OOC: Endur's Return to TOEE part 2

Pyrex said:
Could we get a map? This could get ugly...

One map coming up. For some strange reason, I do not have a scanned in map (I have scanned in versions of all of the others, including the Earth and Water node maps). I'll post a text version of the map in the IC thread.
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Endur said:
In two rounds, the party did 196 points of damage to Lareth (and another 150 or so was blocked by DR). And this is with Lareth having a high ac, DR, SR, and immunity to electricity, fire, cold, and acid.

Yeah, we did pretty well there, and we had some really good weapons against him (the earth elemental and Lenya's Eldritch Blast in particular). :)

Pyrex said:
This could get ugly...

You think so? :eek: :uhoh:


Holy cow! Lareth opened some kind of a gate? Let this be our finest hour! And I appologize in advance to all the neutral PCs in the group, as Torn will probably have to use her Holy word!

Manzanita said:
Holy cow! Lareth opened some kind of a gate? Let this be our finest hour! And I appologize in advance to all the neutral PCs in the group, as Torn will probably have to use her Holy word!

Torn believes, by the presence of the army of fire creatures and the fact that everything is on fire, that she may no longer be on the prime material plane. If she is no longer on the prime material plane, the holy word will not banish the army of fire creatures (because she is on their plane and she is the outsider, not them).

Being on the Elemental Plane of Fire isn't so bad. All you take is 3d10 damage a round.

On the Earth Elemental Plane, you are completely encased in rock and earth. If you can't dig, you can't move. And you have to worry about suffocation.

On the water Elemental Plane, swimming and water-breathing are necessities.

The Air Elemental Plane is probably the nicest to visit, assuming you can fly. If you can't fly, you get to fall forever.

Level Up: everyone except Lenya and Torn

Everyone except Lenya and Torn went up a level.

Level 15: Lenya
Level 14: Torn
Level 12: Belaver, Kerwyn, Raner
Level 11: Lylamwyn

Belaver better remember to give Neshi a scooby snack for saving the party.

Everyone goes up another level.

Lenya: 16
Torn: 15
Belaver, Kerwyn, and Raner: 13
Lylamwyn: 12

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