(IR) The 3rd IR, 2nd Turn (thread 2)

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Drow Ambassador seems to be a bit surprised at the words of Iuz:

You are asking much, this is our capitol, but it can be done. This is the prize we can pay for a full military aliance, Shade are interested in territories of Veluna, Celene, Pomajr and Ulek, Domain of Greyhawk is not that much compared to it, of course we are opened to further negotiations.

Suddenly she speaks with a passion( As I mentioned, she bears enchantment tha makes her voice unhumanly convincing, like The Voice of Saruman, it is no charm directed at you)

Oh Iuz The Old One, The Mighty One, the time has come for the strong to feed upon the weak! And the power and cunning of Iuz The Old One is legendary, we have heard about you even on Toril, your fame knows no borders! You have a chance like never before, for Furyondy lies almost unprotected, its armies sent to east and west. Kevellondians, they opposed you in the past, they dared to defy Iuz The Old One, such a sin must be punished!

We beg you, strike upon The Furyondy, crush your enemies, make them bow before your supreme might! You will have Furyondy, you will have Greyhawk, your Empire wil rise to heights unimaginable, your glory will live for eternity!

Don`t care about treaties and promises, you are The God of Gods, King of Kings, you are Iuz, you are beyond this!
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OOC: Before I can respond I need to hear back from Edena. I just don't want you to think I am blowing you off on purpose....

I liked the prose though!!
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To Edena:

As the forces of the enemy retake their territories , they find a wasteland. Shade devastated everything they could, and civillian population, mostly enslaved, while the chosen could ascend and become The Shade, was moved to Shadow Throne( or killed if it was impossibel).

(Meta) Edena I believe that the action stated above will allow The Shade to keep most of their pl from Wild Coast and Dyvvers, 2 from 3, okay?
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Iuz, of course we can`t give you Greyhawk in an instant, time is needed to move our capitol, not to mention we use all forces avalible to defend against overwhelming odds.
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I'm logging out now.
Edena, if any of our armies comes under the risk of defeat they will withdraw to more defensible positions. If any of our defences are at risk of being overrun they will be reinforced.


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I understand the logistics invloved, however, since we are talking a milltary allience on a massive and complete scale, It would be imprudent of me to "activate" such an agreement until the turn over was complete.

Such an alliance could only begin once The City of Greyhawk and the Domain were under my control.

OOC: Again, I'm not trying to drag this out on purpose, but I do really need to hear from Edena. I have several things going on at once.....


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Silver Phase has Khelarque teleport him from the front line to the his capitol for a short time in which he meets and greets the ambassadors, then discusses some matters of importance with them.

After that he hurriedly makes it known that he supports Kalanyr in all his endeavors.

Then, as quickly as he came, Khelarque teleports him back to the battlefield, to continue his essential assistance in the defense of his home.

Iuz The Old One, we know that there are fundamental powers that even Gods revere, like the one known as Serpent that Vecna is said to worship. Could you make on oath upon these powers so we can ally without the doubt?


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Iuz looks at the drow elf strangely, "People like us are not to be trusted. Either one of us is capable of the knife in the other's back. So, no, there are no words that can make me trust you, only deeds, I would expect no different from you."

OOC: I do have a counter proposal, but again I have to hear from Edena first.


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Logging off

I have now been awake for 24 hours. I need to get some sleep. Again, I hope I didn't disrupt everything too badly tonight and I did I'm sorry.


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