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Star Wars Legacy: Scattered


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Brother Allard said:
After settling from his initial surprise, Tycho struggles to suppress his frown, obviously having some difficulty in mastering his rather complex emotions. He blushes at his brother's jibe and grins, weakly: "Hello, Brother. I trust you are well."

Ikari smiles at Tycho reseve, "I have been indeed. I am really glad to see you. It has been a while hasn't it? And don't worry, I am sure you have done very well, at least compared to myself. I was a rather um... difficult child as you will recall, and not much better as an apprentice at times I fear. You always were the better one that way.(smile)"

"Well we can catch up later... I will guess you both heard the news. Officially of course, I am thrilled to peaches about it. (then very quietly) Unofficially maybe not so much hrrrm? (Normal volume again) Anyway, Emporer Fel has asked that I aid you in whatever it is your doing, within reason of course. Presumably so that you can be on your way to Ossus where the Jedi are all apparently heading?"

"Now, I think he has a fair idea what that mission is, but just likes not letting me know about it. Like not saying Tycho here was with Master Kaas, but assigning me to the mission. Very nice of him actually, but also keeps us Imperial Knights on our toes and all I guess. So, is this mission something we can talk about here or... (looks knowingly at all the patrons, and ears, around him)."
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Interrupting the conversations, Ikari's commlink buzzes. When he answers, the captain of the Tarkin comes over the comm.

"Lt. Taelunn, I have just been informed that a Sith Strike Force has arrived on planet. Our orders are to aid them in whatever ways possible. They are sekeing two Jedi agents on Manaan for capture. We have identified their vessel and are watching it from orbit. If they try to take off, we will see to it they don't make it off-planet. Darth Viathan is currently en route to your location in order to make contact."

Upon hearing the comm, the Tapcaffe keeper says to Ikari and the Jedi, "We don't want any trouble here, you best all leave now."

Master Kaas replies, "Certainly, we wouldn't want to cause you any trouble. Ikari Taelunn...I sense that you had no knowledge of this and truly wished us aid. We need to find another route off-planet, and fast. Perhaps our mission of finding a powerful local force-sensitive best come to a halt. Ikari, will you help us?"


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ughti, Male Ithorian Mobster Pilot

VJ and Wyalt[sblock]Ughti's eyes have become transfixed Jedi and the Imperial as he listens to what transpires. Without looking the Ithorian picks up the cup of coffein and drinks it in one gulp, picks up the wrap and inhales it - unflinching and completely unemotional in the process. He whispers to Wyalt "We are going to steal the transport and take these people off-world." and starts to walk towards them...[/sblock]


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ValenarJaeldira said:
Interrupting . . . Ikari, will you help us?"[/COLOR]


Ouchie, what a choice.

Okay, as I understand it, Imperial Knights serve the Emporer pretty much as his direct agents, not so much the empire itself? So Sith are not in Ikari's chain of command? How hard is it to contact the emporer, or someone in his service who could straigthen out this mess favorably? Would the emporer's orders to him superceed the one the captain has?
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VJ & FX[sblock]

"I'll go get my armor," Wyallt says with the Rodian equivalent of a slight grin. "Be back in about ten minutes." With that, the Mandalorian Rodian takes off from the tapcafe in a jog.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ughti, Male Ithorian Mobster Pilot

Ughti approaches the Imperial and the two Jedi. He bows his head slightly to acknowledge his approach and to show a peachful intent. Quietly he says to the three "I can get you offworld in a passanger transport. Meet me on port 3 at the 'Starkiller’s Revenge' in a half an hour. Things may get a little rough so be prepared."

[sblock]Will I have time to load my swoop or will I have to leave it behind? What do I know about the when the ship comes and gos and its gaurds and so on.

IF I am derailing everything you have planned let me know and I can change what I have planned . I am really running with it. ;) [/sblock]
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[sblock=Ikari]Yes, you work for the Emperor (and theoretically the Empire) first. Roan Fel is an Imperial Knight himself, has personally overseen most of your training, as well as the training of your comrades in arms. The Sith are another faction that has been allied with the Empire during the war. You would likely place Roan Fel's orders over any captain's orders-he is the Emperor and they are all his servants-the Sith are not. Most common Imperials are more afraid of the Sith than they are of just about anything short of Yuzam Vhong and work along side the Sith just to not displease them. Roan Fel would probably be pretty tough to get ahold of--when you try, you find that all frequencies to the Imperial Capitol are being jammed.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ughti]It might take you some time to load up you swoop...you could go there first and drive it over to the docking bay and it wouldn't take too much time. You certainly are NOT derailing my plan...I'd hoped either you would offer or, more likely, they would ask for help.[/sblock]


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ValenarJaeldira said:
Upon hearing the comm, the Tapcaffe keeper says to Ikari and the Jedi, "We don't want any trouble here, you best all leave now."

Master Kaas replies, "Certainly, we wouldn't want to cause you any trouble. Ikari Taelunn...I sense that you had no knowledge of this and truly wished us aid. We need to find another route off-planet, and fast. Perhaps our mission of finding a powerful local force-sensitive best come to a halt. Ikari, will you help us?"

Ikari answers the barkeep, "Yes, very soon. I understand your concern."

He then tries to Comm the emporer himself and discovers all lines into the capital being jammed... And actually frowns, it is clear the wheels are turning in his head adding things up as a plan forms. Its pretty clear that trouble is brewing, but there is only so many things he can influence on his own, one of which is seeing to his orders... Another, would be seeing to it that no harm be-falls the patrons or proprieter of this bar when trouble comes calling later as he suspects it most certainly shall...

He tries using the force to telepath over "yes" to both Kaas and Tycho. But if successful, he actually says in a fairly official sounding tone, "Come with me." He looks at Ughti who offered aid, and adds "you too", if he can wink at him without anyone the wiser he does so hopefully conveying play along.
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Brother Allard

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Tycho quickly suppresses the look of concern that crosses his face. He says nothing, but focuses his attention inward for a moment - extending his senses through the Force.

[sblock=VJ]I still don't have the book - it's ordered, but hasn't arrived yet - so you'll have to bear with me as a stumble through this. I understand, however, that it is possible to sense other force sensitives within 100 kilometers with a DC 15 UTF check. Is that right? If I'm understanding correctly, Tycho will do so - taking 10 - to see if the Sith are anywhere nearby.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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