it. This is just easier than writing a bunch of emails.

William Roland: Non-aggression, Right of Passage (escorted and only with Kevellond’s approval).
Black Omega: Non-aggression
Creamsteak: Non-aggression, Free Trade (technology, etc.)
Turrosh Mak: Non-aggression
Darkness: Non-aggression, Free trade, Mutual Defense Pact (conditional on specific aggressors that we have already spoken about)
Draco and Serpent eye: Non-aggression, Mutual defense pact (non-conditional on aggressor)
Anabsterercon: Non-aggression
Kalanyr: Non-aggression, Free Trade

((The above is strictly OOC. It is not generally known IC, although spies are working on the matter.))

If I missed someone or something please let me know and I will correct my notes accordingly.

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Iuz's ambassadors are accepted but are Instructed to set up office in Geoff in a relatively safe place.

((There is no safe place in Geoff, as you should know well, Kalanyr.))

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JohnBrown, a huge Shade delegation appears before you, led by Shadowlady Ahlissa. Sahe speaks:

- O great and migty, it seems that some misunderstandings has happened between us. I humby apologize for it. We are giving you our technological secrets in a good will, we will also build you a temple in Shadow Throne!

- O almighty Iuz it seems that this is a turning point in this war. Allying with our enemies won`t give you much, allying with us will allow you finally crush Kevellond League. We humbly ask you to reconsider this offer.

To Kalanyr, Festy Dog, Maudlin, Forsaken One and Sullir:

You haven`t stated sharing technology with each other, as I and Serpenteye did! I advise you to do it.

((Good and bad news for you, Melkor.
The good news is that you now hold the County of Urnst.
The bad news is that you no longer hold Dyvvers or the Wild Coast - the confederation of the United Kingdom of Ulek, the Lortmil Technomancy and the Peoples of the Northern Lortmils, the Pomarj, and nearly the Kevellond League's entire army, all combined, have driven your forces out of those lands.
There is more good news. You made them pay very dearly to regain those lands. Very dearly indeed.))

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Your embassy is recieved with open arms. All diplomatic niceties are shown and the embasy is provided with a pleasant little palace in our capital Jalpa. The embasy is of course carefully watched and guarded.

((Heh. Noted!))

What else do you desire, mighty Iuz. We may also give you slaves as another gift( 1 or 2 power level worth).

And Shade Empire is sharing technology with Iuz Empire.

I assume we are trading, is it Kalanyr?

I would apreciate if you could send a small force to help us in the battle, even you appearing personally might be enough!


First Post
Edena, Melkor

To orc general -- If all conditions are right (as I stated in my email earlier today, Edena). Move out Otherwise remain on alert.

Melkor -- Iuz thinks a minute. "Hmm...Lets start the negotiation. My opening bid would be the City and Domain of Greyhawk..."


First Post
So the Dark Swamp is heavily fortified and guarded by a large force. Then we reinforce our border. Fortresses and traps are built all around our borders with the Dark Swamp and heavily garrisoned. The same is done in Garrel Enkdal and the Flinty Hills.
All in all 15 powerpoints entrench in the general area.
30 powerpoints worth of armies, including the God Emperor and his NPC flunkies travel west and strike into Seldanora and Delrune to force a peace in the north. The lands are not ravaged, the people not massacred, only those who oppose us. 10 points of armies are sent into the Duchy of Urnst to end the stalemate. The mages and Sea Barons fighting the fleets in the north are reinforced and are now 15 powerpoints. Our other forces take defensive positions all around the Union.
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Good Point.

Iuz's ambassadors are set up somewhere in the Hellfurnaces in Festy Dogs capital, they are given the utmost luxury.


First Post
There was someone I forgot...

Sollir Furryfoot – We of the IBKSC do not consider you the legitimate government of the Bandit Lands. We recognize, err, well, ourselves the legitimate government, and as such will not open negotiations with you. We are simply offering your people (not your character) a relatively bloodless option of peaceful reconciliation. Again we advise you to think about it.

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