D&D (2024) Missing - 2024 Starter Set

Given that 2024 is supposed to be backwards compatible, they shouldn't.
People keep saying this like it means anything besides "you can keep using the adventures we keep in print." Everything else is going to get updated and phased out, with more recent offerings likely having the longest life. But Xanathar's and Tasha's are going to go the way of Volos and Modenkainen's with the first 2024 splat.

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Not in the very first encounter. It's just not fun at all for a new player to die in their first battle.
"Defeat need not mean death".

If the goblins beat the snot out of the PCs in the first encounter, there's instructions right in the adventure the DM can use - rather than kill the PCs, the goblins leave them unconscious and loot their gear (Stormwrack has similar advice for the first fight as well). Gives the PCs a chance to make some enemies they'll want revenge against, once they find a way to gear back up and hunt the buggers down.

If the DM wants to be hard-core and kill dropped characters, that's their choice, and they can then deal with the consequences it causes at the table.

Personally though, if I'd been playing for the first time for all of 5-15 minutes before I lost my character in a game, I'd probably go find something else to do.

People keep saying this like it means anything besides "you can keep using the adventures we keep in print." Everything else is going to get updated and phased out, with more recent offerings likely having the longest life. But Xanathar's and Tasha's are going to go the way of Volos and Modenkainen's with the first 2024 splat.
They're probably going to (mostly) go the way of Volo's and Mordenkainen's with the 2024 PHB...

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