Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


Ah-shahran walks over to the altar and takes a closer look, trying to figure out what power was being worshiped here.

OOC: Everyone should be at full HP--they can all end the "regen when bloodied" effect to gain 10 HP.

[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]


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Freggo begins to examine the room, attempting to feel any remaining magics that may need to be stopped as well as trying to glean any relevance to events past.


Ah-shahran walks over to the altar and takes a closer look, trying to figure out what power was being worshiped here.

OOC: Everyone should be at full HP--they can all end the "regen when bloodied" effect to gain 10 HP.

[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 35/35 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 8
AC: 17 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Resist: 6 necrotic, 6 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+3)
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
Action Points: 1 [] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Hand of Radiance, Adaptive Stratagem, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Cast Fortune, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Winged Horde (CBoAM), Potion of Healing, Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might/color]


The altar, such as it is, does not give up its secrets easily- the writing, or else strnage carvings are black on black- and best appreciated by touch, it's as if they were secrets to be found, or else hard won.

Ah-shahran is certain (with that skill roll) that this place was dedicated to the worship of Vecna... the knowledge sends a shiver down his spine, the worship of Vecna, for obvious reasons, is treasonous.

Vecna, for those not initiated, is the god of undeath, necromancy and secrets- deep dark secrets. What's more this altar has a slightly more worrying aspect, one that Ah-shahran's enquiry only hints at, something to do with shadow, and perhaps fire...

For more information the altar would need to be investigated further, and magical (Arcana) soundings taken.

Clearly however this is a terrible device, although seemingly inert, or else functioning on very low power.


Freggo begins to examine the room, attempting to feel any remaining magics that may need to be stopped as well as trying to glean any relevance to events past.

Freggo too feels the thrum of power from the altar, he too ascertains that the device is powered by, or else is something to do with shadow and flame... Alas he seems at a loss to piece the puzzle together, perhaps further study should be undertaken.

GM: Need a higher Arcana check than 16.

Historically the device hints at dark secrets centuries old- clearly the altar has been in place for centuries, perhaps as long as the crypts have been here. Perhaps the inhabitants of this place, one (or more) of the families that ruled the Vale from Rivenroar, had cause to worship Vecna.

While the device is ancient it has obviously been put to use recently, something has been stirring in Rivenroar crypts and has had cause to re-employ the device.

It seems Vecna, or else the worshippers of the god of dark secrets, has a foothold in the realm...


First Post
Velani's concerns

"Vecna you say? What use would the dark lord of secrets have with the recent denizens of this crypt? None have come across particularly of interest, save their criminal intent. Mayhaps the note we found from "The Emissary" is somehow part of this? Does Vecna not emply others to do his work as other gods do?

And what of this relic... Is it possible even the crypt itself was build around it? Who knows...

Regardless, I believe it poses a threat, as others could simply stumble on it and use it for their own means... can we turn it off? Destroy it?

Oh, and let's not forget our dearly departed Lord Frapple. While I have no problem putting the pointy end of my blade it a deserving, living creature, I'm not too keen on beheading after-the-fact. What say we simply take his body with us back to Derek and fulfill our agreement, after we deal with the pile-o-bones in the other room around the corner...."


Velani's concerns

"Vecna you say? What use would the dark lord of secrets have with the recent denizens of this crypt? None have come across particularly of interest, save their criminal intent. Mayhaps the note we found from "The Emissary" is somehow part of this? Does Vecna not emply others to do his work as other gods do?

And what of this relic... Is it possible even the crypt itself was build around it? Who knows...

Regardless, I believe it poses a threat, as others could simply stumble on it and use it for their own means... can we turn it off? Destroy it?

Oh, and let's not forget our dearly departed Lord Frapple. While I have no problem putting the pointy end of my blade it a deserving, living creature, I'm not too keen on beheading after-the-fact. What say we simply take his body with us back to Derek and fulfill our agreement, after we deal with the pile-o-bones in the other room around the corner...."

Vecna is a secret god, worshipped in dark places by dark people who have dark secrets... that much is known, and obvious, as to Vecna's commands to his followers-

*Never reveal all you know.
*Find the seed of darkness in your heart and nourish it; find it in others and exploit it to your advantage.
*Oppose the followers of all other deities so that Vecna alone can rule the world.

His followers tend to be lead by evil spellcasters, particularly those that wield arcane magic.

His ultimate aim- to rule all.

As to what use the inhabitants of the crypt etc... well, that's for you to divine.

As to the crypt construction and the altar to Vecna (that's what it is) then the place to hide such a thing would be underground in a secret place... like a crypt- which of the families constructed it however... that's beyond your ken.

As to destroying it, it has physical properties- a hammer and time, that's all it would take, however you get the feeling that there's still more to this device that you can divine- if only you had some expertise in the field of the arcane...


First Post
Shaking his head to clear the headache, Viator shudders. He can feel the dark magics suffusing the place, wanting to seep into his bones.

Subconsciously brushing himself off, he blurs closer to the altar, before carefully reaching out with his power, using the residue of Freggo's efforts to protect the group.

Please take guard. I may be vulnerable for a moment

OOC: If an Adept's Insight will reveal more, I'll drop that too


Shaking his head to clear the headache, Viator shudders. He can feel the dark magics suffusing the place, wanting to seep into his bones.

Subconsciously brushing himself off, he blurs closer to the altar, before carefully reaching out with his power, using the residue of Freggo's efforts to protect the group.

Please take guard. I may be vulnerable for a moment

OOC: If an Adept's Insight will reveal more, I'll drop that too

It's not the place that is suffused with dark magic, at least not in this chamber- it's a crypt, it smells and it's dirty- the dark magic is entirely situated in the hulking altar stone ahead.

Viator lets his power search out the spaces between...

This is what he sees, feels-

Blackness, the shadow, suffused in places with spots of red that roil and curl like flame, here and there heat- from the flame again, but mostly the numbing cold of the black.

Blackness, the shadow, the nothing, the void.

Suddenly Viator lurches forward, not his physical form but his psionic being- falling, suddenly falling- endless... he screams in the dark but his words, his being, is swallowed by the shadow-black.

He continues to hurtle through the black, except Viator is now aware that he is not falling, at least not falling down, he's falling forward- in time? In space?

Certainly towards another place...

A sudden disjunction, the pathway blocked or else broken- Viator crashes out, and lands with a jolt... In his body, he wipes his face, smears his bloody tears across his cheeks.

Viator understands- the altar is a communication device- it serves as a transfer point, most likely for small items, or else it is used to issue orders from somewhere, and someone, as of yet unseen and unknown. From the place of shadow and fire...

Back in reality the great altar stone grows gradually duller, the shadows and flame recede... one, two, three- and they're gone.

The magic is no more.

GM: Just a note- anything else you'd like to do, if I've not heard anything by tomorrow evening then I'll move you on, I take it you're going to investigate the last chamber- if two or more PCs indicate its time to move on this evening then I'll move you on now.


First Post

The enemy lies dead and looted, the magic is gone, Kali's work here is done. He awaits for his companions by the door, more than ready to finish with this place, he is keen to return to open skies. 'Just a short while longer' he tells himself.


First Post
...he could feel his tears evaporating from his cheeks as the heat singed his hair. His fingers no longer worked from clawing at the ground around him.

Darkness enveloped him. The shadows pulled him apart. He tried to scream but his voice was torn from his throat.

Shadows. Fire. Pain.

The world exploded...

Viator's body slumps to floor as his eyes roll over. His frail body twitches and convulses. Then he goes very still.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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