Reaper Townsfolk Bar Maid
A couple of quick reflections:
1. Taking pictures really slows me down; and
2. Creating close-ups of every step is very humbling in revealing every error. I probably should do it more often.
I painted the hair a base of RMS Mahogany Brown with a touch of VGC Charred Brown.
Next, I created a wash using RMS Russet Brown with about one-third VGC Charred Brown.
I highlighted the hair with RMS Oiled Leather + RMS Palomino Gold + VGC Cobra Leather + VGC Off White.
A wash of Mahogany Brown went over this. I went back and added a touch of VGC Off White to my highlight mix. A wash of Mahogany Brown followed. I continued this process of highlighting followed by a wash until I took the highest highlights almost all the way up to pure VGC Off White.
The dress received a base of RMS Olive Green.
The recessed areas of the dress received a wash of RMS Olive Green + a touch of RMS Russet Brown.
The same shadow mix was used as a straight paint (not a wash) and placed into the deepest recesses.
RMS Olive Green was reapplied to neaten the figure up.
VGC Off-White was added to the mix to create a lighter color and applied to highlights.
More VGC Off-White was added to the mix to go to the lightest highlights.
This is where I left the dress, but looking at the pictures I will probably add some Olive Green washes to tone down the harshest highlights.
Part Three will finish with the clothes and start getting into details.
If you have any questions or suggestions as I go along please fire away!
A couple of quick reflections:
1. Taking pictures really slows me down; and
2. Creating close-ups of every step is very humbling in revealing every error. I probably should do it more often.
I painted the hair a base of RMS Mahogany Brown with a touch of VGC Charred Brown.

Next, I created a wash using RMS Russet Brown with about one-third VGC Charred Brown.

I highlighted the hair with RMS Oiled Leather + RMS Palomino Gold + VGC Cobra Leather + VGC Off White.

A wash of Mahogany Brown went over this. I went back and added a touch of VGC Off White to my highlight mix. A wash of Mahogany Brown followed. I continued this process of highlighting followed by a wash until I took the highest highlights almost all the way up to pure VGC Off White.

The dress received a base of RMS Olive Green.

The recessed areas of the dress received a wash of RMS Olive Green + a touch of RMS Russet Brown.

The same shadow mix was used as a straight paint (not a wash) and placed into the deepest recesses.

RMS Olive Green was reapplied to neaten the figure up.

VGC Off-White was added to the mix to create a lighter color and applied to highlights.

More VGC Off-White was added to the mix to go to the lightest highlights.

This is where I left the dress, but looking at the pictures I will probably add some Olive Green washes to tone down the harshest highlights.
Part Three will finish with the clothes and start getting into details.
If you have any questions or suggestions as I go along please fire away!