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Newfoundland [IC]


Living EN World Judge
Looking over at the mention of The Creator, Drithmyne smiles, at least there were some of the Folk here. With his brethren along, these others might survive as well...not that the Ogrekin looked in need of protecting, much...

Turning to the Sea, Drithmyne bellows 'Thank You, oh Great Sashelas! Alas, my time visiting your Realm was ended rather abruptly, though I do apreciate the delivery.' The smiling Elf bows low to the waves, turning to find his way back up the beach to where Ben stood.
Looking the lad in the eye (standing atop the now-retrieved crate),Drithmyne says 'Lad, we need to be strong in this new Land. There may be worse than those little sand crawlers about, but there will also be wonders and adventures, eh? You look like you could use some adventure.' Drithmyne clasps the Ogrekin on ther shoulder in a freindly manner, pointing towards the others now appearing.'Let's go introduce ourselves,shall we?'
Walking up to the other Elf and the Half-Elf, Drithmyne smiles and says 'I am Drithmyne Eversmile, wandering Priest of the Creator, Corellon Larethian, may his arrows ever find their Mark, and you?'
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First Post
OOC: The ship itself didn't crash down here. There's wreckage, but it's spread all over the beach, so also where you crashed down yourself. Going through the debris with a couple of man, checking out the worthfull stuff is going to take several hours.

As any of you approach the small creatures and study them a little better, you notice they have some reptilian features, looking a little like salamanders, if not for their six legs, fiery red skin and double size. You don't get a chance to examine them in detail, since each time someone comes near, the quickly burrow a small hole and disappear in the sand, closing the hole behing them.

As Dural checks the surrounding debris, he comes against part of a closet that contains some basic sailor clothing, all soaked wet. There's also a large barrel nearby.


First Post
Lying on the sandy beach Resa stared dazed up into the sky, letting the breaking waves wash over her. Am I dead? Could this be the afterlife? Where are the lakes of fire, the temples of flesh, the demons?


NO! She flinched in confused fear, but rose to her feet swiftly in one smooth motion, facing the direction the sound had came from with her Greatsword held before her. The first thing that caught her attention was the naked elf. She could do nothing but stare, until her greatsword hit the sand with a loud thump and she averted her eyes, blushing. No, not hell, nor heaven. I recognize these people.

Her face still red, from exertion or embarrasment, she faced the assembled group, carefuly avoiding looking at the nude elf until he had dressed. Say something! They're all looking at you!

I am Resa Ironborn... are we the only ones who've made it? Does anybody know where we are?


First Post
Stillgem blinked. Once, then twice. His eyelids stuck together and his lashes were crusted with sea-salt. A human body pinned him to the sand. The sailor had obviously died in the storm and now, his greying corpse was strewn across Stillgem's person.
Stillgem grunted and laid still. He couldn't move the corpse. He could hardly turn away enough to avoid the dead man's lifeless eyes. Suddenly out of the sand a red reptile pushed it's nose from under the surface. It turned it's head and looked Stillgem striaght int he eye. Still' shuddered as it scurried out of the wet sand and shuffled toward him. As it got close to his face, seemingly to inspect what lay before it, Still' gnashed his teeth at it. The reptile scurried away to another body ten feet down the beach and fed upon the corpse's flesh. It hurt to breath with the wieght of the dead human on his chest. What a waste... He thought of his dead wife and of how she'd be so dissapointed with his effort.

Still's eyes narrowed. HELP!!! He cried with all of his might. Even with chest crushed by the sailor's body he cried and cried again. Perhaps he wasn't the only survivor?
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First Post
OOC: There's no gulls, no creatures you can see at all except for the red lizards.

As Stillgem snaps at the reptile, which wasn't as close as the slightly disorientated Stillgem thought, it immediately takes it's cover in the deep sand.

There's no corpses nearby other than the one lying on top of you. Seems like a big and savage fellow... perhaps some orc heritage?
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First Post
Larrock begins brushing himself off, then pauses. Chuckling to himself and he mutters chimchimcheree and twists his left hand just so. Salt and sand begin flaking off him and his clothes. I keep forgetting I can do that. He approaches the others.

Right. My name is Larrock Derth and I am the newest member of the Royal Cartographer's Exploratory Mission for the Discovery and Charting of the New Lands of Avanta, also referred to as the Mission. It is imperative that I rejoin the Mission as soon as possible. Which of you lives on this island? No one? Who is familiar with the territory?

Though his words are commanding, it's obvious Larrock is scared as hell and is looking for guidance.

OOC: Cast prestidigitation to clean himself and his clothes.
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Living EN World Judge
OoC:psst...I donned clothes the sentence after I was 'naked'.
Listen Check to hear the yelling/pinned under a body survivor?

IC: Drithmyne raises an eyebrow at Larrock, his smile widening.
'Cartographer, you say? Well, that is good news, friend. I also follw that career. Perhaps together we can chart this place.' The Elf looks around to make sure ben is alright, and then finally settles down and takes a good look at his surroundings.
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Wippit Guud

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Ben eyes the crab reptile things warily, but as they don't bother him, he doesn't bother them. He sees other people approach, and feels both relieved that he's not alone, and a little scared at so many strangers.

Then his stomach growls.

Looking around, he sees the large red balls lying under the trees. "Berries..." he says to himself as he strides over. He picks one up, and stuffs it in his- no, he stops short, and sniffs at it tentatively.

OOC: How does it smell?
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First Post
The last of the grime falls away from Larrock's brown and grey garments as he stuffs a dark brown floppy-brimmed hat upon his head.

Always glad to meet a fellow mapmaker! However, unless this place is part of Avanta, per se, I'm afraid it is outside of my charter. If you'd like to escort me to civilization, I'm sure there's a reward out for my safe return.

Larrock spots Ben going for the trees.

Eversmile, right? Do you think that the big boy should be our point man? He just doesn't seem to have the knack for it, if you know what I mean. I'd hate to see him hurt himself.

EDIT: superfluous use of "however"
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First Post
Drithmyne, Resa and Flynn hear a yell for help in the distance. When they look, they see a large person lying on the sand, with his legs in the water.

As Ben approaches the forest, he hears a lot of flapping sounds moving away from him. After a short while, the flapping stops and the squeeking becomes a little louder.

The trees in front of him stand a good 12 feet high, with loads of leaves sticking out. The cover of leaves is so dense that he can see only half a feet beyond the outer trunks. The leaves appear in a variety of colors ranging from yellow towards lightgreen, darkgreen and on to brown. A faint, unplacable odor hangs around the edge of the forest. It's not a pleasant odor.

Grapping one of the balls on the ground, Ben notices it's hard, staying in one shape, not giving in to Ben's crushing fingers. It doesn't feel like something you want to bury your teeth in. It smells like trees. It's bright red, with small brown dots scattered across it. There are 2 spots on opposed sides that are a little lighter and free of dots.

Voidrunner's Codex

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