Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor

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Bael starts laughing quietly. The volume rises gradually for a bit before he cuts it short with a snort. Turning his head to speak over his shoulder, the elven warmage says "And how are we meant to carry all that out of here and back to shore?"
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Legildur said:
Bael starts laughing quietly. The volume rises gradually for a bit before he cuts it short with a snort. Turning his head to speak over his shoulder, the elven warmage says "And how are we meant to carry all that out of here and back to shore?"
The old man does not bother looking over his shoulder before responding. "Poor Bael. Gett'n the fear of bein' und'ground already? I 'eard too many of yer type do be crack'n like tha'. Once we be out o' here, we can always be a com'n back fer it. Now quiet, I'm'a werk'n."

With that, the old man continued scrutinizing the stone.

OOC: Kn: arcana and spellcraft, me guess'n. Do that before I have to do a UMD as last resort.


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Anar places a hand on Bael's shoulder. "Don't worry, my friend. It will be easy enough to come back for this once we actually find a way out. We can bring it out the way we came in."


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stonegod said:
The old man does not bother looking over his shoulder before responding. "Poor Bael. Gett'n the fear of bein' und'ground already? I 'eard too many of yer type do be crack'n like tha'. Once we be out o' here, we can always be a com'n back fer it. Now quiet, I'm'a werk'n."

With that, the old man continued scrutinizing the stone.

OOC: Kn: arcana and spellcraft, me guess'n. Do that before I have to do a UMD as last resort.
As he lifts the brown gemstone from its cushioned resting place in the coffer, Col suddenly notices a small slip of paper tucked under the cushion.

Pulling it free, the archvist sees written with scrawled handwriting, 'Release my power, and the very Earth shall be yours to command.'

Col remembers hearing of gemstones that, when broken, summon forth elementals to do the bidding of the gem's owner. It may well be that this valuable is one such as these.[/sblock]


"The gems, potions, and wand can all easily be carried with us now, they won't encumber us or prevent us from dealing with more unliving cursed foes. The coffer and coins, well, I won't be hauling along these copper coins for now, pretty as they are.."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The archivist's eyes widen a moment upon reading something, then quickly tucks an the gem back into the coffer and into a sack. He then looks at the gathered. "Uh.... my mind seems to be muddled, but I do believe a dip in that thar pool may or may not lead ta a way out. Anyone want to check before resort'n to... other... means? We be hav'n those potions o'swimm'n if thar be some'n thar."


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Anar Tovanni

"I would volunteer, of course, but Keoni is a much stronger swimmer. Perhaps he wouldn't mind taking a dip and seeing where the pool goes?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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