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OOC Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP by MLeibrock and Scotley

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Should we recruit someone to take place of Fenris (no post since late October) and Queenie (no posts since November)?

In another thread she said her step-daughter had a surgery and she had one earlier too...I've sent her private message to ask if they will continue. I hope they will, but it's been months.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=Voorgan Komkoski]

dark skinned, curly dark hair half elf wizard from distant places. Arrived with Human father who ls known to live for short time in the beleaguered lands of the kingdom until killed during an attack by the allies of the demon forces while still in his academic years of wizardry. A close friend of his father's, Ivan Komkoski, who adopted him as his own son and continued his studies.

Said characters will start at 6th level with high fantasy stats, 1 mythic tier and 16,000 gp worth of equipment. Each character should take one of the Mythic campaign character traits (see the players' guide) as well as two standard traits. Start with max hit points at first level and 4 on a d6, 6 on an d8, 7 on a d10 and 9 on a d12 at higher levels.

level 6 wizard - abjuration [?] transmutation [?]
Myhic tier 1 against the demon hoard

At the time of the mythic ascension of the party in general:
While in his studies He saw a vision of the Goddess reach out and lightly touch his forehead. He immediately went into a comatose state from a surge of the god level of energy that over took him.

present day:
Ivan Komkoski had watched over Voorgan until his waking. He immediately called for priests and he was restored to health while he gave an account of the happenings in the kingdom, However at the end of the recount, Voorgan placed his hand on Ivan's arm and told his adoptive father he must immediately join the fight. Ivan could not be more proud!

work in progress
Wizard, Transmutationist 6 Mythic tier 1
initiative: +; Perception: +; 
Mythic power: 5/5

Age: 23 years old; 5' 5"; 115 lbs 

Diety: Iomadae

[B]STR[/B]   12 +1  2 pts
[B]DEX[/B]   14 +2  3 pts
[B]CON[/B]   13 +1  3 pts
[B]INT[/B]   19 +4  7 pts
[B]WIS[/B]   13 +1  3 pts
[B]CHA[/B]   12 +1  2 pts

[sblock=stat adjustments]
[B]LEVEL 4 ADJ[/B]  Dex +1
[B]Race adj[/B] Int +2

Hit Points: [6+[5*4]]+6[con 1] = 32

                 Armor       max
[U]Armor            bonus Magic dex  ACP speed Weight type[/U]


[B]SAVES[/B]    base abil  misc  total
Fort     +2    +2     +  = +4
Reflex   +2    +1     +  = +3
Will     +5    +1     +  = +6

[U]BAB:[/U] +3; [U]MELEE:[/U] +4; [U]RANGED:[/U] +5; [U]CMB:[/U] +; [U]CMD:[/U]  

[U]WEAPON            ATT  DAM       CRIT     RNG  TYPE  NOTES[/U]
1/4 staff           +x
Dagger             +x  1d4       19-20/*2  10   p/s  cold iron


Racial traits 
+2 to one ability score
human and elf subtype
med size; base move of 30
immune to sleep and +2 vs enchantment spells
bonus feat: skill focus
+2 perception skill check [racial]
low light vision 
Arcane training [replaces multi-talented] wizardly spell trigger and spell completion items are at +1 level.



level 1: 
level 3: 
level 5: 
mythic 1: 


SKILLS:[/B]   {2 + X [INT] } * 6 = 

[B][U]SKILL                     RANKS  CS  ABIL  MISC  TOTAL[/U][/B]
Craft (Int)                1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Knowledge (Engin) (Int)    1     ---  +1   ---   +2
Knowledge (nobility) (Int) 3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Knowledge (religion) (Int) 3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Perception( wis)           4     ---  +1    +2   +7 untyped from diety
Profession (Wis)           1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Spellcraft (Int)           1     +3   +1   ---   +5

  [B]CLASS[/B] [Wizard, transmutationist]

equipment: 16,000

field supplies:
Horse, heavy war-trained      300 gp [see lt riding horse, add simple advanced template]
Donkey, mule or ass           8 gp
pack saddle                   5 gp      15 lb
barding                       *4 price     *2 weight
bit/bridle                    2 gp     1 lb
feed                          5 cp/day     10 lb/day
military saddle              20 gp     30 lb   **
saddle bags                   4 gp     8 lb    capacity: 5 cubic ft./250 lb


Caster Level: 6
DC 10 + spell level +int bonus = 14 + spell evel

Level 1: [+1]

Level 2: [+1]

Level 3: [+]
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Ummm, hello. I have time and space...but I would need quick rundown on the rules. Also, I have (fairly high level) 3rd party archivist (rune caster) concept which is easily scaled down. Never played. If 3rd party is out...I'll read up on the rules here. Let me know if I can play.

EDIT: ooo, never played mythic.
Here are the links for rune magic
Rune magic
Arhivist class
Archivist studies
Script list

It is similar to a sorcerer - with limited number of scripts, but instead of having total number of slots each script has it's own pool of castings. Bonus from Int is floating (one pool of bonuses for all).
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Voidrunner's Codex

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