D&D 5E One Shot - JustinCase's Within The Circle (OOC)

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Just a quick notice that although I expect to finish this game within the next few days, it just may be that I suddenly disappear for a short time. My wife is about to give birth (well, within the next month) and I'm not sure how things will go.

Congratulations, I suspect you’ll disappear for more than a short time my wife’s “within the next month” became “oh crap it’s coming” two weeks later.

Enjoy though


Congratulations, I suspect you’ll disappear for more than a short time my wife’s “within the next month” became “oh crap it’s coming” two weeks later.

Enjoy though
Sounds like my wife she had been having real bad hicks all week then next thing you know it's 4am and she's having contractions, at least at 4am the roads are quite.


Sounds like my wife she had been having real bad hicks all week then next thing you know it's 4am and she's having contractions, at least at 4am the roads are quite.

My wife finished work Friday expecting to have a couple of weeks to sort stuff out. Sunday evening she suddenly ran to the bathroom shouting “oh :):):):)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Right. You guys were right; it took a lot more time than I expected.

Two weeks ago my daughter was born, and pretty much all of my waking hours (which are far more than before) are spent on her and her mother. So I will wrap this up ASAP, and apologies for the delay!


Right. You guys were right; it took a lot more time than I expected.

Two weeks ago my daughter was born, and pretty much all of my waking hours (which are far more than before) are spent on her and her mother. So I will wrap this up ASAP, and apologies for the delay!
Don't worry about it been there done that got the t shirt and had to was the sick of it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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