Awesome stuff as always -- but I think Keegan wins this round ;-)
You ain't just whistling Dixie! That is a cool minotaur!First up is a really cool Minotaur my son Stevie painted:
Honestly, I think that is the top way miniature painters share their work these days. I find it to be a bit too fiddly for me - I tried it for a while and did not enjoy it. I have not been on insta for a few months. Definitely where the top painters are though.I have been using instagram to share and browse mini painting pics - not sure if anyone else is on there for that.
They don't. We play mostly old school rank and file games. We've found round bases do not work great for those, but we can get by with square bases when we do play skirmish games. I still have a lot of square bases and we do 3d print bases as well.I didn't know they had skinks on square bases!