A little catch up and mandatory Dad brag:
First up are the choke point on my painting desk - French Regulars for Muskets and Tomahawks
Next, some wizkids Bullywugs I painted quickly for our last gaming session:
Dad Brag Section*
A couple of character figures my son Steve (age 17) painted. First is a GW Dwarf he used as his runeknight:
Next is his current PC a fighter. This is an old Ral Partha figure with a heads swap from some Chaos Warrior.
The next group of minis is from my youngest, Keegan (age 15).
First up is a beholder from Wizkids:
A few shots of the Green Slaad from Wizkids:
A pair of character figures Keegan sculpted out of greenstuff and painted:
Hobgoblin Wizard
His current character - a Leonin Paladin from an area with ancient Egyptian flavor.
Models and miniatures completed in 2021 = 52