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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 3 - The Imperials)


As Dartis commands the release of the prisoners Silas feels a surge of pride. Though he tries to keep his face bland he can't help smirking at the furious Nefius. Even so, he is aware that this could degenerate into violence quite easily and he keeps one hand tucked within his sleeve grasping a wand.

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Deuce Traveler

As Dartis speaks, the six soldiers surrounding Nefius stand in an uncomfortable fidget, nervous glances thrown in one another's direction. There is something in the haughty demeanor of the Dorinthians and the conviction of the nobleman who leads them. And that's when you see into the eyes of these Imperials and you know instinctively that they aren't true soldiers, but mere cronies of Nefius.

Their leader licks his lips nervously, turns to look back at the approaching Imperial company. With a twisted red-lipped smirk, pale Nefius grasps his dark quarterstaff with both hands and says simply, "Kill them." The black robed man says a few words of magic, and his companions around him are suddenly strengthened in courage, the fear disappearing from their faces as they move to attack the party.

Danica believes that Nefius is the most dangerous, although the men who flank him look to be spellcasters, while the rest are soldiers.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
At an impulse, Danica raises her crossbow to eye level, pointing it at the person wearing the holy symbol and the armor. A moment's glance to Dartis, and back.

"Your strength is gone," she proclaims, and a ray courses from where the crossbow bolt is, enfeebling her opponent.


As if expecting such a brtual response from the Tallione, Dartis immediately springs into action spurring Swift forward and drawing his sword. The great horse leaps straight towards the guard by Alexander, man and horse both seeking to strike him down.


Not the trained horseman that Dartis is, Silas chooses to roll unceremoniously from the back of his mount to the ground concentrating on keeping hold of his staff as he does so. Once his feet are firmly on the earth he'll follow in the wake of Lord Kalnian and his mount. He'll take any opportunity that arises to whollop any of Nefius' troop but his goal is to reach and free Rix.

OOC: Attempting fast dismount as a free action: Ride -1 (move action if failed)
--If successful, Move & Attack with quarterstaff
--If failed, Move but try to remain 5' from the nearest opponent.

Deuce Traveler

Danica is the first to act, a coruscating ray flying from her crossbow and sapping the strength of the priest next to Nefius.

Rix also moves as he senses the danger, throwing his head backwards to catch his guard by surprise before hurling his body forward in an attempt to escape. Unfortunately, the man recovers and slashes the kobold in the back, causing a cry and spurt of blood. Upon seeing this, Alexander roars and breaks the bonds that are holding him, but is unable to shake off his guard. The Imperial stabs the half-orc in the chest, his blade sinking deep.

Chalik moves forward and attacks one of the front-line guards, his rapier slashing but missing. Dartis charges forward and around the flanks of his enemy, his concentration on the guard with his blade in Alexander. The man looks up in surprise, as Dartis cuts into his upraised arm, nearly severing it and causing the Imperial to collapse clutching it in shocked horror. As he falls beneath the noble's horse, Swift rears up and brings a hoof down squarely onto the dying man's head, finishing him off with a sickening crunch.

Kel moves forward with his longsword, attacking the guard in the front ranks, but missing him badly. Silas moves his horse past the elven priest and around the opposite flank from Dartis. The abjurer leaps off his horse, and makes an amazingly talented landing in front of the guard that had just stabbed Rix from behind. His staff whistles before cracking into the side of the Imperial's helm, harming but not dropping him.

The Imperials return the favor, although Kel is missed by the strikes of the soldiers in the front ranks. The priest moves to attack Silas, but misses him in his weakened state. The other robed figure next to Nefius makes a motion with his hand, and a bolt of arcane magic flies forward and strikes Danica (-3 hps to Danica), who grunts in pain and surprise.

Nefius also casts a spell, a line of flame curling outwards from his hand and slamming into Dartis (-7 hps to Dartis).

Behind you is heard a dwarven war horn and you realize that the army of the mountain king is on the march.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The bolt of energy blasts into Danica's shoulder, and she is aware that it is the first time she has been struck by magical energy, and that it has happened within seconds of the first spell she has ever cast openly. My whole life has changed, hasn't it?

Danica shifts the crossbow and points it at Nefius. This time, she pulls the trigger, sending a bolt flying for the group leader. As she reloads, she wonders if her Mage Armor is up. I'm getting sloppy she thinks to herself. I've really messed this up.

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Danica does have mage armor up. The bad news is that he still hit since it was a magic missile, which can only be avoided via a shield spell. :(
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