I divided up some of the items, as listed above, and a few more that made sense.
I also removed some scrolls from Torn and gave them to Belaver (those, that Druids can use). Torn received the two scrolls Paxus listed above, because they contain mostly Cleric spells.
Let me know, if you think anything should be different.
Fragarach the Sword of Heroes
Naquent's +1 full plate
+1 large steel shield of arrow deflection
amulet of natural armor +1
cloak of resistance +1
Daagra's gauntlets of ogre power
ring of sustenance
wand of Silence (42 charges)
divine scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Locate Object
divine scroll of True Seeing, Summon Monster V, Invisibility Purge
divine scrolls of Bless, Divine Favor, Hold Person, Summon Monster II, Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Summon Monster III, Neutralize Poison, Inflict Critical Wounds (2), Restoration, Greater Command, Slay Living, Greater Dispelling, Heal
potions of Fly, Water Breathing
His own equipment
amulet of natural armor +2 (-> amulet of natural armor +1)
potions of Cure Serious Wounds, Haste (2), Heroism, Water Breathing
Talisman of Pure Good (2 charges left)
bracers of armor +2
ring of protection +1
wand of Cure Light Wounds (15 charges)
divine scrolls of Bear's Endurance, Cure Serious Wounds (2), Neutralize Poison, Flame Strike (2), True Seeing, Heal
Deck of Many Things
+1 dagger
+1 mithril chain shirt
cloak of resistance +1
amulet of natural armor +1
Mind Flayer's ring of protection +1
lens of detection
potion of Bull’s Strength, Water Breathing
Naquent's potion of Gaseous Form
headband of intellect +4
Mind Flayer's cloak of resistance +1
bracers of armor +2
arcane scrolls of Summon Swarm, Detect Thoughts, See Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Empowered Magic Missile, Displacement, Dimension Door, Wall of Fire
potions of Lesser Restoration, Neutralize Poison, Water Breathing
Spellbook of Dirass the Drow
Spellbook of Kadiss the Albino Gray Elf
Orb of Silvery Death
crystal ball with ESP
arcane scroll of Greater Invisibility
figurine of wondrous power (Bronze Griffon)
Ukemil's +2 leather armor of silent moves
Naquent's cloak of resistance +1
Naquent's boots of speed
Mind Flayer's wand of Invisibility |
Mind Flayer's wand of Magic Missile (5th) |
Naquent's wand of Dispel Magic |
Ukemil's wand of Fireball |
wand of Inflict Moderate Wounds |
wand of Arcane Lock |
wand of Summon Monster IV ||
Toriah (currently prevented)
greater arrows of slaying (humans) (3)
bag of holding
Daagra's +1 chain shirt
Craven (missing in action)
+4 longsword (from Torn)
+1 longbow
+1 short sword
Ukemil's +1 short sword
+1 full plate
cultist's ring: moderate evocation