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NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Pre-order's are great, other than listing to Pssthook complain about updates constantly :p

Honestly I hope you do it when you are near completion with your other books. The fine-tuning of balance before release saves hassle having to put out either massive errata or issue another edition.

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Hey Ltheb mate! :)

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Well, for what it's worth, I could have taken only a couple of months... As long as you do nothing but type. No going out, no sleeping. Just typing. Maybe eating, as long as you continue to type with one hand.

I still know I could have done things much faster, I'm putting in the hours but I am just not productive enough for whatever reason(s).

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Though no one can really sit down and work on the same thing for an extended period and not suffer 'burnout'.

I don't think its burnout as such, if I get stumped on something, I'll just brainstorm some monsters or work on one of the other books. I think the problem is overworking or more specifically overthinking.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Heck, a quick glance tells me Deities and Demigods 3rd Edition had over 35 people working on it at one time. You pretty much had 1-3, with a few people on these forums throwing out suggestions, such as myself. I am guessing D&dG had a 6 month production time, like most Wizards books, so I think, given how long this has taken and how few 'staff' you have, that you are still ahead of the curve.

Though half of those 35 people were artists. :)

A full book of colour interior art takes ages though.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
BTW, can't wait for the artwork. Are the pics gonna be B&W like in the bestiary, or color images like the cover?

B&W interior, Colour Cover (New cover obviously).

I'd love to do full colour interior art, but unless I knew the eventual print copies were to be printed in colour I don't think it would be the best use of my time.

If I had to critique my interior art in the bestiary it would be that I didn't use enough strong black lines, primarily because I didn't trust my line art would be good enough. So I might try working some stronger dark lines and maybe going more 'freestyle' in future.

One other thing I have been considering is giving every illustration one colour...something simple like glowing purple eyes, red blood stains or dripping green poison. But we'll have to see how that goes.


First Post
One-color illos could be cool if a color theme were maintained in each chapter. For example, say Chapter 1 is "red" so you only include color where it's red, maroon, pink, or some other shade of red; chapter 2 is "green" so you do shades of green, etc.- would be a nice way to differentiate each chapter and would give the publisher something to make the book look extra-cool in the eventual print version.

But, regarding art: didn't you say some months back that you were getting help with that? If so, and the help was going on in the background, previews should be ready by now. Got any?

Or did the desired help not materialize?

Hey paradox dude! :)

paradox42 said:
One-color illos could be cool if a color theme were maintained in each chapter. For example, say Chapter 1 is "red" so you only include color where it's red, maroon, pink, or some other shade of red; chapter 2 is "green" so you do shades of green, etc.- would be a nice way to differentiate each chapter and would give the publisher something to make the book look extra-cool in the eventual print version.

The problem with that approach, is that when it comes to something like Gods & Monsters (with only 2 chapters) or the Bestiary (with only one effective chapter) its a bit of a limitation.

paradox42 said:
But, regarding art: didn't you say some months back that you were getting help with that? If so, and the help was going on in the background, previews should be ready by now. Got any?

Or did the desired help not materialize?

A guy emailed me saying he wanted to help and was happy enough with the credit and free copies of the material. But after our first few swopped emails I never heard from him again. He didn't even email me to say he was no longer interested, so I hope nothing untoward happened to him. :(

Hey guys!

Okay, slight change of plans, as of this moment I still have a handful of portfolios to finish, so there won't be an update tonight. Before you say it Pssthpok...I know, I know. :eek:

If I can get them all done tonight then I should be on for an update tomorrow, but this is me we are talking about so I'll report in again at midnight and see where I am at.


As of midnight I have 3 1/2 portfolios to fix.

So while they will be easily done tomorrow, I am unsure if I will get all the other stuff fixed. So I'll just play things by ear and see where I am at tomorrow night before commiting to the next streetdate for the update, but worst case scenario would seem to be friday teatime.
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Would Lord of Dust (Mummy template from Libris Mortis) be added?

How bout Lord of Steel (Deathknight template) be added?

Ive notice that there are only 3 undead template related divine abilities.

... He could always make his own. I always liked the Dragonlance Deathknight VS the MM2 Deathknight. (Power word kill is just so awesome.) But largely it isn't important.
Since he plans on build on the deathknight, it might be best to create a Deathknight template, since the MM2 version isn't OGL. (I don't know about the Dragonlance version, but I don't believe so)

On an unrealted note: Can a Timelord, useing the Transmute power, create Strong Symmetric Matter? Or a Black Hole?

Hey guys! :)

If you like undead templates you'll love Gods & Monsters (4 undead templates) as well as Bestiary Volumes 2 & 3 (each with 4-5 new regular undead - not counting the big section on Umbrals in Volume 2).

There will be at least one new: death knight/wight, ghost/shadow, mummy/zombie and vampire in each of the above mentioned books.

That should be enough to keep even you happy dante. :D

As for the transmute question, I would say yes to black hole matter, I'd have to think about SSM. Technically its an extra-universal material.


All I really have to say to that is...

Krusty is the Supreme Being of Epic Level Dungeons and Dragons.

On another note...what final fantasy characters do you have planned for you site?

I remember there being some talk on that.

I was also curious to see if you were interested in Skeletor and other eternians. I know there a bit old school, but they had a lot of interesting abilities.
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