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[OOC] Constables of the 14th Ward


Helfdan - where'd you get the name Alarion from? The only other time I'e heard it was from one of my friends, who played a knight-king named Alarion. the concepts sound remarkably similar.

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James Heard

Ok. Read the wiki, got bored, did stuff besides make up a character. Hope I remember how to manage attachments correctly.
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Fenris said:
Great, you said "Variants by DM permission only" so I figured I would seek permission first.

Now on the wiki, you said you wanted to be emailed, by I am assuming that this recruiting thread pre-empts that. So would you like character concepts posted here?

If we were unclear before let me say that we like the Urban Ranger. Using it will not keep you out of the game. That doesn't mean you'll get in we have a lot of other good concepts, but we do like the Urban Ranger.

Please submit your characters in this thread. That note on the wiki was because some people began visiting the wiki before we had everything in place for a full recruitment.


James Heard said:
Interested, I'll read more and hopefully come up with a concept proposal soon...What skills/stats/etc are involved in being a really good Keepstorm player?

I'm thinking maybe of someone who transferred in from another ward because he's trying to woo one of Imago Blackmann's daughters, and figures that putting himself into a position where the guy gets to see what an upright and responsible citizen he is might help or something. This, of course, won't be what's going on if the daughters are some creepy "you evil sicko" age, but I didn't see anything that said they were in pigtails holding dollies in the write-ups.

Imago's daughters are all grown up. Keepstorm players would benefit from dex, str, and skills like balance, jump or tumble as well as feats that promote mobility, endurance and athleticism. Fortunately, those skills all come in pretty handy for adventurers as well. :) We didn't plan to make Keepstorm a huge part of the game simply because it might leave a lot of players on the sidelines, so I would recommend you spend most of your resources on things useful in police work.


Helfdan said:
This sounds like a really interesting setting. Being an old-school tabletop gamer myself, I cannot resist. I would be interested in playing a knight. Basic character concept as follows:

[SBLOCK=Alarion]Alarion of Tovarre is the youngest son of a landed knight from a distant land. His home kingdom is surrounded by marauding humanoids and hostile nations, so that the nobles and freemen are raised to be warriors. As he had no hope of inheriting his father's fief (it is a rigid feudal society), he decided to make his name and gain glory as a knight-errant. His travels have brought him to the (to his people) near-legendary city of Lauralie Summerhome.

In the large city, Alarion cuts somewhat of an archaic figure with his armor, weapons, and courtly ways. (He may be considered a barbarian, albeit a polite one). But although brave and prone to rashness, the young knight is basically a decent man, who truly seeks to live his knightly code and help those in need. Though some may find him naive, his travels have shown him that few of those he meets put any worth in truth and honor, and he is not completely gullible. He could not resist answering the Constable's summons for men of honor and daring.[/SBLOCK]

I can have the stats up tomorrow.


I like the concept, but keep in mind that in general Ignatious doesn't like to see his men packing heavy weapons and wearing heavy armor when performing their day to day duties. In time of siege or if you go out in the wilderness or over to the 12th then the heavier the better. However, having the constables armed to the teeth and clanking about makes it look like the streets of the 14th are dangerous. Iggie doesn't like anything that makes him look bad. A note about that should be on the wiki, but I fear it hasn't been transferred over. I will remedy that as soon as possible.


James Heard said:
Ok. Read the wiki, got bored, did stuff besides make up a character. Hope I remember how to manage attachments correctly.

Your character submission may encounter difficulty if you continue to imply that our world notes are boring. ;)

You managed the attachment perfectly. I like the map. It saddens me to think how many hours have gone into our maps, links to which are coming soon to a wiki near you, considering you did this in an evening on a whim. Very nice.


Dracomeander said:
Definitely too much material to digest in the short time I have now. It looks interesting. I'll have to go through the wiki when I get home later tonight.

Just off the top of my head from the brief look I got at the character guidelines, I'm probably going to look at an Illumian of some sort working toward Loredelver.

If a Loredelver makes the cut we'll have to talk. There are some details about the city your character might have that the average citizen would not be privy to.


Lord_Raven88 said:
I'm thinking of submitting a Human Beguiler 5.

Basically he lived as an orphan on the streets until one day when he was 12 he got caught running a con by a constable. Taking an interest in the boy the constable tried to help him turn his life around before he truly went down the wrong path, and became yet another hardened criminal.

Given a chance to turn his life around and discovering someone who truly cared for him the young waif applied himself to this task. While reluctant to give up the skills that had enabled him to survive on the streets he began to find ways to utilise these skills to aid his friend and mentor.

By the age of 15 he was an accomplished snoop able to ferret out vital pieces of information and pass it on to the constabulary, it was a natural progression for him to change from being an informant to being an active agent for the city in his own right, and by the age of 17 be was recruited officially into the employ of the city constabulary.

After 4 years of working in various roles in the constabulary he was ordered to report to his new commander Ignatious Ironshirt, head of the Special Squad.

It could be a hard sell to convince Ignatious to hire a former criminal into his special squad...


To Mr. Heard:

as Scotley said: "Your character submission may encounter difficulty if you continue to imply that our world notes are boring. ;) "

For all his gruffness, Ignatious Ironshirt is a quite sensitive fellow at heart! :p
I wouldn't say that you already have two strikes against you, but I'd lay off of the insults if I was you.

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