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Newfoundland [IC]


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Out of Character Thread.

Rogues Gallery Thread.

You're on board of the Seastrider when the storm hits. The Seastrider was sailing for Avanta, the new land discovered recently to the southwest of Curador, the mainland. Hundreds of people from various races, though mostly humans, flocked towards the harbors, hoping for a chance to board one of the ships and start a new life on Avanta for various reasons, yourself among them. You were lucky to possess the money (or other methods) needed for a spot on the Seastrider.

The storm came as a surprise. The captain sent sailors into the mast to take down the sails, but they were swept away when the mast was torn apart by a sudden blow of the wind. Panic broke loose. It didn't last long for the Seastrider to start taking water. The other ships in the fleet were too far away and too occupied by the storm to be of any assistance, and thus, the Seastrider went down. Grabbing your personal belongings, you clung to a broken down part of the ship or perhaps a wooden piece of furniture to find yourself floating on the sea.

After two days of floating on the sea you crash down on the beach of an island. When you look around, you see a handfull of other survivors from the Seastrider, scattered along the beach. In front of you, you see a forest, but consisting of trees you never saw before or even heard about. The trees consist of one large trunk upwards, covered with lots of large leaves sticking out of it. Red balls up to 6 inches can be found scattered around the trees and on the trees themselves. Occasionally a screeking sound comes from the forest, which you cannot place. It could be an animal, likely a bird, but not of a specie you ever heard before.

You see barrels and other debris of the ship that has drifted to the shore by accident. Small sixlegged creatures come out of the sand to inspect the debris, but none can be found in your close presence, or in the presence of the people close to you for that matter. To the left, the beach and the side of the island take a turn to the right, where the forest blocks your view. To the right, cliffs that rise up and continue to the shore block your path. In front of you lies the forest.

It's in the early morning. The sun just started it's path around the sky. The only sounds you hear are the waves clashing down on the beach and the squeeks coming from the forest.
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Wippit Guud

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Ben struggles to his feet, absently wiping his dirty hands on his leggings. His poncho is stuck to his body, but hardly hinders the movements of his tree-trunk sized arms. He looks around for a moment, and tears suddenly come to his eyes.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

Cause although Ben towers alomst 8 and half feet tall, his mind is that of a 5 year old. He remembers flashes of the last two days, his mom disappearing in a large wave, him and his father grimly holding onto a piece of the broken mast. Lat night his father succombed to exposure and slipped beneath the waves, but the last words he said to his son - if not by blood then definitely in spirit - were burned forever in his mind:

"Big a big boy, Ben... be a good boy ."

And even thought he wasn't all that bright, and mostly just a child, he'd always remember that... be a big boy... be a good boy...

But it didn't stop the tears.


First Post
Glad to feel the earth beneath his feet once more, Dural begins to stretch stiff and sore muscles thinking to himselfI thought humans knew how to build a ship, they must have had orc laborers for the main joints of that ship with the way that it fell apart... . Feeling a little better he now heads over to the various debries scattered on the beach looking for anything usefull as everything he now owns is soaked through and through with the salt water.(even these trail rations are a bit too salty now for his taste...


Living EN World Judge
Drithmyne wringed the last of the saltwater from his clothes,standing there in the sun naked, modest not in the least. Looking around at the coastline, searching for high ground to begin sketching the lay of this new land, he donned his pants and shirt.
Drithmyne had spent the better part of the morning oiling his weapons against rust and letting the feathers of his shafts dry in the air and sun, whilst looking for other survivors. He spotted another elf as well as a bedraggled dwarf and that big Human.
No, Ogrekin, he reminded himself. And by the look of the thing, best not to call it by the Elvish term for such beast...people, he corrected himself. This one seemed harmless, a bit touched even. Feeling a little ashamed at having thought such of the creature, Drithmyne approaches the quietly sobbing hulk and says'Ho, lad...no sigh of yer Da or Mum, I take it? I'll help you look if you like, I was going to comb the beach for others in half an hour's time.' Drithmyne smiled with his characteristic moniker and offeredthe Half-Ogre a piece of the dried jerkey from his pack while looking down beach for others washed ashore.'We could start pulling those barrels and boxes ashore as well, there's bound to be something useful in some of them.'
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Wippit Guud

First Post
Ben looked down at the little man with the pointy ears, and a small smile lit up his tear-streaked face. "Get da boxes? Okay!" he said, and picked up the large club that lay at his feet.

His long strides took him to the closest box, but he stopped 20 feet away, pointed at the 6 legged creatures, and bellowed at the top of his lungs:


OOC: That was probably loud enough for most of the beach to hear. Ben will not move any closer than he is. He's not scared of bugs, but he finds them icky. If one comes close, he'll try to squish it.


First Post


Larrock awoke feeling as if he'd been on a four day binge. Mouth dry, body aches, stomach cramping. And almost naked. Yep, all the signs of a bender. When he finally prized his eyes open, he was surprised to find himself on a beach in his smallclothes. With a few grunts, he managed to lever himself into a sitting position and glance around. He remembered the storm, and remembered a deck hand shoving him into the lower decks to keep him out of the way. He remembered finding a half bottle of whiskey in one of the unwatched bunks and finishing it. After that, things got a lot hazier. He vaguely remembered the yelling and whatnot, and only then did he realize what had happened. Aw no.

He leapt up, scanning the shore. He spotted the huge man, the naked man - check that, elf - the dwarf geez, what happened to him? and a few others further down. I'll make friends later. First things first.

Scanning the flotsam, Larrock breathed a huge sigh of relief. There was the trunk allocated to him when he had boarded the doomed ship (he remembered the twisted hasp) - and it looked whole! Scampering towards it (and that huge beast of a man - waitaminute) he dodged the little what the hell - are those crabs? and grabbed the trunk.

He begins sorting through the contents, donning clothes, equipment and weapons as he finds them...
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Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Flynn struggles up out of the surf, peering at the elf, ogre, and dwarf that were his companions in this new land, the ogre poised over an insect, his club brandished menacingly.

"There's no shame in having the earth of a new land on your skin," Flynn murmured as he peered around. "Oh, nevermind me, talking to myself is a habit I've picked up over the years."

He quickly dresses and dons his armor and trademark brown cloak. He shakes the water from his clothing, and keeps the hood of his cloak down. He sticks his arrows point-downward in the sand to allow them to dry, and double-checks that all his meager possessions are in order. He walks over to the others. He inclines his head.

"I am Flynn Stormshadow."


Irendol wakes up sputtering and coughing sea water from his nose and mouth. Clawing his way out of the surf, he rolls over onto his back. His hands drift to his waist where he feels for his swords, he breathes a visible sigh of releaf when he finds them just as they should be.

Slowly standing, he brushes the sand off his soaked clothing and walks back into the surf. Plunging his arms into the surf, he pulls a black backpack out of the water and slings it over his shoulder. Once back on the shore, he takes stock of his environment, and seeing the other survivors makes his way towards them.

Thank you for the gift of life mighty Correllon. He says under his breath as he approaches the others.

Well met Flynn. I am Irendol. I suggest we move into the woods for shelter, and try and figure out what to make of our situation... Irendol says in the common tongue.

Before you stands a male Elf with pale skin, long brown hair - wringing wet with sea water, and covered in sand, shale, and sea weed, his brown eyes dart back and taking in his surroundings.
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Andrew D. Gable

First Post
"Greetings Irendol. The twin lights of Corellon and Obad-Hai have shone upon us this day." He looks towards the wood when Irendol suggests it. "Let us first see what the other survivors have recovered from the wreckage, then we may seek shelter." He gestures towards the boxes and crates being brought ashore.


First Post
As Dural makes his way towards the wreckage of the ship, he is brought out of his thoughts by the LOUD cry BUUUUUGGGG.
By all the Fates.....what the....how could I have missed a being that large....must start paying attention...Grandmaster said Know your surroundings and here I am not being aware....., tripping on a piece of driftwood he almost fallsThats it....pay attention Dural.... Making his way over to the collection of beings, he notes the Ogrekinhmm don't see many of them....looks....hmmm friendly though... seeming to be working with one of the elves to gather supplies. Hearing Flynn and Irondol speaking (and noting Irondols' state),Looks like we're all here, pardon the expression, on the same boat...Perhaps it may be best for you Irondol to get cleaned up before that sand and seawater start to cause other problems for ya', and big fella if'n ya' do happin to get one o'them bugs.....we may be able to get some fresh meat if'n there is any left.
smiling for a moment...then remembering.....Forgive my manners.....My name is Dural Stoneface recently hailiin' from t'Green Mountin Monastary.

Voidrunner's Codex

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