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D&D 5E Player vs Player Tournament style play


Ok! We have four people, enough to do round one!

I will be putting that together real quick. We are going to start very simple, with a blank arena, nothing but what you bring in with you.

Here is the story.

The Games are All.

The land, which is simply called "This Land", has grown bored and restless. It has been five hundred years since their last war, and the people are beginning to wonder why they need an Emperor in the first place. He has consolidated so much power, the people can barely use the restroom without the say so of his Officers.

In order to prevent an uprising, the Emperor has instated a new form of Entertainment: The Games. in The Games, men and women, of all races and ages, are allowed to participate. Slaves may be forced, but any free person can choose to become a Gladiator. The fights are to the death, and any who survive is rewarded greatly. Power. Privilege. These things are offered to any who win, free or slave.

The Games are set into tiers, with the lowest tiers in the more remote villages. A Gladiator must work their way up to the honor of fighting in the Imperial City, which is level 10 and beyond.

Currently, in the small town of Small Town, their first gladiatorial games are being played. It is such a small town, as its name implies, that it only has four people willing to fight. The winner will be sent on to a larger city, closer to the Imperial City, where they will face greater challenges.

Look for your threads tonight. You may RP your entrance into the stadium, and then roll initiative. You may not fight until the Game Master rings the Gong. Once that happens, he with the highest initiative goes first, and the games begin, each having their own turn. No one may leave until the other is dead. You may then RP your victory to your heart's content, until the next round begins.

I fully expect these first fights to be quick, but we'll see.

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The contestants will be:
[MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION]'s Gibley Garren vs [MENTION=6805147]River Song[/MENTION]'s Colen Moor

and [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]'s Iteration Alpha vs [MENTION=6798581]Azurewraith[/MENTION]'s Chomley Broban.

I will set up the Intro posts now. I have a 2 hour trip to go on soon, so I won't be starting the fights until later tonight, so here is your homework.

Once I post the intro to your fight's thread, you may post your own introduction and Initiative. Be as creative as you like. The Game Master will be announcing your character, and you are free to speak for him when he is introducing you. This first fight is as simple as it gets. Nothing is in the arena but the two of you and what you bring with you, and the arena is roughly 100 feed in diameter. So, you start out about 60 feet away from each other. If you chose a melee character and get creamed cause the other person chose a ranged character, that's your own fault. No changing characters now. Roll either using Enworld's roller, or the coyote roller thing I see some of you doing. I will be watching each post to make sure they line up, and will force changes if they don't.

Again, if you do not post your turn within seven many days, you will forfeit your turn. That's a lot of leniency, but if it's one minute over, you lose your turn.

Happy fighting!


Also, you may RP as much as you want before I actually ring the gong. So, if you want to throw insults at each other while you wait for me, go right ahead.


One more thing. I would like to, at some point, introduce a little bit of...showmanship into the Games, Hunger Games style. In other words, if you do something someone "Likes", and you get enough "Likes", you might get a bonus. This isn't going to be the case here in the first few games, but if this goes on, I would love for the whole community of Enworld to watch these games, "Liking" their favorites to give them things like advantage, or a weapon thrown from the crowds, or whatnot.

River Song

I like the sound of that, best of luck to all before I start smack-talking. :)

Description of Colden:

A tall human male with dark hair and eyes, a ugly smirk is ever present on his face. He is heavily armoured and bears a shield, and when he enters the arena he will be wielding a Javelin with other javelins across his back and a battleaxe belted at his waist. The wargear looks battered but functional.

I'll get his intro done a little later.


Ooo good idea.

Chomley is a middle aged man with short scraggly grey hair, with a short scruffy grey beard. Fairly well built he is of average height. His mail armour is well worn with visible cuts in places on his left arm is a a small shield that once upon a time had a crest painted upon it, long since lost to dents and cuts, the rapier in his right hand is likewise well worn.


First Post

A pale young woman, with white hair and gem-bright yellow eyes, clad in a simple dress that could be a peasant's, if not for the unusually smooth and fine fabric it's made of, walks up to the arena master, paying no attention to the others around her. She stands near him, watching him unblinkingly, until he finally notices her there. It takes a few minutes...he's a busy man, and she's small and quiet.

The moment their eyes meet, the girl says in a soft, inflectionless voice, "Do you accept contestants for the combats in this arena?"

Taken aback, the arena master rubs his chin and nods. "Aye, that's me. Do you have a fighter to enter?" It wasn't impossible. Some weird nobleman's daughter out for a lark.

"Yes," was her response. "Myself."

He looked her up and down. She looked like she'd crisp in the sun and blow away on the wind any second. If not, the wind would probably knock her over. Still, there were procedures to follow. Emperor's decree. "Uh. Name?"

"Iteration Alpha."

Nonsense syllables. He seized on the part that was easier to say. "Alpha, we'll call you. Anything else? Titles? People usually like having dramatic..."


He scratched his chin. "You do realize people kill each other here, right? Fights are to the death."


"...which means you could die," he added, trying to convey emphatically through his tone that 'could' actually meant 'will.'


"All right, collect your things then, and there's some official paperwork..."


The arena master frowned. "I assure you, no one gets in without formal paperwork declaring your intention..."

"Oh. Yes. I will sign. You mentioned 'gear.' It is unnecessary. I am prepared to fight."

With a wave of his ham-hand, the arena master brought a clerk over. Thank the gods THIS was someone else's problem now. "Follow him then, and he'll tell you what to do."

'Alpha' immediately set to following the clerk, who seemed a bit out of his comfort zone with the whole matter. Arenas were dominated by muscles and magic...big intimidating men and women, or people in flashy robes bedecked with wands and witchbags. This contestant entirely lacked any sort of intimidation value...but still managed to be creepy in her bleach-white on white on white skin and hair and dress, and her unblinking, emotionless stare.

Well. At least by the numbers, no one would be needing to put up with any of that for long.


Don't feel bad, Azurewraith. As soon as I saw her character, I knew it would be a tough battle. It would have been the same if he'd gone up against a wizard with Magic Missiles. But hey, it's possible you'll crit one of your death throws and pop up, killing her in one blow. You know, the bright side and all that.


Don't feel bad, Azurewraith. As soon as I saw her character, I knew it would be a tough battle. It would have been the same if he'd gone up against a wizard with Magic Missiles. But hey, it's possible you'll crit one of your death throws and pop up, killing her in one blow. You know, the bright side and all that.
Oh ye totally! I knew going in my strengths and weaknesses. I made a call that no one would bring casters with their low HP. Didn't know mystics got a d8 seems broken to me IMO a caster with a d8 is insane!

Voidrunner's Codex

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