Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


Hearing the young eladrin's voice, Velani whips her head around, checking for further threats and then rolls onto the balls of her feet, ready to smash anything new that arrives.

[sblock=Actions]Minor Action = Perception check to look for further threats
Ready Action = Charge a new enemy if safe to do so (ie don't have to run through flames!)[/sblock]

Velani scans the chamber, there are no new enemies she can see, only the Rat Swarm over the other side of the chamber. She readies herself to rush forward should a new enemy appear.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator*
21 Kali
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 13 HP damage taken.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...




New Map- not needed.

Next up Viator and then Kali.

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After issuing advice to the sergeant, Viator walks calmly forward through the door and, remembering his training, reaches out toward the swarm. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches sight of the burning brazier and portions off a little power to search out for any resonance.

As he sections of a little power, it disrupts his aim and the static crackles around the wall.

[sblock=Actions]Move = Move to P9
Standard = Dimensional Scramble at F7: Rat Swarm
Minor = Arcana to check for magical properties of brazier/link to flames[/sblock]

OOC: Ha! Wrong way round!

GM: Note had to move Viator to N9, rather than P9- from P9 Viator cannot see anything for the huge pillar blocking his vision.

Alas the Psion's power dissipates as soon as it is summoned, with no effect- the rats continue to scurry and squeak.

The young Eladrin uses the same power to mentally examine the connection between the brazier and the flaming curtain- alas there is none. However he manages to pick up some understanding of the fiery curtain- it seems to be part of some sort of ritual effect, a summoning ritual he's certain.

Furthermore the Psion is certain that should the fiery curtain be disrupted then the ritual summoning will take effect.

"Don't move through the fire!"

The Eladrin screams at his colleagues.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali*
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 13 HP damage taken.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.



New Map-

243 Fire & Rats- Viator moves closer

Next up- Kali, and then the Rats.


OOC: Is there a chance I could disrupt/negate the summoning? If so, I may spend an AP to try and do so

GM: No.

Although on second thoughts- yes, maybe.

You realise that the ritual in place is complex, the only way you could disrupt the summoning capabilities would be through a series of skill checks, each of which would require your full concentration (Standard Actions). Obviously Arcana could be used, as could Religion, or else some other skills which would physically mess with either the curtain of flame, or else the pillars.

Warning, Viator senses that the ritual being used is certainly beyond his skills... ths will not be an easy task.

Sorry for the initial- 'No', don't know what came over me.
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First Post

Seeing Kyalia's arrows make it through the flames, Kali side steps into the room, drops his axes and draws his bow to unleash one of his own at the approaching swarm.

OOC: Move to N6
Minor Draw bow
Standard Shoot


Seeing Kyalia's arrows make it through the flames, Kali side steps into the room, drops his axes and draws his bow to unleash one of his own at the approaching swarm.

OOC: Move to N6
Minor Draw bow
Standard Shoot

Kali moves in, close to the curtain of flame, drops his axes and unleashes his bow- alas his aim is out, the arrow flies wide...

The big man suddenly looks left, then right- Rats, not the swarm, big Rats like the one slain already- a pair of them. The beasts rush forward around the fiery enclosure in the centre of the chamber.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/39 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 13 HP damage taken.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2-


New Map to follow

Next up- Rats, big Rats.


Rat #2

GM: Note I held off Velani's charge for Rat #3, it seemed logical as Rat #2 is pretty much hidden from sight from Velani- whereas Rat #3 is coming straight for her.

The Rat, a large foul creature- like the one already slain, scurries from its hiding place behind the north-west pillar, squeaking furiously. The beast follows the fiery curtain, then quickens its pace and charges with teeth-snapping at Kali... the Shifter manages at the last moment to fend the fury menace of with his bow- his axes nestled at his feet, alongside the furious rodent.

Rat #3

The second beast scurries around the corner, and is instantly spotted by Velani- she knows what to do. The good Sergeant flings herself in a headlong charge at the beast- she connects, slicing in to the flank of the beast which squeaks and chitters- furious with the Cavalier.

The Rat bites back, tearing through Velani's leggings and into the flesh of her right leg- the pain is terrible.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo*
18 Kyalia
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 13 HP damage taken.
Rat #2-
Rat #3- 15 HP damage taken.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.


New Map-

Next up- Freggo, Kyalia and then the Rat Swarm...
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Freggo, noting the warning about the firey alls, swiftly moves toward the newly arrived enemy, taking a quick swing designed to taunt the enemy.

OOC: Move to O6, use Aegis so Rat 2 is marked. Use Luring Strike:
Shift to O5 before attack
Assuming a hit, shift to O4 and slide Rat to O5

OOC: Dances

*Dang, forgot that the die roll was a set 11; should still be good, though. But such a waste....
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First Post

Kyalia follows the rest into the room, to get a better view of the situation, and a better position to launch her arrows against the scurrying pile of rats.

The huntress notes the big rat near Kali, but knowing about the shifter's combat prowess, and with Freggo also jumping into the fray, she keeps firing arrows against the swarm on the other side of the room.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry (on rat #2)
Standard: Twin Shot (on rat swarm not the one with Hunter's Quarry[/SBLOCK]


Freggo, noting the warning about the firey alls, swiftly moves toward the newly arrived enemy, taking a quick swing designed to taunt the enemy.

OOC: Move to O6, use Aegis so Rat 2 is marked. Use Luring Strike:
Shift to O5 before attack
Assuming a hit, shift to O4 and slide Rat to O5

OOC: Dances

*Dang, forgot that the die roll was a set 11; should still be good, though. But such a waste....

Freggo manouevres, dances around the nearest Rat unleashing his longsword and scoring the beast en route.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia*
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 13 HP damage taken.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo)
Rat #3- 15 HP damage taken.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).


New Map to follow.

Next up Kyalia.

Voidrunner's Codex

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