At the sound of the scream Kali drops his axes and runs over to Velani, throws his bedroll down and lowers her onto it. He's seen how the next bit works with wild dogs, surely it can't be that different, can it!?! He remembers there's something about hot water and clean towels? Or was it clean water and hot towels? Or was that a sauna?
OOC: I don't have my character sheet around at the moment, so my role will be using the higher of heal and nature, which I think will be nature
Velani is guided down to a more comfortable position on your bedroll, she blinks rapidly between gasps for air and anguished cries- she's as amazed as you are, by the look of her extended belly the child is full term- what just happened.
However all thoughts of the mystery are soon overtaken- she screams again.
The child is coming...
Meanwhile the wise men- Ah-shahran, Viator & Freggo stand staute- mouths open... Kyalia must be one of the shepherds in the production, she too is unmoving.