Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


With a low sustained growl, Gorm walks into the room. Following closely, Ah-shahran paces deliberately, staff clacking on the stone floor with each step. As he walks, his voice raises in a carrying tone. "Frazzle, old boy! How good to see you! I say, but your choice of decor is really quite horrid." As he clears the door, a stirring in the spirit world becomes evident. "But what's this drivel about 'doom' and 'destiny'? Decidedly dreary of you, my dandy lad. A detestful display of idiocy, most disappointing to discern."

Flicking an imaginary speck of dust from his sleeve, Ah-shahran pauses as he reaches the swarm of rats. A slow, menacing smile spreads across his face. "As I fear you'll soon discover, the only immediate destiny with a claim to doom--is YOURS!" With his closing shout, Ah-shahran wheels his staff above his head and sends a wave of power blasting into Frazzle and the assembled rats. As a soul-numbing dread covers the room, Ah-shahran slams the heel of his staff into the stone, unleashing a storm of spirits across the room, invigorating the adventurers and tearing at their foes.

While Frazzle and the rats reel from the assault, Ah-shahran directs a low appeal at his allies: "Now that I've gotten their attention, backup would be nice!"

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor: Adaptive Stratagem on Freggo
Move: to J:3, Gorm to I:3
Free: Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might daily, choosing Dread Presence
Standard: Dread Presence on E-I:4-8, catching all enemies. This area becomes a zone.
Action Point: Spirit of the Healing Flood, catching all enemies and all allies except Viator (in range but no line of effect).

Free: Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes. First priority--try to turn Dread Presence miss into hit on the swarm. 2nd, try to turn SotHF miss into hit on the swarm. 3rd, try to turn Dread Presence miss into hit on Frazzle. If all of those are hits already, save the power.

Note that all Dread Presence damage and Spirit of the Healing Flood are close powers, so they ignore concealment. Also, their damage is damage from a close power, thus triggering vulnerability in most swarms.

[sblock=Dread Presence text]Dread Presence

Your shadow lengthens and grows, looming over your enemies and overcoming them with dread.

Encounter * Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, Nethermancy, Zone
Standard Action Close blast 5

Target: Each creature in the blast

Attack: Intelligence vs. Will

Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores 5 points of necrotic resistance.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Spirit of the Healing Flood effect]Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally in the burst gain regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action, a character can end this effect on himself or herself to regain 10 hit points.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adaptive Strategem for Freggo]Freggo has a +4 bonus to damage rolls until the end of Ah-shahran's next turn.[/sblock]
[sblock=Dread Presence zone E-I:4-8]Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Special: All damage from this effect ignores 5 points of necrotic resistance.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 2 [x][] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:
Spirit of the Healing Flood regen

Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]


GM: Right then... I think this is correct- feel free to put me right if its not.

Before Ah-shahran can do anything Lord Frazzle disappears from view- fades into... nothing.

GM: However if I read the rules correctly then that doesn't make a bit of difference for Ah-shahran's Burst or Blast- if I'm wrong then please help me out by showing me where I should be looking.

Freggo suddenly feels... burlier? Is that the word- certainly more capable of bringing the hurt.

Ah-shahran and Gorm, meanwhile, shuffle forward in to battle, and once there- unleash hell, or at least some of the old Deva's spirit friends, although they're not very friendly.

His Dread Presence is felt by most everybody- the Rat Swarm is decimated, two of the hidden Big Rats are killed outright, two of the other Rats are left injured and Lord Frazzle screams fit to bust- all are left sluggish and slow, and within a zone which is full to the brim of less than wholesome spirits.

GM: Here's the thing Frazzle has Will 14, you rolled a 14- from what I read then that hits- none of the concealment modifiers count, Frazzle is in the zone- therefore... Is that right. If not he has total concealment (Invisibility), therefore you are -5 To Hit, which means with the +6 from Memory of a 1000- you hit anyway. Please mail me back if I'm mistaken.

The other thing is I seem to remember reading about Invisibility is negated if the creature is hit- I can't seem to find it now however? Any clues?

The second wave of hurt washes over the creatures- a Healing Fklood, which causes much harm to the Deva's enemies- the Rat Swarm is totally destroyed, the remaining Big Rat is also ended. Of the other three rats, two are badly wounded, the other only slightly, as is Lord Frazzle again.

GM: But you can't see him!

GM: No need for Memory 100- or is there, see above.

The enemies are almost defeated already...


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo*
20 Velani
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP2. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 23 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 18 HP damage taken. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #6- 15 HP damage taken.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 37 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.




New Map-

258 Frazzled- Ah-shahran kicks ass

Next up Freggo and then Velani...

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Freggo, now somewhat saddened by the lack of targets, decides to lead an assault into the fog, trying to take down one of the rats.

[sblock=Actions]Move to L4, Charge rat #4 by going to G5[/sblock]

OOC: I forgot my -5 for lack of perception. Decisive miss.
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First Post
OOC: I don't think invisibility is removed when you are hit. It is correct, that close and area attacks ignore any kind of concealment (they are not really targeted, like melee and ranged attacks are, but just hit everything in the area).


First Post

While Frazzle and the rats reel from the assault, Ah-shahran directs a low appeal at his allies: "Now that I've gotten their attention, backup would be nice!"

"Backup? Seriously, old man? You're a one-deva-wrecking-crew! I hope I have half the energy you seem to have when I'm your age...."

"Alright, Frapple, where are you???"

Velani saunters into the room like she owns the place, heading right up the center aisle where she had originally seen the Mystery Gnome not moments before as the doors opened. She rushes headlong into the mist and blackness in an attempt to pin him down....

OOC: Move to J6
Charge to F6 in the hopes Frazzle is still in E6, MBA, 21 vs. AC... if he's there and that's not enough, Free action for Heroic Effort for +4 hit
Free: Holy Smite - 5 addl radiant dmg and prone
AP: Valiant Strike, miss
Minor: Defender Aura

Prepared interrupt: Will use Guardian's Counter if circumstances permit (ally w/in 2 squares of me is hit by an attack, but ally must be target of Frazzle's attack, not a rat)

[sblock=Pelor Bonus?] Someone please remind me - what's this bonus do? I know the party earned it while dealing with the fountain, but that's while I was off the grid... Thanks! [/sblock]
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Freggo, now somewhat saddened by the lack of targets, decides to lead an assault into the fog, trying to take down one of the rats.

[sblock=Actions]Move to L4, Charge rat #4 by going to G5[/sblock]

OOC: I forgot my -5 for lack of perception. Decisive miss.

Freggo rushes in to the fray, and soon finds himself lost in the fog- he swats furiously but only manages to connect with the wooden seating beneath which the Rat hides.

GM: Moved you to H5 otherwise the Rat would have had an OA.


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani*
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP2. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 23 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 18 HP damage taken. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #6- 15 HP damage taken.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 37 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.



New Map to follow.

Next up Velani, then the remaining Rats are in action.


"Backup? Seriously, old man? You're a one-deva-wrecking-crew! I hope I have half the energy you seem to have when I'm your age...."

"Alright, Frapple, where are you???"

Velani saunters into the room like she owns the place, heading right up the center aisle where she had originally seen the Mystery Gnome not moments before as the doors opened. She rushes headlong into the mist and blackness in an attempt to pin him down....

OOC: Move to J6
Charge to F6 in the hopes Frazzle is still in E6, MBA, 21 vs. AC... if he's there and that's not enough, Free action for Heroic Effort for +4 hit
Free: Holy Smite - 5 addl radiant dmg and prone
AP: Valiant Strike, miss
Minor: Defender Aura

Prepared interrupt: Will use Guardian's Counter if circumstances permit (ally w/in 2 squares of me is hit by an attack, but ally must be target of Frazzle's attack, not a rat)

[sblock=Pelor Bonus?] Someone please remind me - what's this bonus do? I know the party earned it while dealing with the fountain, but that's while I was off the grid... Thanks! [/sblock]

GM: Pelor Bonus +1 on something or a Free Minor Action, some small boon...

The swaggering Velani rushes forward and connects, with something- a satisfyingly squeaky "oof" comes from the space before her, followed by the slap of the Gnome's body as Frazzle is knocked Prone.

The ex-Guardswoman can hear the Gnome still, trying to regain his feet.

Alas her Valiant Strike is way off target...


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani
19 Rat #4*
19 Rat #5
19 Rat #6
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP2. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 23 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 18 HP damage taken. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #6- 15 HP damage taken.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 52 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Prone. Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4-


New Map to follow.

Next up... Rats!


Rat #4

The large rodent is keen to stay where is although... first things first, it attempts to sink its teeth into Freggo's leg.

Alas the creature is too hasty, it shuffles backwards- still under the pew, but out of the reach of the terrible spirits.

Rat #5

The second surviving Rat shifts out from beneath its pew, and... transforms into a lurking bearded human dressed in leather armour and clutching a short sword in its hand- the beast grins at Velani... then waits.

Rat #6

The third rodent is swift to follow, it too transmutes as it emerges from beneath yet another pew, yet another scruffy, dirty looking human.

Through his gap-teeth the fiend joins its companion in grinning at Velani.

Flanking the pair attack, short swords hacking at Velani.

GM: Bloody hell- my dice.

The pair cringe as Ah-shahran's spirits tear and claw at their forms, they are both marked by Velani- who grins back at the now somewhat nervous-looking lycanthropes.


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani
19 Rat #4
19 Rat #5
19 Rat #6
12 Kali*
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP2. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 23 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 23 HP damage taken. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).
Rat #6- 20 HP damage taken. Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 52 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Prone. Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4- Bite Freggo- Miss. Shift.

Rat #5- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Ready Action.

Rat #6- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Readied Action Rat #5 Shortsword (CA) Velani- Miss. Rat #6 Short Sword (CA) Velani- Miss & both take 5 Necrotic damage.


Lord Frazzle-



New Map-

Next up Kali, then... Lord Frazzle the mighty, who am I kidding...
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First Post

Kali rushes into the room, notices the fog and so heightens his perceptions, then charges in to aide Velani who seems to be almost surrounded, and swings his poisoned battleaxe at the rat-man.
OOC: Move to I6, change to Aspect of the Hawk, charge to G6, attack Wererat 6

Followed up by a swipe with the hand axe.
OOC: If rat 6 is dead this can be at rat 5

And then has another go.
OOC: AP: At #6 if still alive, otherwise at #5
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Kali rushes into the room, notices the fog and so heightens his perceptions, then charges in to aide Velani who seems to be almost surrounded, and swings his poisoned battleaxe at the rat-man.
OOC: Move to I6, change to Aspect of the Hawk, charge to G6, attack Wererat 6

Followed up by a swipe with the hand axe.
OOC: If rat 6 is dead this can be at rat 5

And then has another go.
OOC: AP: At #6 if still alive, otherwise at #5

Kali lopes in to the fray, sporting a lopsided grin, part sneer- there follows a triple attack as his axes lash out at the Wererat to the right of Velani, two of his three blows connect.

Both from his poisoned Battleaxe.

The first shatters bone, the second shatters the beast- which flops to the floor like so much dead meat... The war is being won.


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani
19 Rat #4
19 Rat #5
19 Rat #6
12 Kali
7 Lord Frazzle*
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 23 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 23 HP damage taken. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).
Rat #6- 68 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 52 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Prone. Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4- Bite Freggo- Miss. Shift.

Rat #5- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Ready Action.

Rat #6- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Readied Action Rat #5 Shortsword (CA) Velani- Miss. Rat #6 Short Sword (CA) Velani- Miss & both take 5 Necrotic damage.

Kali- Move I6. Aspect of the Hawk. Charge Wereat #6- Hit 19 damage +4 Poison = 23 damage Bloodied & Slowed. Dual Weapon Attack Wererat #6- Miss. Action Point. Battleaxe Wereat #6- Hit 25 damage- DEAD.

Lord Frazzle-



New map to follow.

Next up Lord Frazzle...


Lord Frazzle

The Gnome suddenly reappears, pointedly discards his implements of power, and with his best puppy dog eyes fixes his gaze on Velani.

"I give up! IGIVEUP! I don't wanna die- let me get out of the zone... you can kill these mongrels..."

Lord Frazzle, now perhaps demoted to just Frazzle, indicates the Wererat and the Rat.

"Please! I'm begging you- you can't let me die down here in the crypt, like an animal- I'm begging you? Look into your heart! Please... Like a dumb animal, down here in the crypt- I'm begging you. Look into your heart!"

And last, but by no means least- in his squeakiest of voices.

"I'm praying to you!"

It seems Frazzle wants out, and specifically to be allowed out of the zone, you figure that if he remains in the zone then he will die- such is the state of his health...

Velani is being asked here, others can comment (of course), but Velani has the Gnome locked down with her Defender's Aura and Righteous Radiance.

Regardless the Rat and the Wererat are going to fight on- to the death, they're ferocious and certainly more committed to the cause then the fumbling Gnome.



Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani*
19 Rat #4
19 Rat #5
19 Rat #6
12 Kali
7 Lord Frazzle*
6 Viator*

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 23 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 23 HP damage taken. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).
Rat #6- 68 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 52 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Hunter's Quarry (Kyalia) & +2 To Hit. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Prone. Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4- Bite Freggo- Miss. Shift.

Rat #5- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Ready Action.

Rat #6- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Readied Action Rat #5 Shortsword (CA) Velani- Miss. Rat #6 Short Sword (CA) Velani- Miss & both take 5 Necrotic damage.

Kali- Move I6. Aspect of the Hawk. Charge Wereat #6- Hit 19 damage +4 Poison = 23 damage Bloodied & Slowed. Dual Weapon Attack Wererat #6- Miss. Action Point. Battleaxe Wereat #6- Hit 25 damage- DEAD.

Lord Frazzle- Plead to be allowed to crawl away- out of the Dread Presence Zone- Velani?



New Map-

260 Frazzle pleads for his life

Next up Velani... then back to me for Frazzle, then Viator.

Voidrunner's Codex

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