Okay leveled up. Added the Mending cantrip and the Mount spell. Because this is the first setting I've played in where Mount is actually a pretty good spell.
4 hours of having a horse per casting. Not too shabby. BAB increase in both forms, and a pretty decent hit point roll make her fairly tough. Eidolon form gets more HP and an AC boost. With Mage Armor, she sports AC 21 in her Eidolon. Claws boosted in damage to do 1d6 base, giving her a mean punch too.
Future planned evolutions include a tail and a stinger for that nice 3rd primary attack, reach on the tail, and then some wings. Going for a Starcraft 2 Kerrigan thing, I think. (^_^)
2nd level character sheet:
Female Human Summoner 2
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common
Str: 08 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2) 5
Con: 16 (+3) 5
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 16 (+3) 10
Hit Points: 19
[sblock=HP rolls]lvl 2:
Armor Class: 12 (10 + 2 Dex)
Initiative: +2
BAB: +1
CMD: +0
Speed: 30'
Fort: +3
Reflex: +2
Will: +4
Frontier-Forged: +1 Perception, +1 Survival checks to find food in wild
Convincing Liar: +1 Bluff, Bluff is class skill
Class: Light armor, Simple weapons
B Spell Focus: Conjuration
1 Augment Summons
Racial Abilities
+2 Con
Bonus Feat
Extra Skill points
Favored Class: Summoner
- +2 skill point
Class Abilities: Synthesist Summoner
Fused Link (caster can sacrifice HP to prevent damage to it)
Summon Monster 1 (Std action, 3+3/day)
Bluff +9 (2 rnk + 3 cha + 3 class + 1 trait)
Handle Animal +8 (2 rnk + 3 cha + 3 class)
Perception +4 (2 rnk + 1 wis + 1 trait)
Survival +6 (2 rnk + 1 wis + 3 class) +1 to find food
Languages: Common
Spellcasting (Summoner CL2, DC13)
Spell slots
1 - 3
0 Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Guidence, Mending
1 Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mount
Leather Armor
[sblock=Eidolon Form]
Medium Bipedal Outsider
Temp HP: 17
AC 17
Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +4
Move 30
Init +1
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 13
Special Qualities
- Darkvision 60'
- Share Spells
- Evasion
- Claws, +6/+6, 1d6+4/1d6+4
Evolutions (4ep)
- Arms (free)
- Legs (free)
Claws (free)
Ability Increase (Str), 2
Improved Natural Armor, 1
Improved Damage (Claws), 1