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[OOC] When Journalists Attack: Electioneering

Dark Eternal

First Post
By the way - how far is it from where we are in the City to Alyssa's house, and what part of town would we have to go through to get there the quickest way possible?

Also, are there vehicles, and if so do we have access to one, or are we gonna have to hoof it? 'Cause if we're on foot, Elias probably would have suggested he rush over there full out and see if he can scope out some good pictures, while the others work their way there more casually.

Just wondering. :)

Edit: Actually, at Justin's suggestion, it looks like Elias is heading out solo after all. :p
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J'Accuse PirateCat!
It is completely appropriate to ask for backstory, and standard operating procedures here. I'll try to work them into the IC descriptions as I can, but I don't want to recap and recap and recap. I was going to try to weave these in, but I realize that it's probably more appropriate for you to just get the info dump at the start.

Photography: As long as your eyes (or whatever you use to get visual stimuli) are open, theoretically, photos are being taken. You could just say to the people who scan your brain: well, I think it was around the ninth hour (see below) when there was guy with a grey hat. But, it hurts having your mind scanned, and plus, who knows what those people are getting out of you. Therefore, you tag the photos by associating them with an idea or word in your mind, so you can recall and block it off later.

Speed: You can take a mentally protected photo as a standard action.

Getting a good photograph is a matter of getting the picture in frame: this is a spot check. The artistic framing of the photo such that it looks nice is a Profession (photographer) check. (If you want you can go back and add this skill, you can, although you can both take 10 or 20). Also, if you think you should change elements of your character to go in a certain direction, I'll still entertain changes for any player. Post them here first for consideration).

You can't develop them yourself, although there are powers which let you do this (similar to Justin's 'Ms. Jones' power, just higher level). How many you take is at your discretion, some people like taking lots, some only a few. You get no say which ones actually go into the paper.

Time issues: There are 24 districts (the Mayor gets the tie breaking vote). The city goes by a jump pad for each directly on the hour, and when the clerics were initially brokering the peace, they decided to make everything nice and easy: the twenty-four districts are numbered in order that the city passes them, and the reverse gravity pads for moving between the ground and city were put such that the city passes by each pretty much on the hour.

If what your editor said is true about the four hours of sleep, you think you're probably coming up on the 15th hour.

Being put on such a weird schedule, or as it is, no consistent time schedule at all, should cause you to be a bit disoriented, sluggish, jet lagged, all of that. How much you work with that is up to you.

Descriptions: Just so it's easily referenceable, I'd like all of you, by the weekend, to put into your rogues gallery, your physical description sans hat, and your current description. This way, I can have an easy reference to figure out what all of you look like.

IC posting: the tactics for getting there (skate/rooftops/evasive), is something for this thread, I think, if you wouldn't mind moving it.

Means of transport: Rooftops are not too uneven in height, although there are an inordinate number of spiky wizard towers, but with the combination of running up walls, flying leaps, and so on, you should be able to travel faster. Unfortunately, that's kind of illegal, being trespassing and all. It's also extremely noticeable, despite tons of people using expeditious errands to get to the grocery store quicker. People fly around a lot, and use all sorts of speed boosts, so to prevent high speed crashes, there are now traffic laws dictating how people can get around. They're loose, and very unenforced, but basically involve sticking to the streets when you use magic.

There are vehicles to the extent that there are magical forms of transport: there are some flying carpets and so on. Although, people who are at all powerful in magic just teleport.

There are no horses in the city, but there are some planetside, as well as carts and so on.

Speaking of teleporting: you're almost certain the Daily Float has the magical resources to teleport, which makes you wonder why they aren't just bringing in Helena's team for this. Maybe they're busy?

Your piece with Alyssa today was strictly puff piece/filler: you weren't going in there with damning evidence on her or blackmail, just to force your way in, ask a few questions, write a little story, move on.

Arthur Carmichael: What you remember, he's been the district governor of his district for a while. There have been no major scandals that you can recall. His main election slogan, on posters all over the Opposition Party land is: "Building bridges to the future." You vaguely recall a lot of stories of him canvassing for voters down PlanetSide, which is a little odd, given how politics here are very machine-based.

The city and map: The city is about 3 miles diameter. It is laid out in something approximating a well-designed city: there are a bunch of streets that go in concentric circles, and cross streets that represent spokes. The city is split up into twenty four districts (eight sectors, three districts deep), and the center is the area where the government operates in general. Currently, the city is split roughly in half, down the middle, with the Ruling Party holding thirteen districts, and the Opposition eleven. Low-level politicians tend to be nearer to the edge between the two parties, since those districts tend to be more contested, while high-ranking politicians usually tend to be more towards the edge (where the magic from the sun is less blocked as well). The city is getting more and more vertical: some of the tallest towers in the city are now well over a thousand feet, although the average height of a building is about two-three stories. You are currently in a Ruling Party district on the edge of the party line: Arthur's house is at the eastern edge of the City.

You can tell me if this is too confusing, but I'll use polar coordinates to designate locations that you know, where the first is the compass direction, and the second is how far from the center you are (with 1.5 being the edge)

You are at: (SE,.4)
Arthur Carmichael is at: (NE,1.45)

This is about a mile and change by my rough estimate: if you want better, you do the polar math. :)

Crossing party lines is not a deal at all: there are no checkpoints or such. This close to the election though, people who don't support the party are more likely to be heckled, harassed, or otherwise noticed.

The city guard (more to fill in, but this is long enough): The City Guard is a supposedly neutral force. You've taken individual or even groups of the City Guard before, although the elite Enforcers are generally beyond your skill. The way they tend to be allocated, is that more guard presence and follow-through on investigating crimes tends to happen on the Ruling Party side, and on the Opposition Party, the City Guard is used more to keep tabs on people.
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J'Accuse PirateCat!
As soon as you determine what rough sort of way you're getting there (showing off, speeding over rooftops, staying in traffic), I'll post for you. The rest of you can continue to talk amongst yourselves at some reasonable pace, and I'll chime in when I feel it's appropriate.

Dark Eternal

First Post
I'll use the Chameleon Skin to get out of the building, so that no one knows I'm with the others. Then I'll find a discrete place to switch back to my disguised self and run towards the site, taking the streets if I can get up to speed on them. I'll use skate to make the best possible time; this is about 45.5 mph, by my calculations ( ;) ). If I suspect I'm being watched or followed, I"ll add boost and use Up The Walls and running leaps to ditch them long enough to change my disguise and my route to the site. I'll slow down and go stealth when I get to within a block or so of the target's house.

Let me know if I have to make any checks for any of this. If I do have to, and it's possible and not inappropriate, I'll simply take 10. :)
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J'Accuse PirateCat!
Whew. I had a very clear visual image of what it would be like to run 45 mph, and decided to try to translate that. Not sure if I succeeded really. Sorry if that was long and boring.

DE: 4 normal damage/9 subdual damage. Your hat and disguise are still up.

You think you're within about 1/4th of a mile of the house now.


J'Accuse PirateCat!
sixchan, you might want to consider altering your color lighter.

Instead of doing color=red or whatever, use stuff like color=#cc66cc or #ff99ff, and those should be a nice purple.

DE: You realize that your skin gets blended into your disguise, right?

Dark Eternal

First Post
anonystu said:

DE: You realize that your skin gets blended into your disguise, right?

Oooo, hadn't thought of that. That means the Skin won't function while the disguise is 'on', right? I'll have to remember that.

Very nice job describing the run, by the way. That really gave me a sharp sense of what I was trying to do - just reading your description, I could feel a sense of vertigo looming. Elias is made of much sterner stuff than I am, that's for sure. ;) I loved it, right up until the moment that it all went bad.

I'm going to 'snap' a pic of the woman I landed on. Might help me figure out who she is later, if for any reason it becomes relevant. I'm also going to see if I can recall the anomaly that broke my concentration clearly enough to define a good snapshot of it.

Just out of curiosity, what sort of penalty would Elias expect to receive over this? And where is the court I have to be at? I think I've got two hours before I have to be there; I hope that's enough time to finish my job.

Probably a stupid question, but what exactly happens if I don't show?

Once Elias is certain that he's in one piece, he'll get back on track for Alyssa's house. Assuming my skate has expired - which I believe it most likely has - I'll cover last 1/4 mile with just the boots and my normal psionic movement enhancements. I'll try and find my way to a good high spot to survey the approach before I risk getting too close to the house. And if I have to choose between speed and stealth, I'll take stealth.


J'Accuse PirateCat!
Eh, I'll be nice to your skin: it's both non-visible (the illusion stacks over whatever you look like), and effective when you try to hide.

You don't remember what you tagged that moment with: although you still might have a recollection that could be skimmed off by the float.

The ticket? Ha! Standard journalistic procedure is just to ignore them and leave them far away from you, as walking into a court (with the litany of magicks likely to be up) is going to be very bad for you. If you want more help on what to do, you could try consulting your editor, who will occasionally answer questions, and give help remotely if it's really needed. Or just yell at you loudly.


J'Accuse PirateCat!
So probably, although I'm open for your own interpretation (don't feel you have to stop in a post just because it's something I could resolve: feel free to sort of charge forward, and I'll tell you if you've done something so bad we have to retcon). Anyway, a reasonable interpretation is that none of you spot Elias (he's very well hidden right now and far away ). Elias, you notice the City Guard captain, but at this distance, hard to make out details or confirm whether it's Selprin, and adding to the confusion, you don't recognize the two people walking with the city guard (since they changed disguises after you).

Feel free to interpet otherwise if you feel differently. (although that is the result of some rolling).


J'Accuse PirateCat!
This can be read as: feel free to not play with the: "So how do you meet up bit?" It's completely legitimate to say you have some preexisting sign/countersign, or flourish on your disguise that marks you.

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