Picard Season 3


For my part I watched Voyager and despite not really caring for it, I continued to watch it because it was kinda sorta passable and there wasn't any other new Star Trek series on TV. When we had that season where at the end of the season it turned out not to even be the Voyager and its crew, essentially making the entire season a Dallas "It was all just a dream" kind of season, I picked up the remote and switched it off never to see another episode. No, actually I did turn on the series finale just out of curiosity to see who was still around, if there was anyone new on board, and to see how they managed to get home.

Are you confusing "season" with "episode"? Voyager liked using the reset button, but only within that story, and there was precisely  one episode to my knowledge where it's revealed that we're actually following a different Voyager crew.

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
For my part I watched Voyager and despite not really caring for it, I continued to watch it because it was kinda sorta passable and there wasn't any other new Star Trek series on TV. When we had that season where at the end of the season it turned out not to even be the Voyager and its crew, essentially making the entire season a Dallas "It was all just a dream" kind of season, I picked up the remote and switched it off never to see another episode. No, actually I did turn on the series finale just out of curiosity to see who was still around, if there was anyone new on board, and to see how they managed to get home.
As @Arakhor points out, I think you misunderstood that the extent of the "fake crew" was limited to just that episode.

Discovery fans are like the yeti. I've heard about them but no one has ever met one.

I kind ot a Discovery fan, its not my favourite, but I really like Saru, Booker (aka the party Druid), the Dr. (loved him on the Finder too), Captain Pike, Captain Lorca, and later seasons Michael Burnham after they let the actress' natural warmth and charm come through instead of keeping her as a culturally Vulcan human.

But I acknowledge its extremely experimental and while that leads to some great things, its also leads to some truely bad messes as well. Like season 1s horrifying Klingon makeup (I didn't like the the male Orions either, they are supposed to played by huge wrestler types).

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