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Mortal Kombat!!


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Since the others awakened he had stood motionless, a megalithic statue crafted by a demented hand. His crocodilian maw gapes, overfull of yellowed ivories, each the size of a great dagger. But his neckless humanoid form and blubbery blue-gray flesh are incongruous. Stranger yet are his eyes. Their color, storm gray flacked with gold, is not too unusual, nor their glassiness, all things considered. But their wide placement, mere inches above where his massive shoulders begin, remains disconcerting no matter how many times observers look. Barbed wire crisscrosses his monstrous face anchored by deeply sunk hooks. And a skeletal crown of polished black iron seems fused to his skull. He wears a heavy black robe. Upon it a complex design composed of skulls from many races has been picked out in adamantine thread. Clutched in his great clawed hands an wrapped loosely around his body is a chain of unearthly metal, with a blood encrusted cloth woven through. The proportions of the chain are titanic even on the aberrant giant.

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Shayuri said:
He spreads his hands. "I've come to appreciate most shapes for what they offer," he replies. "A human body is compact and uses space efficiently. And besides, I like hands."

He stretches out an open palm, then closes it. "Amazing what you can when there's no claws in the way." he remarks.

I have never knew how it is to be human, so I dont know how it must be like but i can imagine. but are you fighting in human form or in your own shape?
while waiting for an answer Ipaetus looks around at the others and what they are doing to spent the night


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Macrisse bursts into a hearty bout of laughter, actually having to wipe an eye before he can speak again.

"Oh, my natural shape, of course. A human body is good for fighting only when properly trained for it, be it by magic or arms... My 'training' is with another set of arms entirely. I'd prove little challenge in this form, and could hardly be counted among warriors such as those assembled here."

He eyes the guardinial curiously. "I am curious. When we face each other, which of us should surrender to the other? It is unthinkable that we actually fight."


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A hissing whisper creeps into his hearing range over the leader's shoulder (message). "Wwwilll ttthhhere be annny problemmmsss with mmmy teleporrrtationnn efffffectsss in thisss dimensionnn?"[sblock=OOC to Jemal]Also need clarification on the "wraithstrike wand" issues Ihave been discussing in the CC thread. Whether it lasts until the end of the following round after casting or if its still a swiftcast action to use a charge?[/sblock]
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"Wwwilll ttthhhere be annny problemmmsss with mmmy teleporrrtationnn efffffectsss in thisss dimensionnn?"
The voice, instead of appearing as a low hiss, is audible to all, and in answer, the man looks directly at the sender.
"These questions are for the benefit of all, do not try to hide your identity while asking them. To answer: so long as you stay on this plane and do not attempt to leave it or enter the castle, you should have no problem, though why a true Warrior would need to rely on cheap magical tricks is beyond me."

The man stays around long enough for one more question, from a pair of Holy Knights dressed in Silver and bearing the standard of 'Lyrevan'. They ask about teamwork.

"It is possible to work together and share points, though keep in mind you must still be in the top 8 to be guaranteed final round status." After answering, he waits another few minutes and then heads inside, the gate closing behind him.

The next morning at dawn, there is a flash as the sun breaks the horizon, instantly illuminating all, and a loud Crack of thunder that awakens any who had been snoozing. The invisible dome around the clearing shudders, flickers, and then collapses, leaving the way to the rest of the island open. A loud voice booms across the island as several contestants enter the surrounding woods, hoping to get some sort of a head start.

[size=+2]"IT HAS BEGUN!"[/size]


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Tenneth reaches back into his handy sack and pulls a wand (move action) and drops it back into the backpack(free action) after using a charge on himself (standard action, See Invisible 30 min duration). Then he leaps from the castle wall flying at 500ft, (running -20 to hide check, and -20 for moving while hiding invisibly=115 hide check or 95 to others who see invisible) after those that darted into the forest, notching arrows as he flies.

OOC - And remember everyone, True seeing only has a range of 120ft :)

Brother Allard

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Grugg yawns wide, baring his browned and chipped teeth to the world, his meaty fists grinding into his bleary eyes - the stench of his breath is a nearly palpable force. He rolls over and slowly pushes himself up from the patch of rocky ground where he'd spent the night, and looks around to see where the voice was coming from. Failing to find a source, he shrugs and, stooping to gather up the massive tree branch he'd been dragging round, slowly ambles off into the forest.


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Caltrop is looking for a quick kill, and readies himself to ambush and attack someone the second they leave the safe area. He looks for someone big, and preferably alone.


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As the Invisible dome disappear Azrim stands and watches as the large crowd of fighters disperses into the surround countryside. Shrugging slightly, the dwarven warrior fades from sight and with a mighty leap rises into the air.

As he rises his form shifts and changes until he resembles a gargantuan silver dragon with scales the color of pitted rust.

Rising smoothly into the air Azrim beats his powerful wings and searches for his opponent while flying 60* ft above the ground
* Withing Blindsense range

[Sblock=Combat Notes]
Gargantuan Rust Dragon S63 D16 C41 AC 93 (45 Rust Dragon Base +3 dex, +18 Arm +9 Shield +5 Def, +10 Nat) HP's 813/813 60ft, fly 200ft (clumsy), burrow 45 ft. SR34

Skills: Listen+32 Search +10 Spot+70

Blindsense 60 feet
Frightful Presence 33
Breath Weapon Line of Acid 24d4 (DC45), or Cone of Corrosion (DC45) - affects all metal.
Metal Resistance Resistant to attacks from metal weapons. DR 20/magic and 10/Chaotic
Rusting Bite Bite attack causes corrosion (DC45)
Rusting Scales Metal weapons with less than a +5 enhancement bonus corrode with no saving throw. +5 weapons deals damage normally, but must make a reflex save (DC45) or rust away.
Spell-Like Abilities 3/day - Wall of Iron; 1/day - Acid Fog, Repel Metal or Stone.

Combat Effects
Arrow Deflection (DC20), Concealment (20%), DR 3/- & 15/Adamantine, Evasion, Fast Healing 2, Freedom, Greater Energy Resistance (30 pts), Immune to; Crits, Mind-Affecting abilities, Stunning and Transmutations, Necklance of Adaption, Weapon Breaking (DC20 Fort save)



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Macrisse watches the warriors start to disperse, then stretches a bit and nods at the celestial he was speaking with.

"Until we meet again, I suppose. Good luck in your trials."

His body ripples then, for a moment seeming like nothing substantial; a bit of cloth or paper perhaps...then he seems to rip open in the blink of an eye to reveal a rapidly expanding dragon of purest silver, with scales so fine that he seemed to be made of the metal, burnished to a mirror's perfection and poured into a lifesize mold of a dragon.

Great clawed wings stretched wide, and he took to the skies, circling once over the castle just long enough to activate one of the rings on his long talons. Without fanfare he faded away from senses both magical and mundane.

(Current status: Sequestered.)
[sblock=Sequester (from SRD)]When cast, this spell not only prevents divination spells from working to detect or locate the creature or object affected by sequester, it also renders the affected creature or object invisible to any form of sight or seeing (as the invisibility spell). The spell does not prevent the subject from being discovered through tactile means or through the use of devices. (end of quote) Note that while the standard form of the spell renders its subject comatose, this effect is from an epic ring, and does not have that limitation. As I read this, the wearer is not only invisible, but magic will not work to find him...including See Invisibility and True Sight, both of which are Divinations. Natural senses like Blindsense and Blindsight and Tremorsense would logically still work fine, as would Listen checks.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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