The High Aldwin
Ki could replace the Superiority Dice, with the dice size being equal to the Martial Arts die (which I proposed upthread should be increased by one die size).@DND_Reborn
If I understand you correctly, you recommend one Monk subclass uses Martial Maneuvers (namely Superiority Dice like Battle Master). Then this subclass uses the Superiority Dice for effects relating to stances and weapons.
I don't find ki scarce TBH, others have said that. I understand others wanting a bit more ki, such as adding Wisdom modifier as extra ki points.Also. Because the base class ki points are scarce, if a subclass has features that use ki points, the subclass needs to add ki points, in order to use these features, without taking away from the base usage.
Since ki is recovered on a short rest, even using it as such, I don't see it as a problem but extra ki equal to Wisdom modifier would not be too much.
Certain features could be regulated to once per turn, such as stunning strike and diamond soul, which would help with ki costs.