Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor

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"Laid low by the black grasp of Veldimar Krund, alas poor Penkus, we knew you not. But we thank you for the directions to Vanderboeren's hidey hole. A few names are a good place to start searching once we make our exit and take up the trail of the betrayer again."

Anar makes sure that all of his companions are in position and ready, grasps hold of his borrowed sickle, and triggers the catch on the secret door.

Col waves distractedly at Anar, busy sketching and copying. "Oper 'er already." Chewing his lip, he mutters to no one in particular, "Lotus? Who be these blasted Lotus blighters?"

Last couple of days have been very full, sorry. Here we go...

At Anar's careful touch, the secret door swings open, and the golden glow of the sunrod spills into a 10x15 room. The air in the chamber is stale, yet unlike the rest of the chambers in the complex, the place seems quite dry - even dusty. Cobwebs hang in thick sheets from the ceiling, and against the northern wall sit three large sea chests.


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Kalen rubs his hands together. "Hidden room with pirated treasure chests? Let's see what we have here. This is a place I might expect some traps if they had the resources to set some up instead of just cursed souls and verminous beasts. Hold back just a minute while I check it out, but please feel free to jump in should any spider ponies jump out of the cobwebs." Kalen steps in alert for pits and spiders as he moves to check the chests for traps.

ooc Search +10

Bael unconsiously releases his held breath as the room reveals no particular nasties. Seeing Anar in his element, the elven warmage resumes his watch of the way behind them.

The old man licks his already wet lips as he sees the chests. "The do be once smuggler's tunnels, they be. Mayhap some'n good ta 'elp us out."

Anar moves aside, knowing that Kalen's senses are much keener than his own. He offers the elf a small nod as he moves past, and stands ready to defend his companion.

Voadam said:
Kalen rubs his hands together. "Hidden room with pirated treasure chests? Let's see what we have here. This is a place I might expect some traps if they had the resources to set some up instead of just cursed souls and verminous beasts. Hold back just a minute while I check it out, but please feel free to jump in should any spider ponies jump out of the cobwebs." Kalen steps in alert for pits and spiders as he moves to check the chests for traps.

ooc Search +10
(Take 20 Search)
Kalen takes his time, and carefully looks over everything in the room, alert to any sign of danger or threat. Everything seems clear, though. It seems the room holds nothing other than the chests.

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