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Rise of Skywalker: The Seen It/Spoilers Thread


  • ★★★★★ Excellent

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★★★★ Good

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • ★★★ Average

    Votes: 14 19.4%
  • ★★ Not Great

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★ Terrible

    Votes: 8 11.1%

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I missed it ... scanned the thread but can't find your explanation. Can you point me?

It wasn't really explained, IMHO. At some point, a hobbit suggested they did exactly that, but Poe dismissed the idea saying something like "the Holdo maneuver is a one in a million event". No more explanation given, but it's apparently non-replicable (so they don't have to explain why all the generals didn't think of it during the thousands of year of the Republic).

I guess they realized that having the heroes behaving like the Japanese Imperial Army and mass-training pilots to do suicide runs into star destroyers wasn't the vibe they wanted for the Rebellion, as well.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I missed it ... scanned the thread but can't find your explanation. Can you point me?
Sorry - it was in the other thread. We have too many Star Wars threads!



[*]If Palps lived, why woudn't he announce it right after Endor? The Empire would not have fallen in the first place, then. Why let the Rebellion take over to plot revenge 30 years later? There's a bunch of motivation and explanation that needs to be filled in there.

Judging from the way Palpatine looked, I’m going to guess he was just too weakened to announce his return. Perhaps whatever Dark Side ability/technology kept him alive took 20 odd years to get him to the point where he could do things again.

Okay, new ranking of films.

Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strike Back
Rogue One
(Clone Wars)
Solo if you pretend it's not a pandering prequel but just about some other scoundrel
A New Hope
The Last Jedi
(The Mandalorian)
The Force Awakens
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
The Christmas Special
The Rise of Skywalker

My criteria? Is there a meaningful character arc or a compelling thematic core to the story? Then, does it have good action? Then, does it at least make narrative sense?

The actors in Episode IX deserved far better than the material they got.


New TIE fighters have hyperdrives old ones don't stock but the odd one does so it's not impossible.

New TIEs also have shields apparently. FO was supposed to be a lot weaker than the empire do they went for quality over quantity.

Never really see it onscreen though. New 1st Order Resurgent class star Destroyers has something like 10 or 20 times the amount of firepower.

I assume the Sith fleet was mostly unmanned with shields down. There was a throw away line about the first order needing to abduct more kids to train as crew.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Which film is this screenshot from again? :)


Ok, so I finally went and saw Star Wars; Let's Play it Safe.

I will start off with the tldr; the entire movie is pretty much spoiled in the opening crawl.

So much potential and so disappointing. I could see Abrams wanting to take risks, but I could also see Darth Mickey saying, "There is no originality here, boy!"

So, let's start with my thoughts in the opening crawl and why I had such a problem with it.

Why the hell spoil Palpatine like that? It literally came out of left field. This was a missed opportunity throughout the entire trilogy; I watched TFA and TLJ right before going to watch RoS, and I saw no hints in any of the previous movies that he was the puppet-master. I just remember thinking "WTF?" as I read the crawl, and then I thought, "Oh, well that pretty much spoils the entire movie...Kylo Rey (spelling is intentional) is going to end up fighting him at the end after Kylo Ren has his turn from the dark side moment." It doesn't bother me that Palpatine lived, nor does it bother me that they don't explain how. What bothers me is that it seems that he was almost an after-thought.

I liked the sequence with Kylo Ren meeting Palpatine; I thought it was well done. However, I think it would have been more impactful later in the movie.

Chewbacca. This was them playing it safe. I had a brief moment where I hoped that he was actually dead; not because I dislike Chewie, but because I think it would have been both appropriate and emotionally impactful to have a major death like that. It took me all of about 2 minutes to realize that this would not be the case, that Abrams was too busy playing it safe and following the formula dictated by Darth Mickey.

Did anyone else see a second transport in the desert when Chewbacca was captured? Did I miss that?

I really liked Rey going to the ruins of the Death Star and entering the Emperor's throne room...nice call back to nostalgia there. That entire scene was, I think, one of the better moments in the movie.

What is it with the Force killing force users? Leia's death had absolutely no emotional impact. Like, at all!

I can't say I was surprised at the revelation of who Rey was.

The Knights of Ren. I was really hoping they would do more with them. But no, they were just a brooding menace (that really didn't feel very menacing) that did almost nothing until the end of the movie. And even then, it wasn't much.

The final battle. Good and bad here. Palpatine draining the life force from Kylo Rey was interesting, and it was a neat hint as to how he survived. The bad, though...

Why did Rey have to die after reflecting the force lightning back on Palpatine? Dammit...no wonder wielding the Force is so rare in the Star Wars universe; it kills whoever wields it! Ben Skywalker's death was no surprise; it is a consistent theme in the Star Wars universe that someone who turns to the Dark Side can return to the light with a great sacrifice. But I question the story creators at having him sacrifice himself the way that he did.

All said and told, it wasn't a terrible movie despite my negative comments. There were some genuinely fun moments; Poe being one of them. Sadly, though, the movie was just missing something.

A lot of people didn't like The Last Jedi, but it at least tried to push the boundaries and take risks. It had soul despite its flaws. This one fell flat...it just didn't have the soul of the previous two movies. I didn't feel it was an appropriate ending to the Skywalker series. It played it too safe.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Why the hell spoil Palpatine like that? It literally came out of left field. This was a missed opportunity throughout the entire trilogy; I watched TFA and TLJ right before going to watch RoS, and I saw no hints in any of the previous movies that he was the puppet-master. I just remember thinking "WTF?" as I read the crawl, and then I thought, "Oh, well that pretty much spoils the entire movie...Kylo Rey (spelling is intentional) is going to end up fighting him at the end after Kylo Ren has his turn from the dark side moment." It doesn't bother me that Palpatine lived, nor does it bother me that they don't explain how. What bothers me is that it seems that he was almost an after-thought.

It was an afterthought. There's a good reason you didn't see mention of it in the previous films.

Chewbacca. This was them playing it safe. I had a brief moment where I hoped that he was actually dead; not because I dislike Chewie, but because I think it would have been both appropriate and emotionally impactful to have a major death like that. It took me all of about 2 minutes to realize that this would not be the case, that Abrams was too busy playing it safe and following the formula dictated by Darth Mickey.

I don't know what that means. Han, Luke, and Leia all die in this trilogy. Clearly Disney is happy to kill major characters.

Leia's death had absolutely no emotional impact. Like, at all!

Well, not on you, clearly. I found it pretty moving.

Why did Rey have to die after reflecting the force lightning back on Palpatine? Dammit...no wonder wielding the Force is so rare in the Star Wars universe; it kills whoever wields it! Ben Skywalker's death was no surprise; it is a consistent theme in the Star Wars universe that someone who turns to the Dark Side can return to the light with a great sacrifice. But I question the story creators at having him sacrifice himself the way that he did.

I would have liked it if Rey had stayed dead. It would have been a more emotional ending to the series than Kylo dying.

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