RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Chaosium, Free League, Arc Dream, FrostByte, and More

This week I am on vacation so this one is all about the classics. A combination of core rulebook and adventures book(s) that you can spend any gift or return money on including Warhammer, Call of Cthulhu, Mutant: Year Zero, Delta Green, and more. And an honorable mention for M-Space, a print on demand RPG that I would not normally cover since it isn’t available in retail but is worth checking out if you’re looking for a great sci-fi campaign to run.

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Note: RPG Print News covers new RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are only available to customers through kickstarter or as print on demand. Except for this week!

Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy Rules Tome (PDF) | The Hole in the Oak (currently sold out) (PDF) | The Incandescent Grottoes (PDF) by Necrotic Gnome
  • PRODUCT TYPE: digest-sized hardcovers
  • RETAIL PRICE: $40/$15 each
  • OTHER RPG NEWS:OSE review, The Hole in the Oak review
  • DESCRIPTION: The Classic Fantasy Rules Tome has the following content: seven classic classes (cleric, dwarf, elf, fighter, halfling, magic-user, and thief), gear including vehicles and vessels, rules for stronghold construction, over 100 spells, full rules (adventuring in dungeons, the wilderness, and at sea), over 200 monsters, and over 150 magic items. These are the exact same rules as the 1981 Basic and Expert D&D with one optional rule for ascending armor class. The Hole in the Oak and the The Incandescent Grottoes are classic expeditions into the Mythic Underworld for characters of 1st to 2nd level. Dangerous monsters must be overcome, strange beings bargained and worked with, and weird magic encountered. Each module alone includes over 50 keyed areas, a rumor table, loot summary, dungeon background info, suggestions for expanding the dungeon, keyed in a quick-reference, a bullet point format, and unlabeled map included for VTT use. Combined, they form a large, 3 level dungeon with over 100 keyed encounter areas.
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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition | Enemy Within and Companions I through V by Cubicle 7
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcovers
  • RETAIL PRICE: $59.99/$39.99 to $44.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS:The Horned Rat review
  • DESCRIPTION: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay contains the contains rules for grim and perilous fantasy roleplaying adventures in the Old World. PCs face vile corruption, scheming plotters, and terrifying creatures intent on destruction. A d100 fantasy system with swords and pistols, small but vicious dogs, and threatening Chaos lurking not only inside the Empire but also in the souls of men. The Enemy Within Director’s Cut with five adventure hardcovers and five companions that revises and update the original campaign from over 30 years ago with commentaries, additional material, new subplots and characters, and more. One of the original authors, Graeme Davis revisited the last two adventures and rewrote them to match his original intentions for how the campaign should conclude.
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Call of Cthulhu Keepers Handbook 7th Edition | Masks of Nyarlathotep - Slipcase Set by Chaosium
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover/slipcase with two hardcovers and extras
  • RETAIL PRICE: $54.95/$129.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS:Call of Cthulhu Slipcase Set review
  • DESCRIPTION: The Keepers Handbook contains the core rules including character creation, spells, and monsters of the game. Playing the role of steadfast investigators, the PCs travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. They gather clues, unravel mysteries, and encounter sanity-blasting entities, monsters, and insane cultists. Masks of Nyarlathotep has been comprehensively revised and updated for use with Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, but may also be run with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement. Masks of Nyarlathotep is a world spanning campaign across seven countries in five continents. The PCs battle a nefarious cult across the globe. Includes encounters, side-track adventures, detailed adversaries, geographical information, maps and floor plans, and ready to use player handouts. Appendices collect spells, tomes, artifacts, and travel advice.
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Traveller - Core Rulebook (Update 2022 preorder) | The Pirates of Drinax by Mongoose Publishing
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover/slipcase with three hardcovers and a poster map
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99/$129.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS:Traveller Core Rulebook review, Pirate, Why Do You Plunder?
  • DESCRIPTION: Mongoose’s Traveller is in its second edition with an updated rulebook on the way. PCs normally have a ship and travel by jump drive system to system buying and selling, exploring, and more. I ran The Pirates of Drinax when it was free PDFs for the Mongoose first edition. PCs are privateers entrusted by the King of Drinax with a letter of marque, permitting them to prey on illegal trade. They raid and fight their way through a massive campaign. It comes in a slipcase with three hardbacks and a poster. The books include the campaign, the setting of the Trojan Reach with details on the alien Aslan, and a book of ships. The 24 x 40 double-sided poster map features the Trojan Reach sector, the Floating Palace of Drinax, and the Harrier-class commerce raider.
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Delta Green RPG Core Rules in a Slipcase | Impossible Landscapes by Arc Dream Publishing
  • PRODUCT TYPE: two hardcovers in a slipcase/hardcover
  • RETAIL PRICE: $99.99/$64.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS:Agent’s Handbook review, Handler’s Guide review, Impossible Landscapes overview
  • DESCRIPTION: In Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, the PCs are agents who fight to save human lives and sanity from threats beyond space and time. Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor but without glory—often at a shattering personal cost. Impossible Landscapes includes four operations sprawling across decades and the immeasurable stretches of nightmare. Harrowing investigations and the bitterest truths test the mettle of the most accomplished Agents. Also includes: new entities, new artifacts, new tomes, dozens of new NPCs, and rules for running surreal horror.
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Mutant: Year Zero | Mutant: Genlab Alpha | Mutant: Mechatron | Mutant: Elysium | The Gray Death by Free League Publishing
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcovers
  • RETAIL PRICE: $43.97/$41.76 /$41.76/$41.76/$30.72
  • OTHER RPG NEWS:MY0 review, Mutant: Mechatron review, Mutant: Elysium review, The Gray Death review
  • DESCRIPTION: This is the RPG that introduced me to Free League. In Mutant: Year Zero PCs play mutants exploring the world after the great Apocalypse. And three more books followed for mutant animals, sapient robots, and tech powered humans. A GM could run all four campaigns back to back and then allow their players to pick their favorite PC to band together with the others to try to stop the Gray Death. The Gray Death is an epic campaign module with a big enough threat that the mutants, animals, robots and humans must put their differences aside and to save the world at the end of days. And if you like extras in your game there are MY0 dice, cards, maps, tokens, and more to add to the game if you want them.

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Honorable Mention in PDF and Print on Demand

M-Space | Elevation | The Triton Incident | Field Operations Training Manual | Odd Soot by FrostByte Books
  • PRODUCT TYPE: PDF and print on demand softcovers
  • RETAIL PRICE: $34/$21/$5/free PDF only/$32
  • OTHER RPG NEWS: M-Space review, Clarence Redd interview, Elevation review, Junkyard Blues review
  • DESCRIPTION: The popular d100 system found in Basic Roleplaying and Mythras Imperative and now powering M-Space. The rules work well and the settings are amazing. Elevation is space exploration and searching for alien life but with the need to pay the bills to keep flying. Odd Soot invites PCs to investigate mysteries on an alternate Earth in the 1920s. Mankind has traveled into space and found alien civilizations. But a disease called The Soot spreads, driving those infected into madness. And they follow a twisted logic, wreaking havoc around them. The aliens are truly alien and not just humanoids with slight differences or fur or scales. The art in this one is amazing.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

5 years ago I never would have thought Enemy Within would be reprinted across 10 hardcover books. It really is beautiful to see!

Our first session started last night and can’t wait to see how it pans out.

Here’s the Journal.
Mainly events with a little rules discussion where it’s appropriate.
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I really like how with the Mutant: Year Zero books, it feels like something out of a video game: You have a book for humans, book for the animals, and a book for the machines. Then after "beating" all the routes, you would "unlock" the Grey Death route where you would have Mutants, Humans, and Machines uniting against whatever the major threat is in Grey Death.

I like the video game aspect of that idea.

I would love for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay to add a Pulp Cthulhu style sourcebook where it takes the system and allows you to play a Teclis/Tyrion/Karl Franz/etc style upscaled character and campaign.

I would love for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay to add a Pulp Cthulhu style sourcebook where it takes the system and allows you to play a Teclis/Tyrion/Karl Franz/etc style upscaled character and campaign.
A bit like Dark Heresy Ascension? So instead of playing interrogators and adepts, you’re playing Evessor Assassins and Inquisitors!

A bit like Dark Heresy Ascension? So instead of playing interrogators and adepts, you’re playing Evessor Assassins and Inquisitors!
I guess, just a game set in the Old World where you can create a character as a White Lion or a Runepriest or a Bright Wizard or a Grail Knight and go forth and adventure.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Soulbound allows for larger-than-life characters.
Are you suggesting just using the mechanics of AoS set within the Old World? I personally have no interest in the setting of Age of Sigmar.

I guess, just a game set in the Old World where you can create a character as a White Lion or a Runepriest or a Bright Wizard or a Grail Knight and go forth and adventure.

Are you suggesting just using the mechanics of AoS set within the Old World? I personally have no interest in the setting of Age of Sigmar.
Well you could just play career level 3 characters and select heroic options?

Are you suggesting just using the mechanics of AoS set within the Old World? I personally have no interest in the setting of Age of Sigmar.
I was not.... but now that you mention it I cannot see why you cannot and given your lack of interest in the AoS setting, yeah, sure.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Soulbound core rules provides guidelines to creating custom Archetypes, and while you'll not have career paths to navigate (which is one of the fun things about WFRP) it will be easy to create archetypes for the Old World setting.

Otherwise do as @TheSword suggests and start at a higher career level.

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