Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor

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Bael looks nervously at Mad Col, for only a couple of them remain on this side of the water, and they aren't the best warriors the group has... In fact, they aren't warriors full stop! "I can swim a little, but I don't want to have to swim down some tunnel," he confides to Col.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col chews on his lip for a moment as the beguiler splashes away, leaving him with the blaster. "You be call'n disc o' force, eh?" As the other elf shakes his head no, the old man calls, "Chongo! Get over here!"

Assuming the burly Olman complies, the old man will then start pulling off his gear---well worn chain, a backpack full of unusual books and gear. He wraps it tightly in his cloak, leaving nothing more on him than some ragged bits of clothing and bony legs. "You take that over thar, and donna drop me scrolls! 'old it above th' drink!" Then tentatively, the old man lowers himself into the pool, a sour look on his face.

"I'm a com'n, you limey fools. No be touch'n anything carsed w'o me to save yar!"

OOC: Swim +0. Weeee! Take 10 if that'll be enough. :heh:


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Not wanting to be left behind, Bael unstrings his longbow, securing the string in a waterproof pouch before he too follows the old man across.


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Kalen gracefully dives into the pool and swims across with no trouble. He emerges, dripping, on the other side, and enters the small room, crinkling his nose at the odor of the the dead Penkus.

Almost immediately, his sharp senses locate an irregularity on the back wall of the room. It doesn't take long for Kalen to find the outline of a secret door in the stone, and a well-hidden catch which will open it.

Meanwhile, Bael and Col make their own entries into the pool, albeit reluctantly. Chongo makes a bit of a face at Col's request for aid, but complies nonetheless. As the barbarian powerfully swims back, with Col's possessions held in one strong arm above his head, the warmage and archivist awkwardly swim in his wake. Both of them struggle to make it across, but fortunately, these waters aren't too difficult. Bael arrives ahead of the old archivist, and Col finally makes it, pulling himself feebly from the water like a half-drowned rat. It wasn't pretty, but at last, the entire party has crossed the pool. Everyone stands ready to consider the corpse of Penkus, the note he bore, and the newly-discovered secret door.


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"Nice work, Kalen. You have keen eyes, indeed." The rogue presses his ear against the new-found secret door, hoping that he can hear something beyond.

Listen +2


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col, briny water dripping from his water matted beard, indecorously puts back on his equipment. His now bushier eyebrows accent his sour look as he examines the tattoo and the note, taking a moment to sketch both and a likeness of Penkus in his notes.

OOC: Kn: Local and Nobility on the tattoo on Penkus' note, especially this "Lady" and her "Lotus."


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Rhun said:
"Nice work, Kalen. You have keen eyes, indeed." The rogue presses his ear against the new-found secret door, hoping that he can hear something beyond.

Listen +2
All is quiet from behind the secret door.


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stonegod said:
Col, briny water dripping from his water matted beard, indecorously puts back on his equipment. His now bushier eyebrows accent his sour look as he examines the tattoo and the note, taking a moment to sketch both and a likeness of Penkus in his notes.

OOC: Kn: Local and Nobility on the tattoo on Penkus' note, especially this "Lady" and her "Lotus."
Even Col's prodigious amount of knowledge cannot help him here. He doesn't recall having heard of these elements before. Perhaps a little gathering of information will be in order if/when he ever escapes these tunnels...

Voidrunner's Codex

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