Star Wars Saga/D&D 5th Hybrid [OOC/Rolls]


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Hmm well you all have to decide what to do next... if you want to sneak into the mining camp and look around for the mercs you need a Group Stealth Roll :)

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First Post
What if we just sabotage the mercs equipment somehow before investigating the kwi? That way if the mercs attempt to stop us they would have a severe setback.


Greenkarl: Just a minor thing. With Jihahnas response to our sullustian 'taxi driver', i didn't mean to contact Vivian right away about its reliability. I was just asking the sullustian for its phone number in case we needed a quick emergency pickup. A good evac driver could be worth their weight in gold after all...

Everybody: Regarding where to go next. Mining camp sounds good to me. There'll be possible danger wherever we go, but we might as well start in the last place the kwi were spotted. I'd say the mercs were there too. Furtheremore, more than a couple of us have survival skills for travking and additionally, there's a chance that our mercs don't camp out in the jungle at night, but instead, go back to the camp.

Finally, as a general idea, maybe Jihahna can try and tap into the mercs communications to find out their location?


First Post
AH ok thats fine also :) yes the 'bush-pilot' would totally provide you her comlink number.

I think Tools (Electronics) should be able to get you a basic location, but not what is being said. I would assume that you could have gotten most of the com channels of Czerka corp and the miners as they are all public records

Also the mercs arrived here this morning. It is now fairly early in the afternoon (say 1 or 2). There is still 4-5 hours of daylight left today...


First Post
[sblock=OOC]. Oh, see I thought I purchased one before (Page 6 Post 55 IC thread. Though I made the roll for it on Page 21, Post 202 of the OOC thread. You had me make the gather information roll to find one and I got 17? Sorry, i went ahead and assumed at the time that it was a successful purchase, but should have asked you for clarification.[/sblock]

Hmm I might have missed that... I asked for a Gather Information check, was that what the 17 was? I thought that was an Electronic check. Not the same thing.


First Post
Hmm I am not sure a 17 on an frontier world would find anyone wanting to sell a slicer kit. Only because they are very illegal and there is not a huge underground out on this world. Maybe... at twice the base cost...


Ah crap. Yeah, that means the result is one less. (Cha rather than Int). If you check my previous post (199) though, you'll see i correctly listed my next planned roles as "I'll make the Gather Information (Slicer Kit) and the Tools (Electronics) check once i know.".Sorry mate. I've been a little sloppy there.


First Post
Its ok I was not paying attention as I should have been also. Generally licensed gear cost 50% more (the cost of the license) and illegal gear is 100% more. At character creation you can get it less and there is a Noble Talent that allows you to make a roll to lower the cost...

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