Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


Kyalia follows the rest into the room, to get a better view of the situation, and a better position to launch her arrows against the scurrying pile of rats.

The huntress notes the big rat near Kali, but knowing about the shifter's combat prowess, and with Freggo also jumping into the fray, she keeps firing arrows against the swarm on the other side of the room.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry (on rat #2)
Standard: Twin Shot (on rat swarm not the one with Hunter's Quarry[/SBLOCK]

Kyalia stalks in to the chamber, notes the nearest rat for destruction later and then unleashes two more arrows at the Rat Swarm on the far side of the chamber. The first missile is a mi8ss, the second connects- rats leave the pack, scurry off in to the darkness, the Swarm is bloodied.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
16 Rat Swarm*
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 17 HP damage taken- Bloodied.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo). Quarry (Kyalia).
Rat #3- 15 HP damage taken.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm-


New Map to follow.

Next up the Rat Swarm.

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Rat Swarm

"That's..." Kali doesn't finish the sentence... the Rat Swam takes the long route towards Viator- through the flame...


Rather than exploding the flame is sucked in to the centre of the chamber, the Swarm- already battered, is all but destroyed- the few remaining Rats scurry away, the creature is vanquished... but why, Kyalia wonders, and then, and then...

Standing in the centre of the formerly fire enclosed area is a creature of sinew and muscle, eight feet tall and nearly twice as broad as Kali. The reddish-black, sexless creature stands statue and flexes its muscles.

It's arms at the bicep as thick as the Shifter's thighs, each arm ending in a bucket shaped hand complete with great tearing talons...

The creature continues to claw and flex, it's mouth opening and closing- stretching wide to reveal a maw filled with needle-sharp fangs. The great brute snorts and gurns and then spies the Shifter, it grins.

For the first time, perhaps ever, Kali feels... afraid.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
15 Summoned Creature*
10 Ah-shahran

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/30 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo). Quarry (Kyalia).
Rat #3- 15 HP damage taken.
Summoned Creature-

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature-


New Map to follow.

Next up- the Summoned Creature.
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Summoned Creature

The feral brute stomps forward, straight towards Kali- practising its claws and slashes en route, it gestures and grimaces letting the Shifter know it means business.

Its step quickens as it closes, its slashing and clawing faster, and furious- it growls and unleashes fury... Kali is hit- again and again, each cut no more than a nick... the cumulative effect however is gut-wrenchingly painful, the Shifter is lacerated, and yet gets off lightly. The big man realises the creatures full potential would have almost destroyed him- he's in a fight, a fight to the death.

The creature snarls and shuffles, its unblinking eyes locked on Kali- it licks its lips.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
15 Summoned Creature
10 Ah-shahran*

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo). Quarry (Kyalia).
Rat #3- 15 HP damage taken.
Summoned Creature-

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.


Turn #3




Rat #2-

Rat #3-



Summoned Creature-



New Map-

Next up- Ah-shahran, then Velani, Viator and Kali.
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Ah-shahran delays

Seeing Velani's attention drawn to the new threat and Kali's axes on the ground, Ah-shahran waits for a moment.

[sblock=Mechanics]delay until after Kali.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might, Minor Boon



First Post

The great whoosh of the fire being extinguished draws Velani's attention away from the rat-thing for a moment and she gawks in fasicination and horror as the summoned being rushes toward Kali. Disengaging from the rat, she rides headlong into the beast, trying her best to draw it's ire and attention.


OOC: Shift away from rat and charge to L6 in flank w/ Kali, MBA



The great whoosh of the fire being extinguished draws Velani's attention away from the rat-thing for a moment and she gawks in fasicination and horror as the summoned being rushes toward Kali. Disengaging from the rat, she rides headlong into the beast, trying her best to draw it's ire and attention.


OOC: Shift away from rat and charge to L6 in flank w/ Kali, MBA

GM: Two notes-
1) Remember you said you have Defender's Aura switched on- therefore the Summoned Creature is in the aura.
2) Couldn't get you to L6 for Combat Advantage (but you hit anyway). Because as stated in the Rats turn the corner around the pillar is a hard corner, cannot shift on a diagonal, therefore Shift to I9. Then charge to nearest square L7. Just means that Kali has to Shift 1 for the flank- see map.

Velani scoots over to the summoned creature, swinging her Longsword as she goes and cutting in to the great muscled beasts upper thigh and side. The great brute, without a flicker of pain or concern on its face, turns slightly to face off against the guardswoman. It grinds its teeth and stares at Velani as if she were a piece of dirt...


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator*
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
15 Summoned Creature

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo). Quarry (Kyalia).
Rat #3- 15 HP damage taken.
Summoned Creature- 11 HP damage taken. Defender's Aura (Velani)

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.




Rat #2-

Rat #3-



Summoned Creature-


New Map-

246 Fire & Rats- Velani attacks

Next Up- Viator, Kali and then Ah-shahran.


First Post
Unable to get a clear shot at the fiery creature without hurting his friends and spotting the newly freed rat, Viator reaches out to change its position.

The air pulses and cracks around the rat and it finds itself ripped from its place and appears in the corridor behind it. Viator moves to gain a better view of the situation

[sblock=Actions]Standard = Dimensional Scramble at H8: Rat 3 - HIT for 10 dmg and teleport to F7
Move = Move to P9[/sblock]
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Unable to get a clear shot at the fiery creature without hurting his friends and spotting the newly freed rat, Viator reaches out to change its position.

The air pulses and cracks around the rat and it finds itself ripped from its place and appears in the corridor behind it. Viator moves to gain a better view of the situation

[sblock=Actions]Standard = Dimensional Scramble at H8: Rat 3 - HIT for 10 dmg and teleport to F7
Move = Move to P9[/sblock]

A static storm errupts around the Rat furthest away, the creature suddenly finds itself back in the corridor to the north, and smoldering slightly- the Rat is bloodied.

Viator meanwhile darts in to the corner of the chamber- to afford himself a better view of the new enemy.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali*
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
15 Summoned Creature

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo). Quarry (Kyalia).
Rat #3- 25 HP damage taken- Bloodied.
Summoned Creature- 11 HP damage taken. Defender's Aura (Velani)

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (H8) Rat #3- Hit 10 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to F7. Move to P9.



Rat #2-

Rat #3-



Summoned Creature-


New Map-

247 Fire & Rats- Viator Bloodies a Rat

Next Up- Kali and then Ah-shahran.


First Post

Kali drops his bow and takes up his axes once more. A quick step to his left and he's in good position to show the summoned creature what a real hit looks like!

OOC: Minor - pick up axes
Move - shift to N5 for CA
Free - drop an assassin's shroud on the creature
Standard - Swing the ol' axes


Kali drops his bow and takes up his axes once more. A quick step to his left and he's in good position to show the summoned creature what a real hit looks like!

OOC: Minor - pick up axes
Move - shift to N5 for CA
Free - drop an assassin's shroud on the creature
Standard - Swing the ol' axes

Kali wades into the fracas with the great brute- grabbing his axes en route, the hulking Shifter's battleaxe cuts a terrible gouge in the creatures abdomen, it's visibly shocked- it clutches at the tear in his body. Kali's not done, his hand axe comes down and cuts deep into the beast's shoulder- the summoned creature staggers, bloodied.

The creature looks up at Kali, and then back at Velani- it looks a little afraid, a new emotion to the beast...

GM: No need to move- my bad with the call for Velani's charge (see picture), and that's 37 damage to the beast- the Shroud is still on the creature.


Encounter #18 Rats & Fire

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Velani
22 Viator
21 Kali
20 Rat #2
20 Rat #3
19 Freggo
18 Kyalia
15 Summoned Creature

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Freggo 33/33 Surges 9/6. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/21 Surges 8/5. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP1. PelorBonus.


Rat #1- 42 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 28 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #2- 8 HP damage taken. Aegis (Freggo). Quarry (Kyalia).
Rat #3- 25 HP damage taken- Bloodied.
Summoned Creature- 48 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Defender's Aura (Velani). Assassin's Shroud (Kali).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Velani- Charge (CA) Rat#1- Hit 14 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (CA) Rat#1- Hit 7 damage (Bloodied) & teleport N9.

Kali- Charge (CA) Battleaxe Rat#1- Hit 16 damage & Dual Weapon Attack (CA) Rat#1- Miss.

Freggo- Charge (CA) Longsword Rat#1- Hit 5 damage- DEAD.

Kyalia- Twin Strike (CA vs Cover/Concealment) Rat Swarm- Hit & Hit (Half-damage) 7 damage.

Ah-shahran- Spirit Infusion Kyalia (CA) Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss (with Elven Accuracy) Hit 6 damage.

Turn #2

Velani- Perception check- nothing spotted. Ready Charge...

Viator- Move to N9. Dimensional Scramble Rat Swarm- Miss. Arcana Check Brazier- Success.

Kali- Move to N6. Drop Axes. Draw Longbow. Longbow Rat Swarm- Miss.

Rat #2- Move from G2 (Hidden) to M2. Charge Kali- Miss.

Rat #3- Move from G8 (Hidden) to I9- Immediate Reaction (G9) Velani Charge Rat #3- Hit 15 damage. Rat #3 Bite Velani- Hit 9 damage.

Freggo- Move O6. Aegis of Ensnarement Rat #2. Luring Strike (Shift O5) Rat #2- Hit 8 damage (Shift O4 Slide Rat #2 O5).

Kyalia- Move O7. Hunter's Quarry Rat #2. Twin Strike Rat Swarm- Miss & Hit 4 damage- Bloodied.

Rat Swarm- Move towards I9 (Hard corner)- Flames Implode and the Creature is summoned- Swarm takes 11 damage- DEAD.

Summoned Creature- Move M6. Claws Kali- Hit 9 damage.

Ah-shahran- Delay till after Kali.

Turn #3

Velani- Shift I9. Charge Longsword Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage.

Viator- Dimensional Scramble (H8) Rat #3- Hit 10 damage- Bloodied & Teleported to F7. Move to P9.

Kali- Drop Bow. Grab axes. Battleaxe (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit (with Power Attack) 26 damage & Dual Attack (CA) Summoned Creature- Hit 11 damage & Bloodied.


Rat #2-

Rat #3-



Summoned Creature-


New Map-

248 Fire & Rats- The Summoned Creature is Bloodied- Kali goes to work

Next Up- Ah-shahran and then the Rats.

Voidrunner's Codex

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