Spelljammer Spelljammer Confirmed (MAYBE, April Fools?)


Even though I'm sure he's right, and have the same moral certitude, I'd love to see @Parmandur loose the avatar bet. :p
I know, right, Bolares?

It's like Parmandur thinks that because there's a AAA video game title coming out from a beloved developer with a Spelljammer tie-in, and just because there was an Unearthed Arcana for plasmoids, hadozees, and giff, and juuust because there was a product teased with Boo the miniature giant space hamster sketched with a beholder in the background... that he has some kind of logical superiority! Ridiculous.

I can thwart that with one simple line of clean logic: A miniature "giant space hamster" is just a hamster. And hamsters aren't inherently magical (...or that's what they want you to think).

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And with that you lost me. Hamsters are magical!
Can I roll to disbelieve the illusion?



Lol, sometimes I dont understand old schoolers. Rabbits are bad, owls are bad, dragons are bad, ... but hamsters are ok.
Understanding old schoolers is very simple:

1) When in doubt, try more fire.

2) We like gonzo settings like Spelljammer more than we're willing to admit.

Coincidentally, gonzo is an anagram for "no go'z" @Parmandur – if you'll allow me to nibble another hole in your theory of certitudity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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