Planescape Planescape IS D&D Says Jeremy Crawford

Front & center In 2024 core rulebooks.

Planescape is Jeremy Crawford's favourite D&D setting. "It is D&D", he says, as he talks about how in the 2024 core rulebook updates Planescape will be more up front and center as "the setting of settings".


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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
If this were a scientific debate, I’d be interested in this line of argument. It is not, however.

Scientific usage doesn’t just trump all other usage by default.

A Multiverse and an omniverse are simply types of universal models used in fiction and in philosophical thought experiments. These are simply linguistic objects, not even scientifically testable theories even were that context relevant.

Not to mention I’ve literally observed arguments like this one between physicists, because the terminology of non-verifiable hypotheticals tends to not be set in stone. 🤷‍♂️
Ok, so you want to argue based on usage? People generally use “universe” to mean a single spacetime continuum and use “multiverse” to mean a multitude such continuums. Neither in science or in common parlance does “universe” mean everything that could conceivably exist.
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Morkus from Orkus
Universe does actually mean everything. Comic book writers don't get to change that.

The universe can be a multiverse.
No it can't. You can say that everything that exists is in one universe, but once you start talking about multiverses, you are by definition into multiple universes that aren't in one another. It's even in the names. :p



You can just use the planes and configure them however you want, or use a completely different cosmology like Eberron does.

I also don’t like Planescape, but it’s trivially easy to take bits of things from it and make them part of whatever cosmology I want.


Lots of stuff snipped.

It’s true. I could. But thankfully I don’t need to because I have Spelljammer. My Asmodeus and devils and demons can all live on a single planet and aren’t “fiends” in the typical sense but are actually aliens. Planes don’t have to be accessible at all.

My evil gods don’t all hang out on the same plane. They have their own location on whatever planet they live on.

None of this Sigil stuff. None of this “it doesn’t matter what you actually believe, after you die you become a bartering chip” stuff. Settings are distinct from each other.

A forgotten realms demon is completely unrelated to a Krynn demon in my game.


Morkus from Orkus
Lots of stuff snipped.

It’s true. I could. But thankfully I don’t need to because I have Spelljammer. My Asmodeus and devils and demons can all live on a single planet and aren’t “fiends” in the typical sense but are actually aliens. Planes don’t have to be accessible at all.

My evil gods don’t all hang out on the same plane. They have their own location on whatever planet they live on.

None of this Sigil stuff. None of this “it doesn’t matter what you actually believe, after you die you become a bartering chip” stuff. Settings are distinct from each other.

A forgotten realms demon is completely unrelated to a Krynn demon in my game.
That sounds cool. I like hearing alternate cosmologies and setting ideas from people who homebrew.

Edit: What do you do with the afterlife?


I didn’t provide any link and I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
oops, not your link, but the link in the post that I replied to (not by you) with you then replying to mine

The link is about how float numbers are a bigger infinite set then int numbers. My point is that you cannot apply the same proof to ‘universes I can imagine’, that will always be a number that can be mapped onto int, so if anything is a smaller set, not a larger one


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
oops, not your link, but the link in the post that I replied to (not by you) with you then replying to mine

The link is about how float numbers are a bigger infinite set then int numbers. My point is that you cannot apply the same proof to ‘universes I can imagine’, that will always be a number that can be mapped onto int, so if anything is a smaller set, not a larger one
Oh, I see. Makes sense.

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