Throwing this up here...see if it sticks:
Keiko "Kitsune" Ichimura
Reformed Superthief!
Abilities: 32pp
STR 0 (0pp)
STA 2 (4pp)
DEX 3 (6pp)
AGI 4 (8pp)
FGT 0 (0pp)
INT 2 (4pp)
AWE 3 (6pp)
PRE 2 (4pp)
Initiative: +4 (4 agi)
Melee Attack: +0 (0 fgt)
Ranged Attack: +3 (3 dex)
Specific Attacks:
- Photokinetic Laser: +7, DC23 (multifire), 250' rng (indirect 4)
Defenses: (11 pp)
Dodge: +8 (4 base + 4 agi)
Parry: +0
Toughness: +2 (2 sta) +8 total when power is active
Fort +6 (4 base + 2 sta)
Will +6 (3 base + 3 awe)
Skills: (24 ranks) 12pp
Acrobatics +5 (1 ranks + 4 agi)
Deception +8 (6 ranks + 2 Pre)
Insight +5 (2 rank + 3 Awe)
Perception +7 (4 ranks + 3 awe)
Sleight of Hand +7 (4 ranks + 3 dex)
Stealth +8 (4 ranks + 4 agi)
Technology +5 (3 rank + 2 int)
Advantages: 3 pp
Attractive 1
Languages (Japanese) 1
Equipment (5 pts) 1
- Gas Mask (concealed in mask), 1
- Rebreather (also concealed in mask), 1
- Digital Camera, 1
- Undercover shirt (protection 2, limited to ballistics, subtle; doesn't stack with TK shield), 2
Morph 2 (humanoids of roughly the same size and gender), 11pp
- PF: Invisibility (Concealment +4: All Vision, PF Precise)
Super Senses (Radius (Sight) 1, Low Light Vision 1, Infrared vision 1) +3 3pp
Photokinesis Array 34pp (32 + 2 AP)
Illusion (Visual + Auditory, Duration: Sustained) +8 24pp
- Link: Environment 1 (Light: Bright) 2pp/rank; 2pp
- Link: Concealment 2 (Normal Vision, Burst Area, Attack) 3pp/rank; 6pp
PF: Damage 8 (Ranged, Multiattack, PF Accurate 2, PF Precise 1, Indirect 4) 1pp
PF: Affliction (Dazzle) 8 (Ranged, Burst Area, Selective Attack, Cumulative, Limited to Vision) 1pp
Telekinetic Array 14pp
Leap +3, Speed +2, Super Movement: Wallcrawling +2, Safe Fall +1, 11pp
PF: Telekinesis (Perception, PF Subtle, PF Precise) +3, 1pp
PF: Enhanced Str (sustained, subtle 1) +5, 1pp
PF: Protection (Sustained, Subtle 1) +6; Linked to Enhanced Trait: Parry +4, 1pp
Physically Blind - Has congenital condition rendering eyes useless; is completely blind if powers aren't working.
Center of Attention - Likes to feel important, to be noticed; tends to showboat.
Motivation: Fame and Fortune - Wants to be a celebrity, known to all, and to have whatever she wants without having to answer to anyone.
COST: 32 Abilities + 12 Skills + 3 Advantages + 62 Powers + 11 Defenses = 120/120
[sblock=Background]Keiko was born with a degenerative condition in her optic nerves that led to permanent, incurable blindness by the time she turned ten. The youngest of three children, she was already the 'baby' of her well-off family, and her condition ensured that she would be kept in a gilded cage; pampered but kept out of public view for fear of embarrassment.
But even as her eyesight faded, Keiko began to realize other senses. While she could see she read stories about people who could do almost as well with hearing as with sight. She worked hard to try to develop this for herself, but with mixed results. You couldn't 'see' with sound, not unless you were a bat, and running around screeching at as high a pitch as possible was not greeted with approval by the others in the house. Then Keiko reasoned that her eyes were still working, really. It was just that the signals weren't reaching her brain right. Maybe, she thought, she could find some way to get those signals flowing again. She spent days just sitting still and concentrating, trying to find the light. Perhaps it is inevitable that her diligence was rewarded. At first Keiko thought she was just imagining things. The 'feeling' of light in her head was just wishful thinking. In spite of this, experience rapidly proved that she could sense the presence or absence of light, despite the nonfunctioning status of her eyes.
Things progressed quickly after that initial breakthrough. She learned to distinguish between intensities of light, then colors. Then, with time, she learned to use her ability to "see" again; to mentally construct images from light just as she had before she'd gone blind. Only now the information was coming from her psionic power rather than from her eyes. This had advantages. She could 'see' in any direction without turning her head, and her mind was potentially much more sensitive to light than her eyes, letting her see in relative darkness. It went farther than that though. She could not just sense light, but change it. Shape it. Control it.
At first Keiko was overjoyed and told her parents and siblings about the breakthrough, back when she first learned she could still sense light. They didn't believe her, and told her it was all in her head. After a couple of depressing talking-tos from her father, Keiko stopped coming to them about it. Even after she learned to see again...for by then she'd realized that there were advantages to this arrangement.
Her father was an executive officer, a vice president in charge of Western Division sales for a powerful Japanese corporation; manufacturers of consumer electronics for automobiles and personal use. When she was younger and living in Tokyo, he was often away on business. Finally the company purchased offices in New York, and moved most of its Western Division executives there full time...including Keiko's father. She began to sneak out of the house to experience the world that her family tried to shield her from. With clever use of images of sculpted light, and blanking out her own image, she found it easy to get away and back with none the wiser.
Reveling in her newfound freedom, she quickly got into trouble on the streets, and her latent telekinetic ability manifested to protect her. Mental force bolstered her muscles, though her comparatively weak power could only empower her arms OR her legs, not both at once. She did learn to project it outside herself as well, but its force was considerably reduced when moving distant objects.
Now in her late teens, Keiko found herself in a perfect position to express all the frustrations she'd endured, along with the everyday angsts of any teenager. She put on a black bodysuit and a kitsune mask with the intention of becoming a sort of 'silent ninja avenger.' More often than not though she wound up playing petty pranks on kids that annoyed her, or teachers that gave her bad marks. From this she graduated to petty thefts as she learned to 'cloak' herself, by changing light reflecting from her to match light hitting her on the other side. It was effectively perfect transparency. It didn't come easily or quickly, but when she mastered the trick, it gave her a free hand to do as she pleased.
After a while her nightly outings were more about thrills and excitement than a need for money...though she found ways to spend what she stole, making a secret stash that was just hers, not her family's. Her first 'big time' job was a jewelry store, and it was very nearly a disaster. The store used ultrasonic sensors, not infrared, and was easily able to detect her moving in. The police were nearby and responded quickly. And when they realized they had her cornered inside, but couldn't see her, they used tear gas to flush her out. The smoky gas made her invisibility less useful, and blocked her own sight.
The coughing gave her away too. Just before they found her, Keiko managed to make an image of herself running away as she held her breath, luring the police to chase the decoy. She escaped.
After that close call, Keiko kept a low profile. She used some of her ill-gotten goods to upgrade her gear, making a new mask that was actually a filter mask disguised to look like a kitsune. Her new bodysuit was padded and made of ballistic nylon...a special order that cost her most of what she had. She practiced using these projected holograms more, even working out how to use her telekinesis to move the air to make sounds.
The setbacks she'd suffered only made Keiko more determined than ever to learn about her powers and use them...but now she started re-thinking whether or not she wanted to be a criminal, or a 'villain.' As she watched television coverage of the jewelry store, she made a decision. From then on, she'd only use her powers against things that deserved it. Anyone, or anything who did wrong and thought themselves above justice would soon learn otherwise.[/sblock]