OOC: Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


That was one damn fine game!

Poor Kerwyn didn't get the best of ends, but who cares, he helped take down the Champion of Elemental Evil.

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Dalamar said:
Poor Kerwyn didn't get the best of ends, but who cares, he helped take down the Champion of Elemental Evil.

Read the last line again. :)

Kerwyn knew the answer to his next dilemma. With the answer and his bluff skills, he got away from the Demons somehow. (Although he was probably plagued by the demons multiple times over his life, such is the fate of enmity).


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Everyone who played in this game is invited to join my next game if interested.

Endur's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. It is a smaller module than Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil.

My estimate is it will run from this Halloween to Next Halloween.


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The Orb of Oblivion with the Fire Power Gem had an "at will" plane shift ability to move everyone within fifty feet of the orb to and from the Elemental Fire Node. The orb also communicated that power to its user mentally.

That was how Lareth could move the party to the node of fire even though he was grappled and silenced.

That was also how Neshi could beam the party home once he lifted the Orb in his mouth (to fetch it for Belaver).


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Wow. Certain death to Victory in one small step. I'm stunned.

So we jumped through a big part of the adventure by killing Lareth prematurely. That's cool with me. And I see you're starting a new adventure Endur. I'm leaving town tomorrow and don't have time to put together a submission for that, but I want you to know I thought this adventure was awesome. Thanks for all your hard work. You really kept the pace going. It takes an exceptional DM to get through this thing. It's sad that so many heros died, but that's how it should be, I reckon.

I enjoyed it. Thanks a lot. See you around the boards.

I'm sure I have some questions too. Why did Kerwyn get caught there in the end? I"ll think of some more...


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Creative license during wrapup to explain the 'emnity of two demons' draws from the deck I imagine. ;)

I would be plenty happy to join your next game. *starts pondering what he wants to play*


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Pyrex said:
Creative license during wrapup to explain the 'emnity of two demons' draws from the deck I imagine. ;)

Yes, there is a Glabrezu in the Fire Node who has the three remaining gems and has not yet given them to the cultists. The succubus was in the outer fane and masqueraded as Craven when the party was thrown into jail.

Both demons would have reason to be upset at Kerwyn, so that's why their faces appeared on the draws from the Deck of Many Things.


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Manzanita said:
So we jumped through a big part of the adventure by killing Lareth prematurely.

Actually, you did over 90% of the adventure.

Adventure consists of:

Village of Hommlet
ruins of Nulb
Ruined Temple of Elemental Evil (above ground)
Hamlet of Rastor and Orc Tribe
Crater Ridge Mines (over 200 rooms) in Mount Stalagos
Lightning Towers with Spider Eater Rider Garrison outside Outer Fane (for aerial enemies)
Outer Fane
Inner Fane (Black Tower)
Return to Ruined Temple of Elemental Evil (below ground)
Fire Elemental Node

Slaying the Champion of Elemental Evil prevents the cult from accomplishing their goal. The Inner Fane is mostly optional, although that's where most of the Doom Dreamers are. The Inner Fane represents the "command staff" of the cult, but its not necessary to slay them to win. Likewise, its not necessary to slay the inhabitants of the Fire Elemental Node, other than Lareth.

Could you have gained extra levels and treasure by slaying all of the monsters? yes.


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In high level games, Buff Scry Teleport does come into play.

Buff = the various prep spells cast by Belaver, Lenya, Lylamwyn, and Torn.

Scry= wish #1: How do we foil the cult?

Teleport = wish #2: Bring our enemy and his most important quest item to us.

Voidrunner's Codex

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