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Island Empire, Part IV To face the Lich


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The men seem to buy and sell whatever they think they can ship somewhere else for a profit. The story is a somewhat humorous tale of being becalmed off the Western reach with a sizable load of eggs only to discover that spring chickens where in high demand after an unseasonable frost had damaged the local stock. The story revolved around taking care of a ship filled to the rigging with hatchlings. From their rather plain clothes and lack of fine jewelry or other signs of wealth, they are either less successful than their boastful stories would imply or they are being very cautious in this somewhat lawless place. Once it becomes clear that the speaker could go on for hours, Radoon begins to put some of the more unlikely bits of the tale to the question and soon the salesmen note that they must be off and make sales calls.

The food proves quite appetizing. The lady answers Radoon's questions. "Yes, Crumpet is a treasure. He's been with us for years and he is quite resourceful, but keeping him feed is always a challenge for the kitchen staff. As for this place, it belonged to my late husband, the Captain's family. He grew up in this house. With his death I've chosen to take up rooming out the old servant's quarters to have some company about. I couldn't see sitting in this big old house alone. The servants live with me now. We meet some interesting people this way and I must say you are an unlikely lot. What brings you to the Border Islands? For I perceive by your speech, dress and need of a room that you are not local."

The tale of how we came here is a long and convoluted one and it might be best discussed in private" (Radoon only says this if any one else is still in the room ie:salesmen, servants...if Crumpet is there and begins to leave, Radoon will actually ask him if he would mind staying.) "We have come here to destroy a great evil we call The Lich and you may know as the Sea Sorcerer. He has cursed us which results in physical manifestations which we are anxious to be rid of. We stopped here to gather information from an old acquaintance of mine and decided to stay the night here on her advice and we have not been disappointed, what a wonderful diversion from that dank, musty ship. We have information that there might be someone of interest to speak to at a place called the Busted Skull. Do you know where we might find this place and what we should expect when we do visit. Also is there anything you know of the Sea Sorcerer that might help us on our journey?"

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Zurrik Odeil

Zurrik greets the other guests with pleasantries, grabs some food, and sits at the end of the party.

Once it becomes clear that the speaker could go on for hours, Radoon begins to put some of the more unlikely bits of the tale to the question and soon the salesmen note that they must be off and make sales calls.

"You gentlemen have a safe day out there." Zurrik smiles at the men as they leave.

The food proves quite appetizing. The lady answers Radoon's questions. "Yes, Crumpet is a treasure. He's been with us for years and he is quite resourceful, but keeping him feed is always a challenge for the kitchen staff. As for this place, it belonged to my late husband, the Captain's family. He grew up in this house. With his death I've chosen to take up rooming out the old servant's quarters to have some company about. I couldn't see sitting in this big old house alone. The servants live with me now. We meet some interesting people this way and I must say you are an unlikely lot. What brings you to the Border Islands? For I perceive by your speech, dress and need of a room that you are not local."
The tale of how we came here is a long and convoluted one and it might be best discussed in private" (Radoon only says this if any one else is still in the room ie:salesmen, servants...if Crumpet is there and begins to leave, Radoon will actually ask him if he would mind staying.) "We have come here to destroy a great evil we call The Lich and you may know as the Sea Sorcerer. He has cursed us which results in physical manifestations which we are anxious to be rid of. We stopped here to gather information from an old acquaintance of mine and decided to stay the night here on her advice and we have not been disappointed, what a wonderful diversion from that dank, musty ship. We have information that there might be someone of interest to speak to at a place called the Busted Skull. Do you know where we might find this place and what we should expect when we do visit. Also is there anything you know of the Sea Sorcerer that might help us on our journey?"

Zurrik watches for the Lady's reaction at the name of the Sea Sorcerer. "Lady, I hope we are not out of line by telling you so bluntly of our interest in the Sea Sorcerer, and at a meal no less. We hope he was neither family nor friend, for the undead monster he is now must be destroyed."


Zurrik Odeil

OOC: Scotley, put this where it needs to go in time, I thought I'd give you more material to move this forward.

Drawing upon his experience as a sherrif in trying to get information from people, Zurrik decides introductions are needed to put the Lady more at ease. "Lady, you probably met many salty characters in your life with the Captain. You no doubt recognize the sea in my friend Radoon. He's been on the water for most of the last 30 or so years. Master Gnurl Whiskerling is young for a gnome wizard of his ability. H'Roosh is a monk who has sworn off the use of man-made weapons. My family serves as sheriff in the Western Reach where the Eldritch Lairds hold sway. I had never left the area, I asked for a chance to see other lands. I met members of this group aboard ship during my first voyage. We are currently travelling in the company of Lord Vasa of the Radiant Sun."


Gnurl Whiskerling

Gnurl blushes at Zurrik's words. "Gosh, and I didn't get you anything, and didn't even save you a biscuit, either."


The lady takes in the various comments with a look of distaste. "We'll you've brought up a subject that is indeed not fit for polite company or a pleasant breakfast. But I see that you are men of action and not so much given to polite society. I have known a number of salty fellows over the years and I know your ways. I guess there is nothing for it, but to tell you what I can. Finish your meal and we'll talk." She has the dishes cleared away and strong tea brought in. Crumpet is not present. She sends the servants away. "Now let us converse. I am certainly no friend of the one they call the 'Sea Sorcerer'. He has been a dark scourge on this land for years. I could tell you little of his powers or his doings, but he is known to use his magic to lure in those with dark hearts and use them to do his bidding. He used to fund his extravagant lifestyle with gang of unsavory characters who have gambling parlors, whore houses, drug dens and they shakedown honest businesses for protection money. In recent years he's been more reclusive and it is rumored that he studies the darkest arts to prolong his life, or it seems his undeath from what you say. His people had fallen to squabbling amoung themselves and generally leaving the honest citizens alone, but in the last couple of weeks there has been a lot of activity and rumor has it the old boy is plotting something new. No one knows what." Her frown deepens, "The Busted Skull is a low sort of dockside rathole where Gnolls and Bugbears drink and fight. I have never been to such a place, but I know it lies close to the north pier. If you must seek it out, I don't expect it will be too hard to find."


Zurrik Odeil

Sipping at the tea, Zurrik listens carefully to the Lady's words. "Lady, you have been very helpful. Do you or your servants know of a specific establishment here that is in league with the Sea Sorcerer? What do you mean by recently there have been a lot of activity?

"How does the law operate here? If we were to have a run-in with some local thugs....what sort of resistance would we face from others? We found ourselves attacked by cheating gamblers just yesterday, but the establishment was unfriendly to cheaters."


"I'm no expert on the underworld here, but it was rumored that nearly all the illicit activity in the Border Isles could be tied back to the Sea Sorcerer. So pretty much any gambling den or other unsavory place might be associated with him. I believe he began to neglect these establishments as his research grew more fevered and his lieutenants began to operate for themselves. Now the local wags suggest that he may be trying to reestablish his control. The 'activity' I mentioned includes a couple of fires and one or two major underworld figures going missing."

She takes a sip of tea before continuing. "The law is interesting. The Imperial sorts are honest enough I guess, but the truth is they lack the muscle to have much influence outside their offices. The local magistrates are mostly on the take to one underworld figure or another. Some of the judges too, but others are rumored to be more scrupulous. A few good officers like our dear Giles are able to keep order in a small area. I don't think need fear them, but neither should you rely on them should you find yourselves in trouble."


Gnurl Whiskerling

Gnurl chimes in again: "Say, that gives me an idea! Do you gents (and lady) think that it might be productive for us to seek out these 'law-types' or even a judge, and offer to operate as their deputies or other officers? That way, we might avail ourselves of any intelligence that they have already gathered, to save ourselves the trouble of re-inventing the wheel, so to speak. Plus we might get some nifty badges to wear!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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