I didn''t say streaming was the only thing that propped up 5e. The total mood and technological acceptance of 2014-2022 is however huge factor.Which I think is bunk. Yes, there were many, many factors that lead to 5Es success. But all the streams? They didn't get a lot of viewers until after 5E was already exceeding expectations. Critical Role for one switched from PF to D&D because it was more streamlined and approachable.
The multitude of D&D video channels and video guides.
The explosion of meme culture
Reddit, Twitter, Tik Tok and other social media blowing up as forms of community and advice
the Big Bang Theory and other shows displaying nerds and geeks being influential and popular characters in TV and movies
celebrities being able to proudly state their tabletop hobbies
medieval fantasy becoming
popular on TV again
entire generations of gamers coming into their financial strength
entire generations of RPG video gamers coming into their financial strentgh
RPG video games becoming mainstrream
RPG video games copying D&D style adventure formats
Anime and comics of fantasy worlds becoming mainstream
VTT and conference services hitting the strides technologically.
I mean, I sent my sister a Warhammer meme. She laughed. My sister doesn't know any Warhammer products. I'm tehe only one that I know of in the family that does.