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Star Wars Legacy: Scattered


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ValenarJaeldira said:
Ikari: [sblock]Sitting in the office of your meager quarters aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Tarkin, you hear your holo-comm buzzer go off. As you move across the room to it, you notice the call is coming from the dedicated line Emperor Fel uses to contact his knights. You push the answer button and the Image of Roan Fel, flanked by three of his Imperial Knights appears to you. You salute him as his holo-image appears.

“Greetings Lt. Taelunn. I have just received word that the bulk of the Galactic Republic fleet has surrendered to Morlish Veed’s forces. I have requested that the Jedi all be able to leave the Academy on Corescant and retire to the Praxeum on Ossus. The Jedi representatives I have spoken to have given me a list of all Jedi that have operating in Imperial space so that they can be told of the haven we are offering them on Ossus. A Jedi Master by the name of Todlo Kaas and his apprentice are currently on Manaan, following a vision from the Force that Master Kaas has apparently been very secretive about. I would like for you to find Master Kaas and his apprentice and tell them that it is in their best interest to get to Ossus as soon as possible. Help them wrap up their business on Manaan if need be. Do you have any questions Lieutenant?”[/sblock]


Presumably something like what I designed char wise is okay. RP wise nothing should change anyway, but feel free to ignore this if that is not the case, so...


Ikari bows and answers, "I will do as you ask of course. just in casse what is your desire if they do not wish to leave after I discuss this with them? Or, if what they are trying to find is important?"

OOC: Given an answer, Ikari moves on to the next step. Call up details on the two jedi from info provided (and it should be available afiak). And then puts out an immediate request/notice to prep and hold a shuttle for departure for the surface as soon as possible. Then call into the local (surface) constable and ask for an all points bulliten to report location of, but not apprehend, gentlemen matching the two Jedis' description...

Now he probably learns that the apprentice is his brother... Sooo. Farsense will be tried. After that proceed to the surface as soon as possible while waiting for any reports of the two. Given how provincial things my be, they may sit on his request so... I'm guessing the capital is their likely location and headdin' on down. Barring any other offical news/farsense, start hitting bars and so on seeing if anyone matches their description, and spreading around some credits (business expense account presumably?) to find them.
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Ughti and Wyallt[sblock]The two of you make your way to the tapcaffe together. As you enter, you see a human and a Durros wearing Jedi robes standing at the counter, ordering drinks. Sitting at one of the tables is your friend, Krootho[/sblock]

Tycho[sblock] Master Kaas turns from you and orders a cup of the house blend, he then steps aside to allow you to order. He then scans his cred-chit and he walks to a table a gestures for you to sit down. As you finish ordering, an Ithorian and a Rodian wander into the tapcaffe.[/sblock]

Ikari[sblock] You are able to find out more information on Master Todlo Kaas, but very little on his apprentice. You do see that the Jedi provide information on Todlo Kaas's emergency comlink, and you are able to obtain the frequency.

Your shuttle is ready to depart whenever you have a clear destination.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ughti, Ithorian Mobster Pilot

Mr. FX Happy :D

VJ and Wylalt[sblock]Ughti walks quietly with Wyalt all the way to the cafe - his thoughts lost on ship prep, new job opportunities, and being a little bit lonely and lost in his little world.

As they enter the cafe Ughti takes notice of the Jedi and looks upon them with suspicion. The Ithorian searches his feelings about the Jedi and then he nods to Krootho. He then makes his way towards him trying to keep his distance from the robed figures.

He looks to Krootho's table anticipating seeing the steaming hot cup of unpalatable coffiene, and a barely edible wrap that the Selkath so adores.[/sblock]
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VJ and FX


What are Jetii doing here? Wyallt wonders as he enters the tapcaf and sees the human and Duros standing at the counter. The Rodian walks over to his co-worker's table and takes a seat.

"How long have the Jetii been there?" he asks Krootho, whispering the words so that others don't hear him.


First Post
ValenarJaeldira said:
Ikari[sblock] You are able to find out more information on Master Todlo Kaas, but very little on his apprentice. You do see that the Jedi provide information on Todlo Kaas's emergency comlink, and you are able to obtain the frequency.

Your shuttle is ready to depart whenever you have a clear destination.[/sblock]

Ikari finishes his research and sighs at the lack of detail. *Clearly the Jedi are not sharing all, but then again this situation is... unprecidented. Truthfully though, I doubt the Empire would do more if he were in their postition... It should be enough in any event. And meeting Master Kaas should be educational at least.*

Ikari comms Master Kaas and (assuming he answers) says, "Master Kaas. I apologize for the disturbence. I am Lieutenent Ikari Taelunn in service of his emminence Empiror Fel. I assume you have heard of the latest developments and wish to inform you that the both the Emperor and the leader of your order (insert name) would prefer us to meet up and discuss how to help you finish your mission, and *ahem*(chuckle) see you on your way. If you can provide your location, then I can be down from orbit shortly to see what can be done to help."
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First Post
[sblock=Ikari] Master Kaas responds. "Lt. Ikari Taelunn? Yes, thank you. I am sending you our coordinates now. We shall stay put, at least for an hour and enjoy our coffiene at the local Tapcaffe...we look foward to seieng you."

Your shuttle is prepared as you recieve Kaas's coordinates, and you are able to land in a local spaceport with-in 5 minutes walk of the tapcaffe. You arrive at the Tapcaffe well with-in the hour and see a Duros Jedi master and your brother, obviously his apprentice, just sitting down at a table with their drinks. At another table a Rodian, Ithorian, and Selkath are talking in low voices and enjoying their drinks.[/sblock]

[sblock=Tycho]As you and Master Kass take a seat with your drinks, and the Rodian and Ithorian sit with their Selkath friend for drinks, your brother walks into the Tapcaffe in full Imperial Knight regalia. His surprise is evident.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ughti and Wyallt]The two of you see that Krootho has drinks and food for you already. He responds to Wyallt's question:

"They came in just a few moments ago. They seemed surprised by the news--the Republic fleet has surrendered. I thought the young one wa sgoing to cry...oh ho! This should be nteresting."

He directs his hand to the door where you see a human in red armor emblazoned with the Imperial seal on one shoulder and one gauntlet, a lightsaber haging at his belt-an imperial knight.

"I don't think the Imperials and the Jedi get along so well..."


First Post


Wyallt looks at Krootho in surprise once he mentions the surrender of the Galactic Alliance. "This just happen?" he asks, the last he heard of the war being the start of some battle above Caamas. He takes a sip of his drink, grimacing somewhat at the flavor of it. He glances over the tapcaf and then sees the distinctive red armor of an Imperial Knight.

"A Bes'jetii, too?" he asks, pointing slightly to the Imperial Knight. "Anyone else feeling slightly nervous, here?"[/sblock]


First Post
ValenarJaeldira said:
[sblock=Ikari] Master Kaas responds. "Lt. Ikari Taelunn? Yes, thank you. I am sending you our coordinates now. We shall stay put, at least for an hour and enjoy our coffiene at the local Tapcaffe...we look foward to seieng you."[/sblock]

As Ikari enters the bar he almost starts, clearly quite surprised for a Jedi er... Imperial Knight. And a smile briefly crosses his face before he tamps down on it as perhaps unseemly in public. He makes his way over to the table where Master Kaas and Tycho are seated and bows his head in greeting to Master Kaas, "A pleasure.." And then looks at Tycho and says, "Well, now it has been quite a while brother. I am truly glad to see you. I hope you are not causing master Kaas too much grief (chuckles at that thought, with a twinkle in his eye)."

OOC: Tycho: Ikari is a bit of a square peg/round hole sorrta guy, and was never above a bit of shady sneeking and so on when younger. But he was always a reliable sort with his heart in the right place, even if he did get into a bit of trouble now and then.
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ughti, Male Ithorian Mobster Pilot

Ughti shakes his head at the mention of the Republic surrendering and then looks about the room, especially to the Jedi for a moment. Once the Ithorian sees the Imperial walk in he mutters under his breath "Well, here goes the neighborhood."

As the Imperial approaches the Jedi Ughti tenses in anticipation for melee and looks for the nearest exit. He searches his feelings for how this is all going to play out.

He whispers his 'companions' "We may want to get ready to leave. I do not think we are going to want to be involved in anything that either of them are. Any undue attention could jeopardize out work." He nods towards the door.
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Brother Allard

First Post
After settling from his initial surprise, Tycho struggles to suppress his frown, obviously having some difficulty in mastering his rather complex emotions. He blushes at his brother's jibe and grins, weakly: "Hello, Brother. I trust you are well."

What in the name of the Force is he doing here? Tycho wonders. Master Kaas must have known. Why didn't he warn me? Is this another test? Master Kaas was frequently inscrutable, but he rarely did anything without some purpose in mind. Tycho silently resolves to patiently await the point of what must surely be another exercise. He pointedly refuses to turn and look at the Rodian, but feels the full weight of his appraising gaze nevertheless.

Voidrunner's Codex

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