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pogre's model and figure thread

pogre said:
Help me out Joe - when you say a book mock-up what do you mean? A sculpture that resembles a book?

sometimes I'm a bit daft...

Yes. The 3 core book's covers are actually scuptures that were painted and photographed.

joe b.
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jgbrowning said:
Yes. The 3 core book's covers are actually scuptures that were painted and photographed.

joe b.

I did not know that...

I guess it would depend on the "look" you were going for - if you wanted gems and hinges I might be able to do that. If you wanted a more sci-fi look with sharp clean edges I would not do well with that. If you wanted something like an old style medieval German stamped leather look with a leering demon face on the lower half and an angel at the top - I could totally get into creating that. If you have a rough sketch or design in mind send it to me - I'll give you an honest assessment of whether it is something I am capable of.
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pogre said:
I did not know that...

I guess it would depend on the "look" you were going for - if you wanted gems and hinges I might be able to do that. If you wanted a more sci-fi look with sharp clean edges I would not do well with that. If you wanted something like an old style medieval German stamped leather look with a leering demon face on the lower half and an angel at the top - I could totally get into creating that. If you have a rough sketch or design in mind send it to me - I'll give you an honest assessment of whether it is something I am capable of.

pogueclan AT yahoo DOT com

Cool. I actually don't have designs formed in my head solidly enough to work on concept sketches right now, but I just had a bolt-of-lighting idea for a great d20 product and thought about making a cover similar to the core books. Then I saw this thread again and thought, "Hrm, maybe pogre could do it?"

I'll probably contact you in a month or so with some idea and start the negotiation/idea phase once I have firmer desires.

joe b.


jgbrowning said:
Cool. I actually don't have designs formed in my head solidly enough to work on concept sketches right now, but I just had a bolt-of-lighting idea for a great d20 product and thought about making a cover similar to the core books. Then I saw this thread again and thought, "Hrm, maybe pogre could do it?"

I'll probably contact you in a month or so with some idea and start the negotiation/idea phase once I have firmer desires.

joe b.

Sure. I'd love to take a shot at it! The timing works well for me as I am taking off for China for a couple of weeks Friday.


People in my D&D campaign please stay out of the link to Connor's Monster thread it will ruin some of our fun.

Folks interested in seeing a monster I painted last week can check it on Connor's Monster Thread.

Please do not comment here about it - my players deserve the surprise!


Here's a 40K fella' I just painted for a friend. I used just my desk lamp - so the pic is a bit subpar, but it's not fantasy so who cares right?;)

Seriously, I like the flesh on this guy, but some of the other blending could use help.



Herder of monkies
Nice work man.

I especially like the armor and the detail work on the book; at scale size it really, really makes the model stand out, and the close-up pic lets you see how you did it which looks very elegant.

I finally got back into some recent painting myself and checking your thread today makes me inspired to post some pics back in my old and nearly dead thread.


A new speed painting article is up over at d20 Magazine Rack.

It's taken a while between Steve's move, my laziness this summer, and other factors in getting my painting column going, but I'll try to be a bit more regular/monthly from here on in.

If you try the speed painting technique let me know how it goes. I plan on putting up another speed painting technique in the near future.


All the pictures below are thumbnail links to larger pics.

Here are some shots of projects I have been painting. I’m pretty frustrated right now, because I thought I had been making progress on my photography and all of sudden these look pretty bad. Back to the drawing board…

First up is a really old ogre figure. This ogre was put on the market by Marauder, which was a subsidiary of Citadel minis. The old Marauder Imperial ogres are some of my favorites. Kind of sad I had this guy for fifteen years and just got around to re-painting him!

Next up is a monster I cranked out fairly quickly, but I really like how he turned out. Fear my favorite garbage eater the Otyugh!



First Post
Nice stuff! That's the Chainmail otyugh, right? I just painted that one myself last week, though I'm not done with the base. I like the green color scheme (I went with a greyish-brown and bruise purple for the tongue & mouth.)

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