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Iron Heroe's - Who wants to run/play? (I might be able to DM - maybe)

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Sounds good to me. Now to decide on what class to play. Either Hunter or Harrier I think. Ah, make that harrier. I havent seen how they play out yet, cause no one in my group decided to use them.



I'm massivly interested in this (been checkin the boards occasionally just to see if someone was starting an IH game.

I'll try and get a character slapped together this weekend. Probably a Harrier or Weapon Master.


First Post
Awesome, Jolmo! :)

Lets see... I was thinking either Thief if it will involve a fair amount of social interaction, or Berserker if it will go a more "taming the wilds" feel.


First Post
I'm glad so many are interested. :) Before many more show up :uhoh: I'll note that I plan to accept the first six to post a short description of their character, just a paragraph or two of personality and/or background that you could alter or extend later if you wish. It'll help me fit the adventure to the characters.

ThirdWizard said:
Lets see... I was thinking either Thief if it will involve a fair amount of social interaction, or Berserker if it will go a more "taming the wilds" feel.
A Thief would certainly have his place. There should be some political intrigue mixed in with the fighting and exploring. How much of each will really depends on the characters though.

It's getting too late over here now, but I'll post more tomorrow.


First Post
Would you like us to wait for you to flesh out the setting more before we offer up character outlines (in a new thread), or would you rather hear ideas before you post up some setting information? I'm still thinking, by the way. So many character concepts keep flying into my head, it's going to be difficult to nail it down. :)


Hey Jolmo, glad you stepped up to DM, Elocin looks like he really wants to play too :)

Serryn gor'Dregal;
human harrier 1;
medium humaniod (human);
Init +5; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6;
Languages: Common.
AC 16, active 0 passive 6;
DR: 1d2/magic
HP 9 (HD 1d4+5);
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3;
Spd 40';
Melee: bastard sword +7 (1d10+6[+8 2hd]/19-20/x2) 35gp, 6lbs;
Ranged: longbow +6 (1d8/x3) Range 100', 20 arrows, 76gp, 6lbs;
Attack Options: Combat Mobility (+4 defence on AoO when moving, full move while tumbling, 2*Dex to tumble)
Base Atk +1, Grapple +1;
Combat Gear: torch
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10.
XP: 0
Traits: Dexterous, Weapon Bond
Feats: Mobility (1), Weapon Focus (1)
Skills: Agility 4 (Balance +9, Escape Artist +9, Tumble +18), Athletics 4 (Climb +5, Jump +5, Swim +5), Hide 4 (+9), Listen 4 (+6), Move Silently 4 (+9), Sleight of Hand 4 (+9), Spot 4 (+6), Survival 4 (+6)
Possessions: bastard sword, longbow, 20 arrows, leather armor (10gp, 15lbs), backpack (2gp, 2lbs), Flint and Steel (1gp), 5 torches (5cp, 5lbs), Waterskin (1gp, 4lbs), 2 days Rations (1gp, 2lbs), Thieves Tools (30gp, 1lb), Adventurer's Outfit (2lbs), 43 gp, 9sp, 5cp.
Encumbrance: 43lbs; Load: Light (43lbs)
Description: Serryn is a very skinny individual, short in stature and very quick on his feet. His angular face is small and his eyes seem to draw back more towards his ears than most. He sports short cropped brownish grey hair and has deep grey eyes. He is usually wearing as little as possible, his leather jerkin and a utilitarian pair of short cut trousers. He carries his large sword easily in one hand despite it's lengthy grip and has a bow attached to the side of his pack.


History: Serryn comes from the city of Gorgorath in the thin strip of verdant land bordering the great river Kyith. Deep in the desert, Gorgorath serves as an important trade point between the empire of the north and the mines of the southern mountains. Many things pass through Gorgorath, ore, spices, slaves and more.

Serryn led a charmed life, born to one of the First held special status in Gorgorath as it did in many places. His father had left soon after siring a child, not even staying to watch his son's birth. That had little effect on Serryn as he was born to a powerful merchant woman. His mother later married and his new stepfather wanted nothing to do with Serryn. Serryn's mother set him up in a villa on the banks of the Kyith.

As he grew older and into his teens, Serryn's many servants began to bore him. He sought a life of change and danger. Seeing his restlessness on one of her many visits Serryn's mother brought him a tutor from the finest fighting school in Gorgorath.

To be continued...


Lurker (sort of)
Liliana Arcanist 1

Stats to come sooner or later but here is a brief description and I will have a character write up probably on Monday when I get more time as I am back at work.

To those who do not know her, Liliana seems to be just your average person. She is not all that tall or rather beautiful, until you look into her eyes. Her eyes seem to be filled with a knowledge that seems uncharacteristic of one so young. Wearing a red cloak and some average clothing if you saw her on the street you would instantly forget her, which is how she likes it.

You would think being born from the First would have its privileges but not when your father leaves you with your cult following mother. I clearly remember being born and hearing my mother shriek out some gibberish upon seeing my faintly glowing eyes for the first time. I also remember seeing my father smile and then kiss me on the forehead before leaving never to see him again. I hate him for what he did to me that day. Growing up in this monastery was not fun as my mother constantly attempted to purge my soul of the demons even though there was nothing wrong with me. I sought out refuge from her as much as I could amongst the monasteries great libraries and I learned much. I also attempted to exert control of the energies writhing inside of me with some limited excess.

If I concentrated hard enough I could bring into being small darts of pure energy and shoot them off as if I was firing a crossbow. Needless to say the monks did not like when they discovered that I was able to use magic and even know they knew who I was they banished me from the monastery never to come back again. I was finer with this as I had learned all I could from their libraries and I sought knowledge elsewhere....


Stone Wind

Stone Wind
Weapon Master (Hand Axe)

Background: Most of the First found their places amongst the beginning cities and civilizations of mankind. Not so with Stone Wind's father, who preferred the earthy, violent life of the barbarian tribes of the great plains. Stone Wind grew up in relative barbarism and excelled in combat. Shortly after his coming of age, Stone Wind and his father began to grow apart and argue until Stone Wind left to find another tribe.
Stone Wind has moved from town to town for the past few years, learning the ways of other humans and attempting to integrate with society with mixed results.

Personality: Stone Wind is a very quiet man of intimidating and fierce presence. Stone Wind quickly learned that thinking and working through what a person was saying was smarter than answering on what you thought he said. Stone Wind is still trying to learn some facets of society, and the lies and innuendo are often difficult to cut through. While he is disgusted with the complexity of towns and cities and yearns to return to his nomadic life, he also has become too fascinated with civilization to walk away.

Description: Stone Wind is a above average height than most with a lithe frame and thick, ropy muscles. His tanned skin and long, black, braided hair easily pick him out as a tribesman, as do the many axes strapped to his rangy frame. Thin, severe features are centered on a large, hawk-like nose and peirceing black eyes. His entire back, left pectoral, left shoulder and left arm are tattooed with black, blue, and red tribal designs the speak of the savagery Stone Wind hails from.

Combat: Stone Wind usually moves into combat and throws one or two throwing axes and then draws his hand axes and tears into his opponents, all with utter silence save for the screams of his victims.

Edit: Changed from Throwing Axe to Hand Axe.
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