Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


First Post
Velani Responds

"You've gone to great lengths to hide yourself away down here, gnome. You consort with dark creatures and foul beasts, ally yourself with those who would kidnap my kinsfolk, and then, when all is lost, you throw yourself at our feet, praying for mercy. I am no god, LORD Frazzle. I can give you no penance, no absolution. Your crimes are numerous and you have sealed your own fate.

Besides, we have a business arrangement with Derek.

Make your last breath count."

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Velani Responds

"You've gone to great lengths to hide yourself away down here, gnome. You consort with dark creatures and foul beasts, ally yourself with those who would kidnap my kinsfolk, and then, when all is lost, you throw yourself at our feet, praying for mercy. I am no god, LORD Frazzle. I can give you no penance, no absolution. Your crimes are numerous and you have sealed your own fate.

Besides, we have a business arrangement with Derek.

Make your last breath count."

"No, you can't... You can't, you're supposed to be the heroes, right? The good guys... I... I... Please, Nooooo!"

Frazzle suddenly looks behind, his words come fast and furious- it's as if he were talking to someone behind him, someone you cannot see, or even sense.

"I said I... I need more time- I will serve, no, but... but... you saw what they did- my powers! I served you welll- I served... archhh!"

Frazzle's hands clutch at his throat, at first it seems as though he is trying to fight off some invisible entity that is squeezing the life out of him, but then- a trick of the fog perhaps, but Velani looks again- Frazzle is throttling the life out of himself.

The Gnome's whole face flushes and colours- oxygen starved blue, it doesn't take long... Frazzle thumps hard into the cold stone floor- dead!

New Map- not needed.

Next up Viator.


First Post
Viator blurs in and out of existence, appearing behind one of the pews and unleashes a torrent of power.

The mists swirl as the area crackles with power. Viator ignores the blood trickling and grins, embracing the source.

[sblock=Actions]Move = Fey Step to L4
Standard = Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) at G4: Rat - HIT for 13 dmg and teleport to H6; Wererat - if HIT then 13 dmg and teleport to E6 (if I'm within 1, I'll spend my Adept's Insight to hit)[/sblock]
Last edited:


Viator blurs in and out of existence, appearing behind one of the pews and unleashes a torrent of power.

The mists swirl as the area crackles with power. Viator ignores the blood trickling and grins, embracing the source.

[sblock=Actions]Move = Fey Step to L4
Standard = Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) at G4: Rat - HIT for 13 dmg and teleport to H6; Wererat - if HIT then 13 dmg and teleport to E6 (if I'm within 1, I'll spend my Adept's Insight to hit)[/sblock]

GM: No need for Adept's Insight.

As Freggo falls the mist instantly clears, the chambers loses its mystery, it reverts to a filthy and ancient chapel of some kind. The pews face towards a bulky altar which seems to be made of some shadowy black rock- there's a light within the rock, constantly moving and shaping within- producing a dull reddy-orange furze. It looks like some shadowy variant of lava, only its power is clearly failing, perhaps it too was somehow connected with the now dead Frazzle.

Regardless Viator suddenly appears and launches his power- the result of which is the two creatures left standing are now bruised and bloodied, and a little disorientated, having teleported around the chamber.

Victory is at hand- both creatures have little left to give, and yet they have nothing left to do but to fight on. It's a shame the heroes are standing in line ready to destroy them...


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia*
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo
20 Velani
19 Rat #4
19 Rat #5
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 36 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2)
Rat #5- 36 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).
Rat #6- 68 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 56 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4- Bite Freggo- Miss. Shift.

Rat #5- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Ready Action.

Rat #6- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Readied Action Rat #5 Shortsword (CA) Velani- Miss. Rat #6 Short Sword (CA) Velani- Miss & both take 5 Necrotic damage.

Kali- Move I6. Aspect of the Hawk. Charge Wereat #6- Hit 19 damage +4 Poison = 23 damage Bloodied & Slowed. Dual Weapon Attack Wererat #6- Miss. Action Point. Battleaxe Wereat #6- Hit 25 damage- DEAD.

Lord Frazzle- Plead to be allowed to crawl away- out of the Dread Presence Zone- Velani? Epic fail- Lord Frazzle dies...

Viator- Fey Step L4. Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) Rat #4- Hit 13 damage & Teleport & Wererat #5- Hit 13 damage- Bloodied & Teleported E6.

Turn #2






New Map-

261 Frazzle is dead

Next up- Kyalia, Ah-shahran, Freggo & Velani... finish it.


First Post

Kyalia sighs... what a weakling.

There wasn't much left of Frazzles goons now, taking aim at the closest rat, Kyalia fires one well-aimed arrow at it.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Minor: Hunter's Quarry at Rat #4
Standard: Fading Strike at Rat #4 (Attack Roll is a 19 for a total of 27 AC)[/SBLOCK]


Kyalia sighs... what a weakling.

There wasn't much left of Frazzles goons now, taking aim at the closest rat, Kyalia fires one well-aimed arrow at it.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Minor: Hunter's Quarry at Rat #4
Standard: Fading Strike at Rat #4 (Attack Roll is a 19 for a total of 27 AC)[/SBLOCK]

The rat is skewerd into the stone floor- DEAD.

Just one very nervous, although ferocious looking Wererat survives... for how long?


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran*
21 Freggo
20 Velani
19 Rat #4
19 Rat #5
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 55 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #5- 36 HP damage taken- Bloodied. Slowed (Ah-shahran End 2). Defender's Aura- Marked (Velani).
Rat #6- 68 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 56 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4- Bite Freggo- Miss. Shift.

Rat #5- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Ready Action.

Rat #6- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Readied Action Rat #5 Shortsword (CA) Velani- Miss. Rat #6 Short Sword (CA) Velani- Miss & both take 5 Necrotic damage.

Kali- Move I6. Aspect of the Hawk. Charge Wereat #6- Hit 19 damage +4 Poison = 23 damage Bloodied & Slowed. Dual Weapon Attack Wererat #6- Miss. Action Point. Battleaxe Wereat #6- Hit 25 damage- DEAD.

Lord Frazzle- Plead to be allowed to crawl away- out of the Dread Presence Zone- Velani? Epic fail- Lord Frazzle dies...

Viator- Fey Step L4. Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) Rat #4- Hit 13 damage & Teleport & Wererat #5- Hit 13 damage- Bloodied & Teleported E6.

Turn #2

Kyalia- Hunter's Quarry Rat #4. Fading Shot Rat #4- Hit 19 damage- DEAD.





New Map- not needed, Rat #4 deceased...

Next up Ah-shahran, then Freggo and Velani.


Ah-shahran stands and gathers himself while Gorm trots over to Velani, tongue hanging out. As she cuts at the remaining wererat, Freggo is heartened by the spiritual dog.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move: Gorm to G:5
Standard: Spirit Infusion on Velani
Minor: Call Spirit Companion at G:5, temp HP to Freggo[/sblock]
[sblock=Spirit of the Healing Flood effect]Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally in the burst gain regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action, a character can end this effect on himself or herself to regain 10 hit points.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 2 1 [x][] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:
Spirit of the Healing Flood regen

Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]



Ah-shahran stands and gathers himself while Gorm trots over to Velani, tongue hanging out. As she cuts at the remaining wererat, Freggo is heartened by the spiritual dog.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move: Gorm to G:5
Standard: Spirit Infusion on Velani
Minor: Call Spirit Companion at G:5, temp HP to Freggo[/sblock]
[sblock=Spirit of the Healing Flood effect]Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally in the burst gain regeneration 2 while bloodied. As a minor action, a character can end this effect on himself or herself to regain 10 hit points.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 2 1 [x][] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:
Spirit of the Healing Flood regen

Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]


And that should do it...

Velani, happy to see Gorm- albeit briefly, lashes out with her longsword and cuts the final fiend down...

The chamber turns to silence.


Encounter #19 Frazzle & playmates.

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

27 Kyalia
21 Ah-shahran
21 Freggo*
20 Velani
12 Kali
6 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.

Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus. +4 damage (Ah-shahran End 2). Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus. +2 & Quarry Lord Frazzle. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Velani 39/34 (4 Temp HP) Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus. Regen 2 while Bloodied, end Minor get 10 HP back.

Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.


Big Rat #1- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #2- 9 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Big Rat #3- 14 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #4- 55 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #5- 49 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat #6- 68 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Rat Swarm- 33 HP damage taken- DEAD.
Lord Frazzle- 56 HP damage taken- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Kyalia- Begin the Hunt Lord Frazzle. Change to Humanoid form & Shift L5. Twin Shot Lord Frazzle- Hit & Hit 19 damage. Move N7.

Ah-shahran- Adaptive Stratagem Freggo. Move J3 & Gorm I3. Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might- Dread Presence Rat Swarm- 14 Necrotic + 5 Vulnerable = 19 damage- Bloodied & Rat #1- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #2- Miss & Rat #3- 14 Necrotic- DEAD & Rat #4- 14 Necrotic & Rat #5- 14 Necrotic & Rat #6- Miss & Lord Frazzle- 14 Necrotic- Bloodied & those hit Slowed & Zone of Dread created. Action Point. Spirit of the Healing Flood- Rat Swarm- 9 damage +5 Vulnerable = 14 damage- DEAD & Rat #2- 9 damage- DEAD & Rat #4- 9 damage- Bloodied & Rat #5- Miss 4 damage & Rat #6- Crit 15 damage & Lord Frazzle- Miss 4 damage & All allies (except Viator) Regen 2 while Bloodied, cancel as a Minor for +10 HP.

Freggo- Move L4. Charge Rat #4- Miss.

Velani- Move J6. Charge Lord Frazzle- Hit 10 damage +5 Radiant (Holy Smite) = 15 damage & Prone. Action Point. Valiant Strike Lord Frazzle- Miss. Defender's Aura- Frazzle Marked.

Rat #4- Bite Freggo- Miss. Shift.

Rat #5- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Ready Action.

Rat #6- Shift. Change Shape- Human. Readied Action Rat #5 Shortsword (CA) Velani- Miss. Rat #6 Short Sword (CA) Velani- Miss & both take 5 Necrotic damage.

Kali- Move I6. Aspect of the Hawk. Charge Wereat #6- Hit 19 damage +4 Poison = 23 damage Bloodied & Slowed. Dual Weapon Attack Wererat #6- Miss. Action Point. Battleaxe Wereat #6- Hit 25 damage- DEAD.

Lord Frazzle- Plead to be allowed to crawl away- out of the Dread Presence Zone- Velani? Epic fail- Lord Frazzle dies...

Viator- Fey Step L4. Dimensional Scramble (Aug 2) Rat #4- Hit 13 damage & Teleport & Wererat #5- Hit 13 damage- Bloodied & Teleported E6.

Turn #2

Kyalia- Hunter's Quarry Rat #4. Fading Shot Rat #4- Hit 19 damage- DEAD.

Ah-shahran- Move Gorm G5. Spirit Infusion Velani Longsword Wererat #5- Hit 13 damage- DEAD.




OOC: I take it you wish to have a look around, I'll just play out the perception stuff- if there are other skills you wish to employ then dive right.

The chamber is as described earlier, basically a shrine- with the pews facing towards some sort of strange altar affair. The light previously seen within the black rock altar has all but faded, a shadow of its former self- every now and then a dim shadowy red-orange glow comes to the surface, however its little more than a pinprick of light now.

Of more interest are the three broken shileds that litter the chamber- they are the treasures missing from the Hall of Great Valour- all three shields accounted for. As is the heraldic battle-standard in the corner, complete with clasped hands- another treasure recovered.

That just leaves one item missing- the platinum ceremonial sword.

Next stop is the bodies of the fallen, alas the wererats have only a handful of coins each, Frazzle a little more, in total- 22gp, 22sp & 25cp, hardly a king's ransom- and not at all becoming of a Lord.

That said the Gnome has a wonderous item stuffed in his backpack, or so it appears- a bedroll which seems to be magical in nature, this becomes obvious when the item seems to change shape in the hands of Kyalia (it was Gnome sized, it's now Kyalia sized). The bedroll looks extremely comfortable and is marked with a host of sigils and glyphs- worked into the stitching.

The item is identified as a Restful Bedroll (from Kyalia's Magic Item list).

The search of the chamber and its inhabitants takes around five minutes, enough time to do also rest up.

[sblock=XP, HP and AP]

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 35/35 Surges 8/4. AP1.
Freggo 33/32 Surges 9/4. AP2. PelorBonus.
Kalimaru 30/28 Surges 8/4. AP1. PelorBonus.
Kyalia 31/31 Surges 8/8. AP2. PelorBonus.
Velani 39/34 Surges 10/3. AP0. PelorBonus.
Viator 30/30 Surges 8/7. AP2. PelorBonus.

Note Velani is 5 HP down, is this enough to use a Surge?

Encounter #19 was another Level 2 Encounter 750 XP = 125 XP each, which results in a total 1849 XP each, only 401 XP from Level 3.


New Map-

262 Frazzle aftermath

Next up- What do people want to do in this chamber- is there anything else that needs to be checked out? Any other skills, or investigation that you need to do?


First Post
Kali takes a look around

Kali's not exactly a religious chap, but he is aware that many churches and chapels have one entrance for the congregation, and another for the priests. With his raised perceptions he tries to sniff out any possible hidden access, particularly on the back 'altar' wall and then on the eastern side.


Kali's not exactly a religious chap, but he is aware that many churches and chapels have one entrance for the congregation, and another for the priests. With his raised perceptions he tries to sniff out any possible hidden access, particularly on the back 'altar' wall and then on the eastern side.

The chamber has only one entrance, Kali is certain- he figures the chamber to be just part of the complex of rooms in the crypt- not a church or a chapel as such. Perhaps it was built as a shrine... or else, there are many possibilities.

Voidrunner's Codex

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