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Off to War [IC]

Myth and Legend

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Once Lora was finished with her forgery, she sprayed sand over the ink and then blew it off. It was a decent enough attempt, even if the girl knew she could do better. In her small fingers lay a signed and sealed letter, saying

"To any of my subjects and soldiers,

treat the bearer of this letter with utmost respect and aid her by any means necessary, under penalty of severe punishment.

Lord Bairan Doovan"

One last thing to do before she set out, as night was fast approaching and Lora was reluctant to be caught outside the well light camp. The girl took out a piece of canvas and began drawing her brother's visage with charcoal.

[sblock] Craft: Drawing, take 10 + 4 int +4 base = 18. Can you let me know what i have to reflect in my character sheet as lost materials?

Also, i suggest we use this spoiler block for OOC comments in the IC thread (and rolls as well), as it helps preserve the flow and immersion of IC roleplaying. the code is [ than sblock than ] if you want the block to
[sblock=say something] use [ than sblock=the thng you want then ] [/sblock] finally, close each section off with [ than /sblock than ] [/sblock]

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"Haha, well Trinham is looks like nothing can hurt your appetite." Shinn says with a chuckle. "Not to worry either, my friend, I've never met a spellcaster who didn't have a bright future ahead of him. Many have become high ranking officials and even strategists. Its really quite something." Shinn rises slowly "Besides, I hear food conjured from magic is really quite good. Haha."

"Excuse me for one moment brothers. I need to check on my animal." He says before he gathers his gear. It would be gettin' dark soon and Shinn needed to bring the donkey closer to camp. He found it grazing just off the road leading to town. "Come on! I leave ya alone for one second and you wander off. Did you eat the rope again? That one wasn't even mine. Argh, you dumb ox." He sighed to himself. "Just do your business before we head back, ok? Geez..." Of course, knowing this donkey, it would be awhile before he could stroll back to camp.

He leaned against a nearby tree and was thinking about home. He missed it. Shinn paused briefly. "Huh?" Was that a cat watching him? It seemed to disappear as quickly as it came. "Ugh, never mind." He turned and began watching the drifters returning from town.
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Hralfgar straggles in through the darkness into the mass that is the army. He is worn and tired from a long walk, his horse and the larger part of his goods being left behind to help pay his way here. He wears a coat of well cared for scale mail, under it is a dark royal blue tunic trimmed in exquisite gold dragons, fraying from its age. His trousers that are tucked deep into his leather boots are thick black material that hangs loosely. He looks about from inside his metal helmet, its intimidating features drawing attention to him. Slung along his back is a large metal round shield, divided in half by blue and gold with a black dragon flying in circles around the middle. His long golden hair and beard hangs out of the helmet, the silver locks already showing more and more. His longsword, a large and oddly heavy one, is also from a different region, an heirloom with his armor. He wanders about aimlessly, looking for a place to lay his bedroll and heavy blanket. He removes his helmet to see better and cool off under the stars. Afterwards he digs through the remainder of his dried meat, the one sliver, and nuts and washes it down with a swig of hard mead from home. He regrets not bringing his tent, or knives, or dinning ware, or an axe, or tools. Woefully under equipped, he gives up his search to settle down and instead begins to try to barter his mead and gold for an axe, tools, and food.


Thy wounds are healed!
Fallon says ladling somemore stew in Trinham's empty bowl, "Here my friend." He puts the ladle against the pot and continues, "It is really all in the spices you know, even... the blandest meat can taste like it belongs on the king's table." You believe he was about to say something else but before you can question Fallon a huge bellow erupts from behind the old man.


Thy wounds are healed!
"FALLON!!,FALLON!!" cries the strange man you encountered earlier that evening. His helm ascrewed and his face red
from running and yelling, he walks up towards the fire huffing and puffing. "Fallon..(huh) I be..(huh) needin ye..(hoo)
help," he wheezes. Looking somewhat worried, Fallon rises from his stool and tries to calm him. "Calm Martomum, please just
be calm. And tell me what it is you need." Taking a deep breath and then letting it out as if he were blowing a warhorn,
Martomum shakes is head, further misaligning his helm, and making his beard quiver. "I be missin an Outer!" Martomum
exclaimes in a voice that sounds like the world is ending. "He no be back an' nows be an hour late." he says worry plain on
his face.
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Hralfgar is drawn to the situation stirring, as is the whole camp it seems. He makes his way to wear all the frenzy is coming from and sees the exhausted and gasping man. Quickly, he pulls out his flask of water and passes it to the man. "Here, drink my friend."


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Trinham is sat on his log eating his second bowl of stew, more slowly this time, when Martomum bursts into the camp. After listening to his tale he says "I know its rude to interrupt other people's conversation but I just have to ask. What exactly is an Outer? Also, is there any way that I can help find it?

[sblock="Moggins"]Hearing a din near him, Moggins goes to see what the commotion is all about. Seeing its only a man trying to lead a reluctant donkey back to the camp, he goes back to the more interesting sport of terrorising rabbits.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Martomum takes the offered flask and tilts back his head to try and empty it in one pull. "Cough!.. ack..," he sputters spitting out the water. "Ye tryin' ta poison me boy. Ain't naught but water." Matomum takes a seat on Fallon's stool still sputtering and grumbling to himself.

"Now, now my friend I'm dure it was nothing." Fallon says taking the flask and handing it back to Hralfgar. "I don't believe any of this men know you Martomum," he continues.
"Have you even introduced yourself to any of the irregulars in camp? You know they are in your charge as well as the Outriders." Fallon's tone is that of a parent trying to get a point across to a child.

"BAH!!.., irregulars. Bear just.." he stops suddenly and looks to the group. His face taking on a serious look. "Ye all green an did nay no water be poison to a dwarf." He tells them taking a small flask of his own from a pocket.
Fallon snatches the flask on the way to Martomum's lips.

"No , no. You know you have no time for that with a missing Outrider. To answer your question Trinham, the Outriders are a special group of scouts and patrolmen." Fallon tucks the flask in his beltpouch and looks to the dwarf sitting arms folded on the stool."Well, well if you are not going to introduce yourself allow me," he says with a slight bow to the dwarf. "I have, have the pleasure of introducing to you all Martomum Stonebreaker, son of the Eridor dwarves under the mountain Faslaw. Scout and warrior, but most recently quartermaster of Lord Bairan's encampment. Also just this morning so I learned he was put both in charge of the Outriders and Irregulars, interesting?" A smile wrinks his face.

"And these, these are some of the men you are charged with overseeing Martomum. Trinham Woods, Shinn," Fallon points down towards the warrior and donkey. "And I'm sorry, sorry but I don't know your name sir." He says to the armored, blonde bearded warrior.


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Shinn was still approaching the fire when he saw Fallon's gesture toward him. "Uh oh," he whispered. "If we're in trouble, then this is all your fault" Shinn muttered at his stubborn mule. It responded by chewing on his pants. "Hey! Ugh, keep this up and I'll ask Fallon to make a soup out of you." The mule just turned and sneezed.

The taskmaster dwarf looked unappieased upon arrival. Shinn stopped his worried glances when he noticed the bearded warrior stepping out from behind Trinham. In the dimming light his helm made quite the impression.
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"My apologies friend, try this. I have learned of your kind but in tales of my fathers. You may have heard of him, Trotsky Fellhand of Bjorngard, he ventured to the mountains Faslaw many years ago to ask the dwarfs to taste his mead. I believe they liked it, for this is the same my father made." Hralfgard passes him a a bottle of dark honey water, Bjorngard Mead. Turning to Fallon he says, "I am Hralfgar Bjorngard." He goes to offer the dwarf a bite of his dried meat, remembering the last was finished as he reached earshot of the encampment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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