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[SPOILERS] Angel Episode 1/28/2004: "Damage"


LightPhoenix said:
I thought the whole premise was flawed. Why wasn't this girl moved to a high security, strongly contained area one she showed signs of super-strength? How did the medicine even get messed up? I have friends who work in psych wards and that just does not happen, especially with people who have been in there a while.

Well, the medicine got messed up...probably on purpose
one of the nurse's called W&H...because she "knows someone who works there?" (suuuuure)
and Spike found out about it on his own... presumably through "Doyle"

My guess would be that is another plot by Lefty.

My question about the episode is...if Buffy and co. know that Angel took over W&H, how can they NOT know about Spike? Or do they?

As for your concerns about this showing making Buffy references...deal with it. they are NOT two seperate shows, sorry. Whoever told you they were, LIED.

And for any Andrew-bashers out there...buy a sense of humor. the boy is comedy GOLD. "Like Gandalf the White returned from the pit of the Balrog"

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stevelabny said:
As for your concerns about this showing making Buffy references...deal with it. they are NOT two seperate shows, sorry. Whoever told you they were, LIED.

And for any Andrew-bashers out there...buy a sense of humor. the boy is comedy GOLD. "Like Gandalf the White returned from the pit of the Balrog"
While I probably shouldn't respond to this, I'm going to.

One, Joss Whedon et al. said it was two seperate shows when they named is Angel. That said, I expect references, I expect the occasional scene that has to do with Buffy... I don't mind them at all. However, this show has been on for four and a half seasons, building it's own characters, stories, and mythologies. Yes, I resent it when an entire episode of a show I like is basically a follow-up episode for a show that ended that I never really watched anyway. And of course, you never really saw Angel stuff creep into Buffy like this, did you? Aside from the Faith cross-over, which the Angel side of really didn't even feel like a cross-over.

Two, some kid gibbering on like an idiot about geek stuff is not funny. It's sad and pathetic. If this boy is comedy gold then the ore market just crashed, because it was terrible. Of course, I don't blame the actor so much as I blame the director and writer for not realizing that it's just dumb and over the top. Any hack writer can create a character that's uber-geeky and conforms to stereotypes.

It seems like all you Buffy-watchers (no pun intended) seem to like the episode, and that's great. I'm glad someone got something out of the episode. I just happened to think it was the worst episode so far; that it did nothing to advance the story, marginalized the cast of the show that made it the show, and was just plain poorly conceptualized. Different strokes for different folks.


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RangerWickett said:
So, for a poor bastard like me who forgot there was Angel (and Chapelle's Show) on last night, and instead ran a D&D game, could anyone please recount what occurred, in detail? Make sure to quote everyone exactly, and if you could describe the camera angles and upload mp3s of the music, that'd be great.

Well, the only skit I really recall offhand was having a white family with the last name of "Ni**er" or thereabouts. You can fill in most of the jokes from there.

and in case you care about Angel, there was a young girl abducted, tortured, found on some street, tossed in an asylum. She was a protoslayer, and imbued when they cast the spell on Buffy. Her medication got mixed up and she broke out, killed some people, muttered insanely.
Angel called The Watchers, who sent Andrew. Spike patrolled, Andrew accompanied him, they got ambushed, Spike was captured. The girl was having slayer-flashbacks, so inserted Spike's image into the memories of her abduction. She chained Spike up, injected some stuff, beat him up, cut off his hands.
Andrew ran to W&H, got Angel, they went to the place, Angel fought the slayer, and held her while she got tranq'd by some W&H team guys.
They were transporting her out, and Andrew said "she's mine" they faced off, then a bunch of slayers came out. Angel said "wait til Buffy hears" Andrew said "she's the one that said so, no one trusts you"
They left with slayer, SPike was in a hospital, where his arms were reattached. he and Angel had a talk, the end.


Here's a question - Vampires in the Buffyverse are physically corpses, right? No breathing, blood pumping, etc. In which case, how come tranquilizers and drugs (even mundane ones, as the insane girl in this episode used) work on them?


shilsen said:
Here's a question - Vampires in the Buffyverse are physically corpses, right? No breathing, blood pumping, etc. In which case, how come tranquilizers and drugs (even mundane ones, as the insane girl in this episode used) work on them?
Actually, from what I've been able to gather, they are still breathing, etc. Angel's been drugged before, too. *shrug* Doesn't fit my image of vampires, but the Buffyverse has its own mythos.

As far as last night's show, I didn't think it was too bad. Basically filler stuff, but developed this "black hole of W&H" thing a bit.

My only real complaint was Andrew. Man, do I hate that character! Always have. He sucked the life out of every minute he was on screen in Buffy, and he did doubly so in Angel because of the difference in mood. Please, Joss, in the name of all that's holy, unholy, or just plain mauve, never show us Andrew again. Seeing him makes me want to change the channel.

Taren Seeker

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Everyone seems to be assuming that this Ep was filler and had nothing really to do with Angel.

Did anyone think that this may be the beginnings of a major new story arc? Whether you like Buffy or not, the fact is that it's a shared universe and the awakening of the Slayers is a major power shift. I'm glad to see them develop this in Angel.

I am also glad that we are running into more power groups (Slayers, whoever sicced the cyborgs on them) in the world, it was getting on my nerves that there was Angel and Co., W&H and not much else. The fact that there are major forces for good out there that now view Angel as the enemy opens up a host of possibilities for me.

Oh, and Andrew was awesome. His Hobbit haircut was the crowning touch ;)


Mercule said:
Actually, from what I've been able to gather, they are still breathing, etc. Angel's been drugged before, too. *shrug* Doesn't fit my image of vampires, but the Buffyverse has its own mythos.
Nope, not breathing. That was established pretty early, when Angel was the only one who could go into a room with toxic gas/smoke to do something. Also used in Angel season 4 when Angel went to Jasmine's home dimension, where the air was toxic. Their lungs apparently function muscularly (because they can talk and smoke), but for some reason they can't give mouth-to-mouth.

Well, a vampire can't give a person mouth to mouth because, like, there'd be zombie dust or something, and you'd kill the person.

But kissing and sex is just fine. I mean . . . vampiric STDs? Ew.

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