Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The old man pushes his way through the throng, hovering over Kalen as he opens the chests. Thoughts of escape have temporarily left his mind.


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Kalen, as confident as he can be that there is no danger here, reaches out to open the lid of the first wooden chest...only to find that it is securely locked!

A quick examination of the other two chests reveals that they are locked up just as tightly as the first.


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"Ah, leave this to me," says Anar, sliding the sickle into his belt. He quickly retrieves his tools from his beltpouch, unrolling them on the floor beside him as he kneels near the first chest. After again thoroughly searching each container, he withdraws his picks and begins to work on the locks. He works slowly and carefully, taking his time with each one.

Search +4 (Take 20...can't be too safe), and Open Lock +9 (Take 20). If he fins a trap, he will obviously try Disable Device +6.


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It takes some time, as the locks on these old chests have aged quite well....but Anar's patient approach pays off as he successfully picks the lock of each in turn. As the third lock springs with a loud 'click', everyone gathers around to see what treasures these forgotten smugglers' chests might hold.

The heavy lid of the first chest opens with a creak, and reveals that it is filled with silver and copper coins! There must be thousands, and they glitter in the glow of the sunrod. (7500 cp and 1500 sp to be exact...)

The second chest reveals a dozen old, leather bags. 10 of the bags each hold gold pieces, 100 per bag. The last two bags each hold a handful of assorted gems.

Finally, the third chest is opened, and its contents revealed...8 assorted potions vials, a wand, and a small jade coffer. Three of the potions are easily identified as potions of cure light wounds, and another looks just like the elixirs of swimming in Col's possession. The other four are less obvious in their function.


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Anar let's out a low whistle as he opens each chest to reveal the treasure. After all three of them are open, he smiles widely at his companions. "Quite a haul, my friends, quite a haul."

Still smiling, he rolls his picks and probes back up and replaces them in his belt pouch.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col pushes his way through and picks up the unknown potions, coffer, and wand. He scrutinizes the object, looking for any identifying marks, then takes a moment with each potion---shaking, wafting, every-so-slightly sampling---to determine what they are. Finally, he'll chant a simple orison from a Baccobite to detect magical presence.

OOC: Just RP on the coffer/wand unless examination determines anything; Spellcraft checks on the potions first. if he can't id them that way, he'll use Spellcraft w/ detect magic to id the school of the potions, coffer, and wand.


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Bael can't help himself as he hears the exclamations and comments and he moves into the room to catch a glimpse of the treasure. His discipline finally reasserts itself as Col starts his examination, and the elven Warmage resumes watch for any surprises behind them.


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stonegod said:
Col pushes his way through and picks up the unknown potions, coffer, and wand. He scrutinizes the object, looking for any identifying marks, then takes a moment with each potion---shaking, wafting, every-so-slightly sampling---to determine what they are. Finally, he'll chant a simple orison from a Baccobite to detect magical presence.

OOC: Just RP on the coffer/wand unless examination determines anything; Spellcraft checks on the potions first. if he can't id them that way, he'll use Spellcraft w/ detect magic to id the school of the potions, coffer, and wand.
Having already identified three potions of Cure Light Wounds, and one Elixir of Swimming, Col sets those four aside, and concentrates on the unknown liquids.

Drawing upon his vast knowledge, the mad archivist is able to quickly identify two a draught which will render the imbiber invisible, the other a restorative elixir which will aid one who has been weakened, slowed, stupefied, or otherwise temporarily impaired. (One potion of invisibility, one potion of lesser restoration)

The final two potions are more tricky, and Col finds that sampling is the order of the day. In so doing, he discovers that one potion causes his skin to take on a tougher, woodlike texture for a brief instant. The other causes some small scratches to instantly heal...Col concludes this must be a healing draught of some kind, but it seems that it is considerably stronger than the others just found.

Kalen, meanwhile, takes and examines the narrow wand of dark wood. After just a few moments of experimentation, it seems clear that this wand allows the casting of a spell quite familiar to the beguiler...mage armor. The wand is fairly well worn, so it is unikely to be fully charged, but Kalen cannot tell exactly how many charges do remain. (Wand of Mage Armor: X?? Charges)

As Col casts his spell to detect magical auras, he nods as the dweomers confirm the identifications already made. The two yet-unidentified potions have auras of transmutation and conjuration, respectively. (Casts Detect Magic)

Col also discovers a magical aura emanating from the jade coffer. However, a closer look reveals that the aura is in fact coming from inside the coffer. Col quickly opens the small box, and discovers within a light brown gemstone, resting on a small velvet cushion. This is the actual source of the magical emanation, a moderately strong aura of conjuration. (A knowledge/spellcraft check may be in order, here, stonegod).

OOC: Okay, I took some liberties with the identification here, but time is short, and I don't want to get too bogged down on it. Feel free to begin the discussion of who gets what, and let me know what you're doing next, hmm? I'll update the top of the RG later tonight with a summary on the new loot. A good haul, congratulations! :)

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