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Redclaw's Eyes of the Lich Queen OOC


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The Adventure--The Eyes of the Lich Queen

The Party--A band of childhood friends, with a few additions picked up along the way, now a chartered adventuring party and newly established guild.
Bregan Swiftstride--Shifter Scout (OnlytheStrong)
Cholas Burden--Human Favored Soul of the Silver Flame (WakkaWakka)
Talas Burden--Human Duskblade (EvolutionKB)
Drekhad Drevin--Kalashtar Crusader (Creamsteak)
Alexa Shaless--Human Bard/Crusader (Zurai)

Now that the party is set, it's time to build characters and fine-tune the teamwork that the party has put together over their adventuring careers.

For now, use this space to keep working on your character sheets. When they are approved, I'll create a rogue's gallery thread to put them in.

You can also use this space to discuss tactics, spell selection, and other things that might prove useful when the adventure begins.

Character Creation Guidelines
Abilities--28 Point Buy
Starting Level--5th
HP--Full at first, 3/4 each thereafter (4 for d6, 7 for d10).
Starting Wealth--6,000 gp (plus some goodies--see below)
Races available: Core, Eberron core, Spellscale, Kobold, orc, goblin
Classes available: Core, Artificer, PHB II, Crusader, Favored Soul, Scout, Swashbuckler, Warmage
All prestige classes are by approval, and that will almost always be based on role-playing prior to selection or validity of backstory.

Feat and Skill Selection--
Open use of Core, Eberron CS, PHB II
Available with DM approval--Races of Eberron, Magic of Eberron, Five Nations, Bo9S, Magic Item Compendium, Complete series

Don't forget to identify Region of Origin, which for most of you will be Breland.

Some bonus goodies-- (to make up for the shortage of money)
[sblock=OnlytheStrong] On your most recent return to your home village, your tribe gifted you with an amazing mithral chain shirt. It currently functions as a +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, but you quickly noticed that when you are wearing it, it appears to you to stop shining and be covered in a camouflage pattern of blacks and greens. Nobody else sees this change. The elders who presented you with the shirt identified it as Hunter's Shelter, a legendary item from the days of the Great Purge. They also gave you some of its backstory, and information about how to unlock a piece of its power. The ritual cost you 2,300 gp worth of supplies when you performed it (already considered in the cost). As a result of the ritual, the shirt currently gives you a heightened level of visual awareness, granting you a +5 enhancement bonus on spot checks. It will also cost you some skill points, save bonus and hit points, but not quickly or drastically (you will lose 2 hit points and 3 skill points next leve, but get another ability). This is an Item of Legacy, based on Weapons of Legacy, so it will grow with you. [/sblock]

[sblock=WakkaWakka] The Church of the Silver Flame has been quite impressed with your accomplishments and has entrusted you with a holy relic, The Bow of the Blessed Hunter. This +1 Longbow appears normal, although it's made from very silvery-hued ash. However, as soon as you grip it you can hear a whispering voice speaking to you of the need to purge evil and impurity from the land. Nobody else can hear the voice, nor can you hear it when someone else holds the bow. The prelate who gave you the bow spoke of its history during the Last War, details to follow, and told you of a ritual that would link you to the bow in the eyes of the Flame, and open up greater magical powers for your use. This ritual cost you 1,625 gold worth of supplies when you performed it (already considered in the cost). As a result of the ritual, the bow currently alows you to detect any undead within 60' of you (by concentrating as the spell), and ignore any DR possessed by undead. It will also cost you a few points of BAB, hit points and spell slots as you progress, but not quickly or drastically (next level you'll lose 2 hit points and a first level spell slot but get another ability from the bow). This is a Weapon of Legacy, based on the book, so it will grow with you. [/sblock]

[sblock=EvolutionKB] Talas has been given a family heirloom, a suit of +1 Displacement Chainmail. Once per day you can activate it to get the benefit of the Displacement spell for 5 rounds. [/sblock]

[sblock=Creamsteak] Before Prometheus disappeared he gave Drekhad his prized possession, a Corsair's Eyepatch. If worn over your left eye, you can activate it to have the use of See Invisibility for 1 round, and if worn over the right eye you can activate it to get the use of Blind-Fight for 1 minute. It can be activated a total of 3 times per day, and it takes a move action to switch eyes (I figured this would be a fun bit of physical eccentircity for Drekhad). You also have recently found a Ring of Brief Blessing, which allows you to treat one melee attack or unarmed strike per day as if it were magic and good-alilgned.[/sblock]
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Interesting item. I'll be sure to switch its position every time someone looks the other way.

Male Kalashtar Crusader 5
LG medium humanoid
Senses: Listen -1, Spot -1
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Aura: stances
Languages: Common, Draconic, Quor, Riedran
Region of Origin: Breland
AC: 23, touch 11, flat-footed 23; (+9 armor, +3 shield, +1 deflection)
Hit Points: 48 HD: 5d10+10
Delayed Damage Pool: 10 (steely resolve)
Action Points: 7
Power Points: 5
Immune: dream and nightmare spells
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 against mind-affecting spells and abilities; zealous surge (1/day)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), can’t run; 30 ft. (6 squares) when unarmored
Melee: battleaxe +7 slashing (1d8+2/x3) or short sword +7 piercing (1d6+2/19-20) or warhammer +7 bludgeoning (1d8+2/x3)
Ranged: longbow +5 piercing (1d8/x3)
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +7
Atk Options: furious counterstrike, maneuvers
Combat Feats: Psychic Renewal, Stone Power
Combat Gear: corsair's eyepatch, ring of brief blessing
Crusader Maneuvers Known (IL 5)
3rd – white raven tactics (WR3)
2nd – battle leader's charge (WR2), mountain hammer (SD2)
1st – crusader’s strike (DS1), leading the attack (WR1), stone bones (SD1), vanguard strike (DS1)
Stances – iron guard’s glare (DS1), leading the charge (WR1)

Crusader Maneuvers Prepared (IL 5)
white raven tactics, battle leader's charge, mountain hammer, crusader's strike, stone bones

Psi-Like Abilities (ML 2)
1/day – Mindlink
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16
Feats: Psychic Renewal, Stone Power
Skills: Balance -1 [5 ranks], Bluff +5 [-], Concentration +10 [8 ranks], Diplomacy +13 [8 ranks], Disguise +5* [-], Intimidate +13 [8 ranks], Martial Lore +5 [3 ranks]; *includes a +2 racial bonus on disguise checks to impersonate a human.
Possessions: 20 arrows (1 gp/3 lb.), backpack (2 gp/2 lb), battleaxe (10 gp/6 lb), bedroll (0.1 gp/5 lb.), belt pouch (1 gp/0.5 lb.), cold weather outfit (8 gp/7 lb.), crowbar (2 gp/5 lb.), flint and steel (1 gp), holy water (25 gp/1 lb.), longbow (75 gp/3 lb.), sack (0.1 gp/0.5 lb.), silver holy symbol (25 gp/1 lb.), short sword (10 gp/2 lb), 2 sunrods (4 gp/2 lb.), trail ration (0.5 gp/ 1 lb.), 3 torches (0.03 gp/3 lb.), warhammer (12 gp/5 lb) waterskin (1 gp/4 lb), whetstone (0.02 gp/1 lb.); corsair's eyepatch, +1 full plate (2650 gp/50 lb), +1 heavy steel shield (1170 gp/15 lb), ring of brief blessing, ring of protection +1 (2000 gp); 2 gp, 25 cp. 118 lbs.[/sblock]


First Post
Cool beans that armor should help out with my low AC. Once we start and before I go with my character in a specific direction(RP and mechanically), I would like to take a level of warblade and then jump into Jade phoenix mage. If you are confident that is possible, I'll do that, if not I'll continue with my initial idea and continue duskblade. Just figuring out how I want to RP this guy, in case you hate the PrC or something. Don't want to walk down that road if it doesn't do me any good.


First Post
I wouldn't have a major issue with a level of crusader, but wouldn't that be admitting to your brother that divine power is as good as, or better than, arcane? ;)


First Post
[sblock]Talas Burden
Male Human Duskblade 5
CG medium humanoid
Senses: Spot +0, Listen +0
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Elven
Region of Origin: Breland
AC: 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18; (+6 armor, +2 shield, , +2 dex,)
Hit Points: 42
Action Points: 7
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4;
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) or 30 ft. unarmored, 76/230 carried light load
Melee: +1 Flail +9 bludgeoning (1d8+4/x2) or light pick +8 piercing (1d4+3/x4) or dagger +8 slashing/piercing (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged: longbow +7 piercing (1d8/x3) or dagger +7 piercing/slashing (1d4+3/19-20)
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +8
Atk Options: Disarm: +15 w/flail, Arcane Channeling
Combat Feats: Improved Disarm, Combat Expertise
Arcane Attunement: Can use Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sounds, and Read Magic. Castable 5/day

Armored Mage: Can ignore ASF for light and medium armor and light shields.

Arcane Channelingl: As a standard action, Talas can channel a touch spell with a melee attack, no AoO, and spell must be able to be cast as a standard action.

Quick Cast (1/day): Once per day a spell with a normal casting time of one standard action can be cast as a swift action.

Duskblade Spells Known CL: 5
2nd – Dimension Hop
1st – Resist Energy, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Enfeeblement, True strike, Chill Touch
0th - Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Acid splash, Ray of frost

Spells per day: (6/6/3) DC: 12+spell level

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8

Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Somatic Weaponry, Combat casting(bonus from Duskblade)

Skills: Concentration +10 [8 ranks](+14 when casting on the defensive), Knowledge(Arcana) +10 [8 ranks], Knowledge(Religion) +10 [8 ranks], Knowledge(Nature) +10 [8 ranks], Knowledge (Planes) [8 ranks]

Possessions: +1 Displacement Chainmail(1/day Displacement 5rds)(-gp, 40lb),+1 flail(2308gp, 5lb), Longbow(75gp, 3lb), Dagger(2gp, 1lb), Light pick(4gp, 3lb), Arrows(20)(1gp, 1lb), light wooden shield+1(1151gp, 1lb), Restful Crystal(500gp,-lb, MIC), 2 Fountainhead arrows(612gp, -lb, MIC), , 4 potions of cure light wounds(200gp, -lb), Backpack(2gp, 2lb), Bedroll(.1gp, 5lb), 2 Belt pouches(2gp, 1lb), 50' of silk rope(10gp, 5lb), waterskin(1gp, 4lb), Everburning torch(110gp, 1lb), 1 tanglefoot bag(50gp, 4lb), 2 potions of enlarge person(100gp, -lb), 2 potions of shield of faith(100gp, -lb), 4 Scrolls of True strike(100gp, -lb), 2 Scrolls of See invisibility(300gp, -lb), 2 Scroll of Scorching Ray(300gp, -lb), Platinum Ring(focus for shield other, 50gp)21gp, 9sp[/sblock]

[sblock=appearance]While his twin is tall and willowy, Talas is tall and muscular. Talas's black hair is kept short and his eyes are a vibrant green. He only takes off his family's armor when he bathes. A small wood shield hangs on his right arm, and a shining flail is held in his left. His belt has several loops to hold his belt pouches his potions and scrolls. Although he was the firstborn, he nevertheless looks to his brother for leadership, albeit grudgingly.[/sblock]

[sblock=personality]Cocky and sure of himself, Talas holds arcane magic above all other forms of magic. He is constantly reminding his twin that his art is superior. Although he looks like a warrior(and he is)Talas is not shy to spout off random bits of knowledge, whether it be about the creatures they face in battle or just a specific type of tree in the forest. On the outside all appears normal, but Talas is plagued by doubts of his worth. Being raised with The Silver Flame in their lives, Talas and his twin were to follow the edicts of the Church. However, when Talas talent in the art of the arcane began to materialize, he left the ways of the Church behind him. That fact makes him guilty for his brother became a powerful priest of The Flame, like their Mother. Talas wonders what fate has in store for him, why two people that look so alike can be so different.[/sblock]

It would be a good character twist I would think. All his life he forsakes their religion, touting the power of his arcane magic, until one day after many battles he begins hearing a voice in his head, inspiring him to great things in battle, things that should be beyond his abilities. Then or later, he realizes the voice is The Silver Flame. How does he act? Does he embrace The Flame then? Or does he see it as only a tool, less the arcane magic he commands? Do he realize the source of the new abilities at all?
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Bregan Swiftstride Longstride Shifter Scout level 5
Alignment: NG​
Origin: Breland (near Silver Lake)​
Age: 21                  
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 157lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Bright Blue

Str:   10  +0 mod
Dex:  19  +4 mod (+1 level adjustment + 2 racial)+2 shifting
Con:  14  +2 mod 
Int:   12  +1 mod (-2 racial)
Wis:  12  +1 mod 
Cha:  6   -2 mod  (-2 racial)

AC: 20 (21 when shifting) (21 with skirmish) (22 with skirmish and shifting)
             [10+ 5 armor + 4 dex + 1 ring] 

HP: 42 (8+[6x4]+ 10 con mod)

Action Points: 7

Saving Throws:  
        Fortitude: 4 (1 base + 2 con mod + 1 battle fort.)
        Reflex:     8/9 (4 base + 4 dex mod) + 1 when shifting
        Will:        2  (1 base + 1 wis mod)

Initiative: +7  (4 dex +1 battle fort.+ 2 shifter insticts)

Speed: 40ft (50ft when shifted)

Base Attack Bonus:  +3
       Masterwork Composite Shortbow:
                 +8 (+9 when shifted)   dmg:1d6  crit:x3  range:70ft
       Masterwork Dagger:
                 +4      dmg:1d4     crit: 19-20x2

       Grapple:  +3  (+3 base + 0 str mod)

Skills:  (only those with ranks)

   Balance:  ~~~~~      14         (4 dex mod + 8 ranks + 2 racial)
   Disable Device:~~       9          (1 int mod + 8 ranks)
   Hide: ~~~~~~~    12/17         (4 dex mod + 8 ranks)+ 5 Elvenkind Cloak
   Knowledge: ~~~        11          (1 int mod + 8 ranks + 2 synergy)
   Listen:  ~~~~~~      13         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks + 2 racial +1 shifter Insticts)
   Move Silently: ~~      12         (4 dex mod + 8 ranks)
   Sense Motive: ~~      10         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks + 1 shifter insticts)
   Spot: ~~~~~~~       15         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks + 5 H.S+1 shifter insticts)
   Survival: ~~~~~    9/11         (1 wis mod + 8 ranks) +2 above ground synergy

Feats:  (1st level, 3rd level, and bonus feat)
   Precise Shot:  no -4 when shooting into melee
   Shifter Insticts: +1 to listen, sense motive, and spot checks
                         +2 to initiative checks   (from Races of Eberron)
   Least Legacy (Hunters Shelter, +5 to spot)

Class Abilities:
   Skirmish  +2d6 to dmg after moving at least 10ft
                +1 to AC
   Battle Fortitude
   Uncanny Dodge
   Fast Movement +10ft
   Trackless Step

Racial Abilities:
   Low Light Vision
   +2 to balance, jump, and climb
   Can shift 1x per day for (3+con mod) 5 rounds



Masterwork Composite Shortbow ~ 375gp ****** 2lbs
Masterwork Dagger ~~~~~~~~ 302gp ****** 1lbs
Arrows (20) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1gp ****** 1lbs
Belt Pouch (2) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 2gp ****** 1lbs
Tindertwig (20) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 20gp ****** ---
Small Steel Mirror ~~~~~~~~~~ 10gp ****** 1/2lbs
Ring of Protection ~~~~~~~ 2,000gp ****** ---
Cloak of the Elvenkind ~~~~~ 2,500gp ****** 1lbs
[+5 to hide when hood is pulled up]
Potion of Invisibilty (2) ~~~~~~ 600gp ****** ---
Cure Light Wounds Potion (3) ~~ 150gp ****** ---
Hunter's Shelter (gift) ~~~~~~ ----- ****** 25lbs

Total: 5,960gp********30 1/2lbs

Gold Left: 40gp

Carrying Capacity:
L.L. = 33lbs
M.L. = 66lbs
H.L. = 100lbs



Bregan has 2 braids in his long black hair. One is a symbol of his loyalty to his companions, the other is a symbol of a promise he made to the same elders who presented him with Hunters Shelter. He promised to find and unlock all of the item's powers or die trying.

Bregan has 1 tattoo, a symbol of the group of scouts he was a part of. The tattoo is clearly visible on his left forearm, down the entire forearm. It is of an arrow, the shaft fading into a tree with a bear paw under a crescent moon carved into the tree. The arrowhead points to his wrist, the tree nearing his elbow. (the paw and the crescent moon are symbols of his family, while the arrow fading into a tree is a sign of the scouts he was a part of). [/sblock]

[sblock=Bregan Swiftstride's Background]

Bregan was raised on the outskirts of town. He always felt like he was stared at when he was in the town. He never really understood that though. He would rather spend his time alone in the wilderness then in the village. A goblin or bugbear was easier for him to handle than a couple of people on the street slinging insults.

He was one of the several shifter scouts that assisted in keeping the town and nearby woodlands clear of any vermin which may make life more difficult. They would have shifts and would usually travel alone through their part of the wilderness. The way the scouting was ran, required a decent amount of good judgement. There were always at least 8 scouts out at a time. If something was too dangerous for one scout to handle, he simply relayed a message to his companions to come aid him.

Bregan got into the habit of following some of the groups that travelled through the lands. He didn't really care about the group, just figured that it would be less of a mess around the town if he didn't allow travellers to be slaughtered. Bregan had been following caravans through the wilderness for the last couple of months, even began to become amused at some of the people that ventured through it. Most had no business being in the wilderness, some should never of left a city. Every once in a while, a group would travel through that Bregan knew could handle themselves. He usually left those groups alone, since he couldn't find a reason to follow a group that could kill nearly as well as he.

He found a group that could handle themselves. A couple of them were brothers it seemed, though drastically different. He followed them through the wilderness, even got ahead of the group and let them walk into his camp. He got to know them pretty well, though it was quite apparent they would need his help to get out of this wilderness. There was one among them he didn't quite understand, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. The man was slightly crazy. He was going to form a guild. He even went so far as to invite Bregan to join it.

Bregan still isn't sure why he said he would, but he did. He parted ways with the group and said he would find them in the near future. He had to go back to his village to explain to the elders that he was leaving.

He told the appropriate people in his village and was shocked when they gave him an item. It was clearly magical. One of the elders told him it was called Hunters Shelter. They even told him some of the story behind it, he hung on every word that was spoken. When their story was finished, he was told how to bond with the item, how to unlock part of it's power. He had to locate four evil humanoids, return to a goodly place, then find and destroy the creatures.

He left that night and ventured for quite a while before he found anything which he could deem as from just the tracks. He ended up in the mountain regions, on the trail of bugbears. They must of been a scouting group, as there were only 5 of them. They were experianced though and carried rather nasty looking weapons. He observed them for a whole day, watching them move with a patience rare to their race. He also witnessed them slaughter several creatures for seemingly no other reason than because they could. He left the mountainous region and traveled back to his home village and gathered a few supplies.

He returned to the place where he had left the bugbears as soon as he could get there. Total it was only a 4 day trip and spent the next day finding a fresh trail leading to the same group of bugbears. He was shocked that they hadn't moved very far at all. He spent two days thinking of a plan to destroy these bugbears. None would escape.

Bregan decided that tricks would work, but only after he got their attention. Bregan spend all his time downwind of the smelly creatures, so that they wouldn't catch his scent. He found a good place for his plan and set it into motion. He managed to set up two snares with some of the rope he had brought. He was quite proud of his second set of traps, sharpened sticks. He had pushed them through small pieces of bark so that they would stand upright. The sticks were large enough to go through the bugbears feet, crippling them. He mentally marked his path through the traps and headed back toward the camp.

Bregan began the encounter by shifting into his longstride form. He stalked in close to the camp and took note of the bugbears positions. They were resting, except for one. He was half keeping guard, half keeping tabs on the ongoing fights his companions were having. Bregan notched his bow and took careful aim.

His first arrow took the guard square in the throat, killing it with little other noise than a gurgle and the sound of the body falling on the hard mountainside. The other four bugbears looked around confused, unsure as to where the arrow came from. Bregan moved roughly 15 feet, so that he could retreat down the path that he had laid the traps on. He stood and fired again. He caught the second bugbear in the chest, but failed to lay it low. That second arrow was enough for the 3 uninjured bugbears to locate the Shifter and they took up arms.

Bregan fired again, then turned and retreated. He did not watch his arrow travel, but was certain if found it's mark as he heard a slight groan, a thumb, and the remaining bugbears growl. He ran down the path, carefully skipping past the areas where he had set his traps. His shift wore off while he was running. He didn't mind, he was far ahead of the bugbears. Heard is snare go off, dragging one of the bugbears over a cliff. He smiled as he imagined the face of that one, still not sure what happened.

The screams of the other two let Bregan know that his spikes had worked their part. Three of the five were dead. It was time to finish off the other two. He found a path and circled behind the bugbears. They had given up the chase and were trying to treat their wounds. Bregan's heart was cold as he remembered what these bugbears had done to several creatures. His shot rang true, striking the bugbear in the back near his spine. It howled in pain but oddly only moved his arms.

The other bugbear tried to stand, but caught an arrow in the stomach. They both knew death was coming. A second arrow followed the first, nearly in the same hole his first arrow had made. The bugbears bowels spilled over the rocky terrain. The paralyzed bugbear had stopped struggling and was screaming something in a language Bregan didn't understand. It didn't matter. It's life was over. He fired two more arrows, making the bugbears arms useless. Slaughter leads to slaughter, the weaker by the stronger, he said to the bugbear. He calmly placed his bow on the ground and drew is knife. A single slash put the rest of the bugbears lifeblood onto the ground.

Bregan followed their trail back to the camp and suddenly was noticing things he never noticed before. He spotted bugs crawling and hopping along the ground. He spotted birds far up in the air. Bregan continued along the trail, disarming the traps he'd laid and double checking the bodies to make sure they were dead. He looked over their equipment to see if there was anything of value to take back to his town. There was some things, but very little. He gathered what he could carry and headed back.

He gave it to the elders, everything he had carried back. He owed his newfound sight to them and they deserved the profits of his task. He slept at the village for a single night, then headed off to find this guild he promised to join.



Bregan believes he is the best at what he does and may not be that far off. He rarely really cares about others not of his race, though a few have managed to find a soft spot with him. He may not have "knightly" qualities, but he does have a sense of duty and honor. He feels like it is his duty to destroy the "evil" races, and sometimes does so without stopping to think if the creature itself is evil.

Summary: ( :) )
Bregan is rude. He acts cold hearted, but is anything but. He doesn't like new people.

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