Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


First Post
Velani... as Viator's body crumples and falls, knowing beyond all doubt that the altar and it's wretched purpose is to blame for the psion's collapse.

Leaving little question that she is in full Sergeant-at-Arms mode, orders leave her lips to ther rest of the party. "Ah-shahran, tend to him. Freggo, Kyalia, keep watch. Kali, help me rock this cradle from its bough."

With a loud grunt, she heaves and shoves the edifice, hoping to topple it over, hoping to end any remaining ability it may have to harm others.

"When he is ready, we cleanse this place of its remaining unholy inhabitants and then get the hells OUT of here!"

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Already at Viator's side as Velani starts issuing commands, Ah-shahran soothes the fallen psion. With aid from the spirit world, Ah-shahran is quickly able to bring Viator back to consciousness. Getting coherent speech from him takes a bit more time--and a few face lickings from Gorm. As Viator relays the dark images and purpose behind the altar, Ah-shahran's expression turns grim. Satisfied that Viator will be all right, Ah-shahran sifts through painful memories, trying to remember if similar forces were at work during the first invasion of the Red Hand.

After a prolonged moment of introspection, Ah-shahran stands and offers a hand to Viator. As he helps the young eladrin to his feet, Ah-shahran has a flash of insight. "Buck up, youngster! We'll need your help against those undead--and potent help it will be, I think!" Turning to Velani, Ah-shahran asks, "Are we ready?"
[sblock=Mechanics]Since the collapse is pure RP, I'm going with the treatment and recovery as the same. History check as stated above, and then Cast Fortune on Viator.

Cast Fortune results: 10, 13, 13
[sblock=Cast Fortune]Effect: Roll a d20 three times when you use this power, and note the results, in order. These results replace, in order, the next three d20 rolls the target makes for any of the following types of rolls: attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. At the DM’s discretion, trivial rolls and rolls that the target makes in nondangerous or nonstressful situations can’t be replaced by your recorded results. When all three results have been used or when you next take an extended rest, the effect ends. The target doesn’t know if his or her fortune is good or bad unless you tell the target.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]

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First Post
OOC: Thank you Ah-shahran. Just to clarify for everyone, the altar journey sparked a flashback for Viator which in turn caused the collapse. Hope that was implied clearly enough.


Velani... as Viator's body crumples and falls, knowing beyond all doubt that the altar and it's wretched purpose is to blame for the psion's collapse.

Leaving little question that she is in full Sergeant-at-Arms mode, orders leave her lips to ther rest of the party. "Ah-shahran, tend to him. Freggo, Kyalia, keep watch. Kali, help me rock this cradle from its bough."

With a loud grunt, she heaves and shoves the edifice, hoping to topple it over, hoping to end any remaining ability it may have to harm others.

"When he is ready, we cleanse this place of its remaining unholy inhabitants and then get the hells OUT of here!"

Whilst Kali's raw strength cannot match Velani's he agrees with her sentiment - time for some desecration.

Geology is just pressure over time... what happens to the altar has little or nothing to do with geology, it takes Velani and Kali a little over five minutes to reduce the rock altar which has been about for centuries to... well, rubble.

So be it.

The pair grin.


Already at Viator's side as Velani starts issuing commands, Ah-shahran soothes the fallen psion. With aid from the spirit world, Ah-shahran is quickly able to bring Viator back to consciousness. Getting coherent speech from him takes a bit more time--and a few face lickings from Gorm. As Viator relays the dark images and purpose behind the altar, Ah-shahran's expression turns grim. Satisfied that Viator will be all right, Ah-shahran sifts through painful memories, trying to remember if similar forces were at work during the first invasion of the Red Hand.

After a prolonged moment of introspection, Ah-shahran stands and offers a hand to Viator. As he helps the young eladrin to his feet, Ah-shahran has a flash of insight. "Buck up, youngster! We'll need your help against those undead--and potent help it will be, I think!" Turning to Velani, Ah-shahran asks, "Are we ready?"
[sblock=Mechanics]Since the collapse is pure RP, I'm going with the treatment and recovery as the same. History check as stated above, and then Cast Fortune on Viator.

Cast Fortune results: 10, 13, 13
[sblock=Cast Fortune]Effect: Roll a d20 three times when you use this power, and note the results, in order. These results replace, in order, the next three d20 rolls the target makes for any of the following types of rolls: attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. At the DM’s discretion, trivial rolls and rolls that the target makes in nondangerous or nonstressful situations can’t be replaced by your recorded results. When all three results have been used or when you next take an extended rest, the effect ends. The target doesn’t know if his or her fortune is good or bad unless you tell the target.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]


Alas Ah-shahran has no clear indication as to which forces were 'in-charge' during the first coming of the hand- it was a time of chaos afterall. That said the Deva remembers vagueries and whispers- he was there remember, but certainly nothing to connect Vecna, or the families here in Rivenroar with the original Red Hand. Still, dark god of secrets... who really knows?


And so it comes to pass- Rivenroar, the beginning of the end...

Healed and rested you press on, the altar wrecked and the chamber ransacked- and with only one treasure left to recover- the platinum ceremonial sword, you head in to the final chamber.

The huge area was clearly constructed as throne room, perhaps a mirror of the seat of power above in the Rivenroar Keep- when it stood as a bastion of power in the vale. This throne room however must have been a secret place, a dark place...

To begin with the most obvious aspects of the chamber- the bone pile, centuries of dead lie heaped in the centre of the chamber- the pile rises up some 5 to 8 feet in total, the highest point being against the north wall- the thrones. The entire area is clearly difficult terrain.

The thrones of course are not empty, the chair on the left holds another skeletal figure, the figure is clad in the tatters of armour, an old rusty scimitar hangs forlornly attached by scraps of leather, or else toughened sinew. The figure sprawls upon the seat, bereft of life.

The throne on the right holds a ancient looking figure, its attire and fashion long since past- centuries old. The figure was clearly human, now some sad mockery of life, its skin as tight and taut as a drum, and without pigment- clearly it has spent a long time waiting in the dark.

Beside the chairs a chest, battered and busted.

Around the room, on the walls, the ragged scraps and remnants of banners and family crests- it seems many if not all the ruling families of Rivenroar are represented here.

Other than that... the chamber has a high ceiling, perhaps some twenty feet- it vaults overhead into shadow and darkness.

A second passage leads south, but from what you can see the way seems to be closed off, you remember- you are the other side of the passage that collapsed while you were rescuing the boy from the Ghouls and Zombies. Yours is the only way in- the only way out.

Save for your collective breathing, the creak of your armour, the rattle of your blades... not a sound.

That is until the emaciated figure on the far throne turns to face you... and speaks with a voice that conjures the grave- a hissing sibilant sound, like escaping air, or the hiss of cold, posionous death.

"Who daresss to enter here? Speak quickly, the Lords of Rivenroar are law."

The figure waits, and just for a second- you think you see the warrior skeleton beside it turn its head to hear...

GM: Added Init- just in case. All on full HP, and 4 Temp already applied to Velani.

New Map-

263 The Lords of Rivenroar


First Post
Velani parlays with the Lords

To the party, but loud enough for the Lords to hear: "Stay your hands, friends... show them we are no threat and that we mean only to assist them and return our people and relics to Fallcrest."

"Finally, we come face to face with those that truly belong here," Velani intones, sheathing her blade and walking slowly toward the those upon the throne. "Many interlopers have we found in your crypts, defiling your remains and former ways. We come to you now, Lords of Rivenroar, hands bereft of weapons and minds open, looking to right the wrongs of those who we have already dispatched. Allow us to restore your mortal remains to their rightful positions of glory so that you may face your gods in a manner much more befitting than this lingering undeath. Then we pledge to return to the surface with our kin and property. We will also do our best to seal the entrance so that no one may further desecrate your resting place.

What say you?"

OOC: Move to H6, careful not to disturb any bones.


Velani parlays with the Lords

To the party, but loud enough for the Lords to hear: "Stay your hands, friends... show them we are no threat and that we mean only to assist them and return our people and relics to Fallcrest."

"Finally, we come face to face with those that truly belong here," Velani intones, sheathing her blade and walking slowly toward the those upon the throne. "Many interlopers have we found in your crypts, defiling your remains and former ways. We come to you now, Lords of Rivenroar, hands bereft of weapons and minds open, looking to right the wrongs of those who we have already dispatched. Allow us to restore your mortal remains to their rightful positions of glory so that you may face your gods in a manner much more befitting than this lingering undeath. Then we pledge to return to the surface with our kin and property. We will also do our best to seal the entrance so that no one may further desecrate your resting place.

What say you?"

OOC: Move to H6, careful not to disturb any bones.

GM: You felt like rolling an Aid another check (on yourself), was that before or after you rolled the one for Diplomacy? LOL.

"Stay back mortal..."

The creature hisses, at the same moment the Skeleton Warrior springs up from its throne and effortlessly moves forward- it's surprisingly agile for a creature without flesh or sinew. Closer now you can see many of the its bones are shattered and splintered- a dreadful mess.

The Skeleton Warrior stands silent, its scimitar still sheathed, but its hand rests upon the hilt of its blade. An eerie red glow surrounded by a bloody furze stirs and pulses in each of the black wells that serve as its eyes.

The Warrior stands directly between you and its companion.

"Interloper... Defilers... We know little of whom you speak- we are Lords here. Those that inhabit this place serve at our pleasure..."

The second creature rises from its throne.

"What know you and your kind of kin, and property- those you serve, or else their forebears, took a hand in our destruction centuries long past... Be careful where you tread guardswoman, your honeyed words hold no sway here. WE ARE LAW HERE!"

The creature snaps, defiant.

"Take your skulking friends and depart this place- time has eroded our patience, unless you have power or fealty to offer us... If not, leave, while you are able. We forgive your trespass, and your ignorance- for now, but tarry to long and you will learn the meaning of suffering, by blade and bone I swear before the shadow that grows in the dark..."

You get the feeling the sands of time are running out...

New Map-

264 The Lords of Rivenroar- Velani chats awhile


First Post

Kali follows Velani in, also walking forward in a non-threatening manner, avoiding the bones, holding his axes low, casually, but not going so far as to sheathe them.

'I would ask you to heed my friend's advice, we mean you no harm, and would return you to your deserved rest. Let that be a peacefull process!!"

Kali cannot help but avoid a touch of intimidation in his attempt at diplomacy.

OOC: Move to J7, avoid stepping on any bones
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